CW/Arrowverse Hype

Arrowverse hype thread.

With the season debuts just around the corner its about time we have one of these.

What are you most looking forward to?
What are you most dreading?
Which show do you think will have the best season this time around?
What will the crossover be?

seriously? nothing?

fuck you Sup Forums

I am.

hopefully something related to the Green Lantern like cameo from Hal or Guy

>What are you most looking forward to?
I hope Arrow can carry on improving and being a decent show
>What are you most dreading?
Flash - it hasn't been good since Season 1 really
>Which show do you think will have the best season this time around?
Legends of Tomorrow (as always)
>What will the crossover be?
We already know that they're going to punch some Nazi's on Earth-X

CWverse is dead, bury it

Can't wait for 'Girls night out' crossover. Felicity is awesome, I hope she gets more screentime.

Jesus Christ no.

I hate WestAllen. SnowBarry is way better. Why don't they kill Iris? Because she's black?

yeah, bring back Linda, she was far better

I am okay with this concept.

These shows are pretty meh over all.

And you posted at like midnight US time.

Looking forward to I guess Flash since Arrow's season was ok last season, so it'll probably be trash this season.

Most dreading Supergirl because it's so boring. I'll give it an episode or two but I'll probably drop it like I dropped the previous season.

Girls Day and then Nazis is cross over

You Felicity haters are just sexists.

>I am okay with this concept.
Cool. But I still prefer her as Arrow.

>seriously? nothing?
Well, Sup Forums is not like Sup Forums.

Super excited for Arrow season 6. It’s going to be lit. Olicity rules DCTV!

That Felicity is hot as hell. I will watch anything that features her glorious blossom. That thing is tight.

I'm stoked at Ralph Dibny showing up because we're getting more of the lesser known DC heroes.

I hope Metamorpho, Sapphire Stagg, and others show up.

We've gotten the companies that they're related to so hopefully we'll also get the characters

>Ralph Dibny
CGI is gonna be awful.

Holy shit, what an ugly bitch.

I couldn't give 2 shits about the CGI so long as they truly capture what Ralph's like in the comics. Hopefully we'll have a Sue too so that we can have crime-solving couple.

Unlike Inhumans and Agents of SHIELD, the CWverse isn't hampered by the DCEU. So they're free to do their own thing and utilize characters that the movies will pass up.

I'd kill to see the following:
- The Metal Men
- Doom Patrol
- Will Magnus
- Adam Strange
- Captain Comet
- Deadman
- Madame Xanadu
- Swamp Thing

And seeing how DC owns WildStorm, we should see Team 7 and other characters from that line.

>what an ugly bitch.
Frost is CUTE!

>kills deadshot cause of Suicide Squad
keep telling yourself that

>Flash - it hasn't been good since Season 1 really
Sadly this is true. The only thing I enjoyed in Season 2 was the Supergirl crossover and visiting Earth-2.

I tried watching Season 3, but it really pissed me off that the writers had Barry do something completely irresponsible with the timeline so I have yet to finish it.

Do we have any idea when Freedom Fighters: The Ray is going to air?

>So they're free to do their own thing and utilize characters that the movies will pass up.

Aside from a few A listers, the universe is composed of heroes and villains that will not get movies. The fucking Flash villain last season was Savitar for Christ's sake.

delete this

>most looking forward to
Most looking forward to Michael Emerson on Arrow. Hopefully, with someone of his "TV caliber" being on the show, that guarantees that Arrow will be at least a 5/10 this season, which will still put it above S3 and S4.

>most dreading
Honestly, there's a lot to dread about each of these shows.

The biggest thing will be the inevitable reunion (after Lian Yu blew up) between Ollie and Felicity. If it happens in the first episode and Felicity hasn't become a villain, it will be "I'm the darkest of the dark, but you're the lightness in me!!!!11!!" levels of awful. S5 at least implied that Felicity could go down a bad road, and I'd like them to start with that, rather than reset things to status quo and *then* make her a villain.

>best season
I don't watch LoT, so I don't know if I can give a good answer. I think Supergirl has the potential to have the most improved season, since this will be its second on the CW and its second in Vancouver. Flash could be really good if the rumors (about it being lighter, etc.) are true, but a lot of the same talk was said for Arrow S4, which was probably the worst season of all.

I'm glad Felicity triggers you haha!

>The fucking Flash villain last season was Savitar for Christ's sake.
Yeah I'm fucking pissed that we got ANOTHER speedster villain in Season 3. It's why I stopped watching it.

