Every so often a time period in human history comes around filled with amazing events and interesting people. We've seen it all through history with the end of Roman Republic, the Fall of Rome, the Crusades, the Italian Renaissance, The French Revolution, the Commies in Russia regardless of what you think of what came next. The list goes on.
Is this our end of the Republic Sup Forums? Are we living in a historic time period?
After the fall of communism people thought globalist liberal democracy was going to be the best step.
We're currently in the process of these aspirations backfiring. The average citizen does not want globalism. Nationalism is on the rise in any halfway decent country.
Lincoln Cruz
This period will be remembered as the death of globalism or the rise of the globalism. There's no other way.
Sebastian Nelson
shameless bump.
Dominic Bailey
Essentially, it is the second chance to defeat the Jewish stranglehold on humanity. Alas, we are tasked with a struggle in which our kin are no longer allied.
Sebastian Lopez
I'm glad my life has some importance. I've been campaigning for Trump hard even as a leaf - this is the end of our Republic, or the beginning of a new enlightenment.
I only wish Canada had a national identity to latch onto. I feel like everything but a Canadian citizen here. We have no culture, just brainwashed liberal retardry.
Jeremiah Peterson
I feel like the national identity was destroyed quickly and similarly in both Canada and Australia. The initial native population of each was small, so it's probably the reason we got dominated by (((immigration))) so easily. They managed to bring America to it's knees, so we stood no chance historically.
Oliver Murphy
The British Empire will rise once more friend.
Caleb Garcia
Let the fifth empire begin. The fourth is over.
Austin Nguyen
The fall of the Republic happened in the 20s. This period is the defeat of the globalist imperial system.
Noah Flores
It's the end of the old regime. The timelines are converging and we're nearing the precipice.
Will we rise from the ashes of failed democracy as the Roman Empire did? >Or will we perish in nuclear fire...
didn't lose faith until the last days, he actually thought german's last divisions and a resistance would liberate Berlin from encroaching soviets and americans
Same, fellow leaf. What does it even mean to be Canadian in 2016? My glorious white European ancestors came across the ocean with NOTHING and settled the land. It was hard work farming and surviving the harsh winters.
And now a bunch of freeloading shitskins are moving in for free gibs. They have no right to be here; their people did NOTHING to contribute to what the white man has created.
Christian Hughes
What creates great men Sup Forums? How do some men rise to lead countries, command armies? While I struggle go get out of bed for work or do anything significant in my life at all.
Adrian Diaz
>Don't lose hope neighbor... One day we will drive them out together, and re-establish our dominion over this continent.
Central Americans will be relocated to South America and we will build a glorious wall at the Continental Divide.
It's this shitty time period we're living in filled with cowardly men and I can't say shit. I'd make an awful Julius Caesar or Napoleon, but fucking hell, I'd love to live in a traditional culture with true men and women.
Grayson Flores
I would love to move to the USA but then I'd become a filthy immigrant. I can't do it.
I'll stay in Canada and continue to redpill the masses.
Jose Mitchell
Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times. >we are here
>Is this our end of the Republic Sup Forums? Are we living in a historic time period? I think so, you could say that if trump finally gets elected, or if the final results end up triggering an event even more significant on western civilization (regardless of who wins, what does matter is the outcome of the election and what people will actually do after that, including riots and the political impact it will have all over the globe)
I would love seeing western civilization going through a rebirth process, but I think that won't be possible as long as western countries are massively inhabited by non-western people (people which will certainly do anything they can in order to drag western civilization down due to their sense of not belonging to anything related to the west, and due to their very own natural instincts). As long as they can vote and they can have a voice in the west, western civilization will always be on a constant ideological civil war, and if no one actually does anything about them, that just means they're here to stay
They're a trojan horse m8, it was perfectly architected by the people behind massive immigration, but bear in mid that for a new age to emerge among the ruins these people will have to be expelled as a matter of fact Maybe it could take more than 20 years for it to finally happen
Also >Octavian_caesar2.jpg That's Julius m8 And Octavian was Augustus' plebeian name before he was declared Caesar's rightful heir Cicero used to call him by that name in front of people in parliament just to tease him, even though his official name was just "Caesar" during the time after Julius himself was assassinated
Josiah Barnes
>he said while living in the United States who's government model is literally a Republic & Senate invented by the romans and who's religion is a direct result of Rome, while also speaking a language who's alphabet is Roman.
The Romans defined what Europe was. The Greeks were the first to use the word 'Europe' but they defined it as land, and not a people.
Rome is probably the most influential civilization ever in the history of western civilization.
"But I must begin with Europe, because it is both varied in form and admirably adapted by nature for the development of excellence in men and governments, and also because it has contributed most of its own store of good things to the other continents; for the whole of it is inhabitable with the exception of a small region that is uninhabited on account of the cold. ... The Romans, too, took over many nations that were naturally savage owing to the regions they inhabited, because those regions were either rocky or without harbours or cold or for some other reason ill-suited to habitation by many, and thus not only brought into communication with each other peoples who had been isolated, but also taught the more savage how to live under forms of government. But all of Europe that is level and has a temperate climate has nature to coƶperate with her toward these results; for while in a country that is blessed by nature everything tends to peace, in a disagreeable country everything tends to make men warlike and courageous; and so both kinds of country receive benefits from each other, for the latter helps with arms, the former with products of the soil, with arts, and with character-building." Strabo 2.5.26
Jaxson White
You could argue that while their control over every relevant corner of the world at their height slowed down a lot of advancement as a whole (when you've knocked out everyone who can compete with you, you stop competing), they did assimilate the best technologies and the best cultural ideas from around the known world to spread it across all of their territory, effectively bringing all of the conquered peoples up to relatively equal ground. I would argue that this allowed their collapse to spark a slow build-up to the technological explosion seen during the Renaissance as all of the successor kingdoms suddenly had to compete with pretty much everyone else to stay on top.
