Wow, makes me want to fire all my white workers and hire latino women instead
Get to pay them 2x less while they do the same job as white men would do and just as good because racism is bad and sexism too
Nice misinformation, you really corrected my record there.
Oh GOD. This pay gap shit again.
>Not being a NEET
kys wageslaves
>latinos have shit jobs
>its the white mans fault
This women is a cancer and you're a faggot.
Dumbfuckcuck Germany, desperately trying to get other nations to join them in misery and failure by electing traitorous women that don't have a single fucking iota of sense beyond pay2play politics and selling out their people.
Go extinct already, you sack of shit.
My ancestors bombed you niggers into dust once before, and yet you still manage to destroy all off Europe with your pet niggers and muslims.
The only thing thats getting BTFO is this planet by german stupidity.
just deport the illegal ones
they get paid less than minimum wage because it won't be reported income so there's no incentive to follow any other law
same reason they'll rape a woman, if you breach one wall you might as well breach another
Nice, now we can all get paid .54 cents.
The simple fact that there aren't shittons of companies firing all their male employees to replace them with cheaper Latina already proves that there is more to it.
Doesn't the data she posted show that they make $0.54 for every $0.78 earned by whites? Does she think we're that stupid?
Where's the outrage about Asians being paid too much?
Omg, I hate white men now.
Let's pass a law to half their wages and cap it there :)
How can they get so close and yet so far?
The Humungous Wot woman made a video where she showed that black women were much more likely to be raped - and then said it was because men can 'sniff out' vulnerable groups for raping. The chart included all sorts of races, showing rape stats increasing with skin darkness.
How can they be so stupid?! When it's staring them right in the face?! Or are they being deceptive?
This is compared to white men. White females earn $0.78 for every $1 a white man earns.
Is yellow fever legit?
Yeah apparently these issues are because of muh white privilege. How come asian women are paid more than white women then?
Killary shills BTFO I think.
I love how she's being inadvertently racist to Asians.
Ah, I see, thanks
We should take from Hillary's salary to give to shitskins for equality 2bh.
>Or are they being deceptive?
Intentionally so. The numbers MUST fir their narrative. And if they don't... well, they just get new numbers! (Because "we can't be wrong. No sir. The NUMBERS have to be wrong! Yeah, that's it!")
Hell yeah, give more and more idiots a reason to chase high paying jobs. Ill keep living off of 1k a month,Self employed, renting a studio apt, playing video games, taking road trips, literally doing what I want when I want as long as I'm frugal.
Why are modern bedrooms like this? Why do people put matted/framed photos on the floor?
Goddamn Asian privilege.
another one just for good measure