I want Flash to battle Abra Kadabra and other Rogues. Reverse Flash was fine for Season 1, but no Zoom or Savitar.

So, is The Flash gonna be the first show of the bunch to come back?
When are Supergirl and Legends starting?

No, they're all airing this week. Supergirl on Monday; Flash and then LoT on Tuesday; Arrow on Thursday.


>Flash - it hasn't been good since Season 1 really


>Arrowverse hype
Arrow is unwatchable and at this point any of the guys they stop are less criminals than anyone in team arrow is. The standard vigilante hypocrisy became unbearable in S3, and now is just painful to watch. Not to mention how repetitive it is.

Flash had 3 speedsters as villain in 3 seasons and had the most cliche boring finale ever

LoT was stupid since the beginning what made it fun to watch until they had to add romantic bullshit too.

What is to be hyped for?

supergirl of course

As awesome as that would sound, I don't think DC is allowed to adapt those for live-action because they have to pay the creators.

I do agree that what you listed should be shown in the near future for Flash. No more speed baddies and focus on building the CWverse even more with other heroes and villains.

Looking forward to all the new villains. I've wanted Thinker and Drakon for a while now, and KG Beast is finally gonna step into an evil role. Also hyped for the new Flash suit and Barry hopefully being less of an imbecile. Constantine will show up in Legends for an episode I think.

Dreading the typical romance shit, especially the rumored return of Olicity in the crossover. Also Kara being depressed and shit because Mon El and Saturn Girl are probably gonna show up as a couple. Fingers crossed for Brainiac 5 and Kara because that's a relationship that actually works.

I think Legends or Arrow will have the best. Either that or Flash will have a Season 5 of Arrow like recovery. Supergirl has no chance, it's been by far the worst show overall. Never had a stand out season like the rest have with Arrow 1,2, and 5, Flash 1, or Legends 2.

Earth X will be fun, but fuck me pls no Olicity. Excited for the Ray

Constantine will appear on Legends. Matt Ryan will be back.

Fuck you.

Isn't there also an animated webseries in the works?


No hype whatsoever.

Nah, they got rid of Mon-El after he deflowered Supergirl

Is Black Lightning still happening or did it get canned?

>Also Kara being depressed and shit because Mon El and Saturn Girl are probably gonna show up as a couple.

God, I hope not. Imra is for Garth.

Who cares?

It won't start until January


let the hype begin!

So what's on tomorrow?


Sounds good. Watch as it rating skyrocket this time because Gotham is on another night.

Legends is still shit.

It's better than Flash

Eat a fucking dick.
You clearly have literally no taste at all.
The Legion of Doom was the greatest thing to come out of this fucking disaster of a TV Universe.

I'm looking forward to Arrow and hoping it's as reasonable as last season, especially because I want to see what they do in place of flashbacks, if anything.

Have they revealed the villain yet for this season of Flash? Let me guess, it's another speedster.

I demand more Citizen Steel and Vixen.
Other than that, keep making Arrow great.

So far its the Thinker

But it's still early and they could change their mind half way through the season

I'm still looking forward to Arrow because I have a gay crush on Stephen Amell after his appearance on American Ninja Warrior.

They already did Reverse Flash, Zoom and Savitar (with the added bonus of him being evil future Barry). What other evil Speedster could they even possibly use?


user, I....


I wouldn't put it past them to try the Future Barry bullshit again.
Also I feel sad they wasted The Rival on that Flashpoint crap.


Jesus fuck the Flash has such awful villains. Literally 80% of them are evil versions of himself.

Here comes a new challenger!

Another thing Legends of Tomorrow used better.

TV Savitar basically IS Future Flash. He has nothing in common with comics Savitar.

Then again, come up with a new name for him and there's still Savitar to use...

I wouldn't be surprised if they do bring Black Flash in.

>What are you most looking forward to?
Arrow. The show has tried just about everything twice, and spent two painful seasons learning valuable lessons about what works and what doesn't. It is the most matured capeshit on TV right now, and after the good showing in season 5 I'm convinced its veteran experience has found the show's groove.

Only up from here
>What are you most dreading?
Flash. Just like Arrow had to go through its pubescent learning phase, Flash appears to be going through the same trials of self discovery. Good news is S3 was slammed hard by critics and fans, and from what has been teased and leaked it looks like the crew has headed the advice. Still not too optimistic.
>Which show do you think will have the best season this time around?
Legends, again. This team just has too many good things going for it since the major overhaul S2 brought. Best team dynamic, best characters, interesting powers sets, sub plots, settings and the best overall narrative theme.
>What will the crossover be?

tfw LoT S2 was unironically the better Flash season that year





Amell at Barrowman's 50th birthday party. For some reason he was forced to wear nearly nothing...of fucking course


It was Amell's idea.