Easton Taylor
That's not Julius Caesar lol. That's Octavian Augustus Caesar.
People mix the two up with their statues. The Caesar casino in Las Vegas has a statue of Augustus Caesar outside while proclaiming it's Julius Caesar.
No statues exist of Julius Caesar when he was that young.
Michael Nguyen
Unless I'm thinking of Augustus Prima Porta or whatever. But I'm pretty sure that's Octavian.
Jaxon Harris
How can we even "fall" now that globalism has everything so interlocked?
Michael Parker
The same way Rome fell when they started handing out citizenship to everybody. The Roman Empire (not the Republic) was pretty strongly interlocked too.
The Republic did it right with only those who could serve Rome being offered citizenship, and the rest holding not full citizenship but 'the Latin Right' so they still had rights and lived under Roman law.
Luke Bennett
>same way Rome fell when they started handing out citizenship to everybody How do we know they did this? There any sources which revealed this?
Luke Gomez
That statue was made by a french sculptor named Nicolas Costou and it's currently exposed on the Louvre, it's a modern work
Hope you can visit it when you're hanging out in France m8
But as was saying, I hope everybody gets optimistic about it, because things are currently changing for the better People are waking up, no one can deny it anymore
My bad, you're right. I was thinking of Augustus Prima Porta.
Joshua Flores
The more I learn about Rome the more I think there's no real difference between the civilizations of yesteryear and today besides advances in communication and transportation.
Jacob Howard
The shadow of Rome over western civilization is too strong to ignore. Even the form of democracy we follow is either Roman Republicanism such is the case in the US or British parliamentary democracy as in the UK, Canada, Australia etc, which in its self is also an off-shoot of Roman Republicanism meant to accommodate a monarchy.
Jace Morris
About once a century great events unfold as the society must set correct to meet new realities and face consequences for poor decisions
Look up the fourth turning from 1997 and prepare to clench asshole over it
Josiah Wood
Great men are created by the random convergence of character, charisma, position, talent, health, situation, need, opportunity, and timing.
Justin Richardson
how does the Internet factor into this then?
Xavier Jones
I think the one key difference that could truly end this cycle is the internet.
>Imagine trying to connect all the dots from old books and story tellers. >Imagine trying to coordinate with other people at the twilight of Rome.
Josiah Hill
Well it is an excellent way of obtaining knowledge, arguably better than books since you can read from many different perspectives on a subject within a couple of minutes. No more scanning through libraries and spending weeks reading books.
It's also led, and will lead, to greater unity which can be used for good and bad.
I think modern day leftism is a direct result of the internet in a way.
Xavier Wood
What interesting events are actually happening at the moment though?
It's so fucking boring that Sup Forums has to overly meme everything to even make it partly interesting
Wyatt Roberts
Brexit, the 2016 election and the rise of a new nationalism which is in its early stages.
Also the age of meme wars.
Matthew Martin
Also the whole Islam vs the west, which sooner or later is going to result in a war whether its a civil war or an offensive war.
David Bailey
I subscribe to the idea we are at the Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus event of the SPQR in the USA. Trump is a Gracchus, and I fear he is Gaius, the 2nd one. The means of work have been taken away from the average citizen, just like with the estates that dominated italy, and rulers are forming an oligarchy acting in the interests of the elite, leaving the ones who got them there behind
I fear that if Trump loses, the next step is Marius away Sulla, including Marius' reforms, then comes Ceasar. And that means the end of the Republic, which is the last thing I want
Chase Peterson
*away, fuck you samsung
Cooper Diaz
And every so often one person stands up for the will of the people. Who will that be in our generation.
Jason Barnes
Nathan Moore
Let's look back on the last 15 years
>9/11 >war on terror >gitmo >dozens of terrorist attacks >economic crisis of 2008 >havktacist leaks going backache not 10 years (Snowden, Assange, manning). >Iraq war >Israeli Arab conflicts in 2006 and 2008-09 >Russian invasion of Georgia >foreign debt crisis >Greek default >Cyprus bail in >Arab spring >Libyan civil war >collapse to Venezuela >dual Egyptian revolutions >Syrian civil war >the rise of Isis and caliphate >annexation of Crimea >Putin shenanigans like murdering reporters and killing spies with polonium >spy's spy's and more spy's >North Korean tensions >china claiming the north china sea >Katrina >obama >Paul >trump >brexit >riots in America >Clinton and the us government Tallinn apart under its own corruption
We are living in INSANE times
Jonathan Wilson
We'll probably be known as the age of terror, which resulted in extreme nationalism and genocide.
Jayden Lee
And that's a good thing, not to make it sound bad.