Will always be second fiddle to Sara.

well, she did die second. won't come back though

Arrow on Thursdays is going to throw my entire understanding of reality out of whack.

>Amell at Barrowman's 50th birthday party.
That's fucking gay!

Every actor in this franchise is gay. Every last one.

It's fucking great.

Just finished marathoning season 5 of Arrow. Thoughts:
>Thea is hot and it's a shame she stopped being a hero and is probably dead after the season final
>I surprisingly ended up really liking Wild Dog
>Ragman's design is cool. It feels like they had him leave the show because he'd be able to deal with Prometheus pretty easily. That, or they didn't have the budget for moving rags.
>Speaking of, the show seems to have a much, much lower budget than Flash
>The Dominator episode was disappointing compared to the Flash's episode of it. Flash was a fun superhero team up, while Arrow was just angsty muh Laurel stuff
>The new Dinah seems cool (also everything about the Canary storyline is hilarious to me just because of how many times the characters been replaced and all the coming back to life stuff)
>Evelyn is the stupidist person shown on Arrow so far
>It bother me that Felicity basically stole Olivers apartment. In general she's really starting to seem like a golddigger.
>I'm becoming bored of the big bad of a season in Arrowverse shows being someone the main characters are friends with
>Does Mr Terrific really take the time to braid his hair each time before going out in a suit?
>Nice to see Slade back
>I hate William and everything about him. I'm not looking forward to seeing more of him next season. Kids and parent storylines always suck.
>It's cool that the show lasted long enough to show Oliver's 5 years away

Crossover spoilers

Both Barry and Iris get married and Stein dies.


Sweat. Winter Mini.

Though I wonder if Lightning will take place on Supergirl’s Earth or Arrowverse...if not be its own thing.

Kind of hoping Titans live action is part of Arrowverse.

Captain Cold, Captain Boomerang, Gorilla Grodd, Heat Wave, Mirror Master, the Top, Pied Piper, Weather Wizard, the Trickster, Abra Kadabra, Kilg%re, Folded Man, Golden Glider, Magenta, Girder, Murmur, Peek-A-Boo, the Turtle, Plunder, Blacksmith, Tar Pit, the Fiddler, the Shade, the Thinker, Cicada, Brother Grimm. And these are all pre-Flashpoint; I'm not counting the villains since then because I don't know if we'll ever be seeing them again.

There's a whole bunch of Flash villains who aren't runners.


They could introduce Bart and then give us Inertia.

We could meet Crime Syndicate Earth’s Johnny Quick who could be another Grant in a Suit or a completely different guy.

Max Mercury could show up to do speedforce mentor shit.

Mysterious figure pulling themselves out of unknown time and speed force as we get closer to the ten year mark and crisis, wearing Wally’s suit but clearly a different guy with red hair who we play a friend or foe mystery with.

Eobard Thawne returns from earlier in his timeline?

...fucking hell comic book synergy!

Caitlyn in Frost mode dropped Black Flash! Not because of speed force powers being weak against the entropy consumptive powers of cryokinesis...but because Caitlyn is a walking heat death. Like Black Flash and the Time Wraiths she is an aspect of Death!

But...if Stein dies what happens to Firest-

What if they find Ronnie in the Bleed and henand Jackson become a rage team firestorm? With either of them sporting different mechanical proficiency and powerset beyond being nuclear fire when they are he base?

Black Flash exists in the speedforce and is a time wraith. He can only be stopped for a period.

Yeah, but compared to everyone else Caitlyn had an easier time of it by measure and magnitude. Besides, it’s comic synergy to the Plot for her they are pursuing in JLA that just dealt with one of the guys going by Bwana Beast these days finding she is a void within the Red.

Something she could learn from past or future Vixen. Huh, Bawana Beast looks like he’s showing up during the Haley’s Circus episode of Legends. Wonder if it’s more than a cameo, like the obvious Flying Graysons.

>Yeah, but compared to everyone else Caitlyn had an easier time of it by measure and magnitude.

She was prepared for it. Black Flash doesnt care about non-speedsters.

>Though I wonder if Lightning will take place on Supergirl’s Earth or Arrowverse...if not be its own thing.


>Kind of hoping Titans live action is part of Arrowverse.

It won't.

He'll just merge with Lily.

...that’s hot.
