Ready Player One - Thoughts?

So yeah, let's do another thread on it. I'm not even entirely certain if this is Sup Forums related, despite Sup Forums characters present -in- the movie.

I'm still hopeful, and the video helps that naive faith. What do you guys think? Joe talking shit and the movie gonna fail? Does the future look bright?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>What do you guys think?

I think the last thread made me hate Sup Forums

This place has always been full of strange people, but they used to be funny occassionally. Now... it's 90% total cunts.


>Angry Joe

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Total cunts seems fairly self explanatory.

And the worst part is they're not even funny cunts.

Well, what makes them cunts? I believe it's also extremely cuntworthy to claim others are being asshats "just cuz"

>I'm not even entirely certain if this is Sup Forums related, despite Sup Forums characters present -in- the movie

It's 100% Sup Forums. But because the mods and janitors of this board are regarded, minor references to comics or cartoons is good enough.

>Total cunts seems fairly self explanatory.
Not him, but it's way too vague to give us an idea of what happened.

Iron Giant is Sup Forums

This thread isn't about Iron Giant. Like I said, it's just a minor reference.

And Gundam is Sup Forums, and Tracer/Master Chief is Sup Forums. Wouldn't be certain if this movie belongs there too.

Well maybe Sup Forums with the whole "virtual world" bit

If there is Sup Forums material in it, it's discussable on Sup Forums .It's as simple as that.

People have faith that this movie would be good? Seems that this movie would be nothing but "'Member Thing From Childhood? " the book: the movie.

>Well maybe Sup Forums with the whole "virtual world" bit
This isn't a video game. Therefore it does not belong on the video games board.

Well, yeah, but there's no reason a memberberry movie can't be good. Lego movie was fucking great, and it heavily relied on LEGOOOOS

>No Original Party Freak©

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I would go see if if Master Chief fucked Tracer, for the entire run time.

There is plenty of video game material in it and it's about a video game.

That alone make it 50% more pertinent to talk about on Sup Forums than most of the threads going on, there.

what if we took out all the references and replaced them with not licenses things? Scifi race cars that arent from a movie and giant anime robots and mechwarrior robots that are kind of like the real things. How would it look then?

>There is plenty of video game material in it and it's about a video game.
And yet it's still a movie and belongs on Sup Forums

LEGO movie didn't go at length to explain reference as if it was a badge of honor to remember thing and know it more than the other people and the jokes weren't quite as reliant on recognizing thing and clapping. Given the dismal source that this movie is based on, I really don't have much faith in it being decent, especially when the author was credited as writer of this movie.

And on Sup Forums and on Sup Forums as well. One doesn't exclude the others, you know?

If it's related to the them, it's board worthy. the only exception is for theme on containment board, like ponies.

>LEGO movie didn't go at length to explain reference as if it was a badge of honor to remember thing
And you don't know if that movie does it too.

Get a better sense of humour, you joyless faggot cunt.

>especially when the author was credited as writer of this movie.
That's what makes me refrain from having much expectations on this movie. When the screenplay of the film is credited to the writer of that mediocre novel, I'm gonna curb my expectations.

It also isn't a comic or a cartoon but here we are.

>When the screenplay of the film is credited to the writer of that mediocre novel
>Giving credit to the person from who made the original material the movie is based on is bad.
Since when? I mean, it would be a dick move not to do it. Even if the movie change a lot of things compared to the original material, it's the standard thing to do.

It isn't indicative of anything. It's the equivalent of complaining that the movie has credits.

That unacceptable sense of naive inclusiveness is directly responsible for the plague of pestilen/tv/ermin. Congratulations on being cancer, subhuman.

It's not a matter of inclusiveness, it's a matter on not wanting to talk about things that are Sup Forums related on shit board like Sup Forums.

>i don't want to go to the board for live-action shit to talk about live-action shit
>so i'll come to the comics and cartoons board to talk about live-action shit
moot, the mods, the janitors and the japanese like all deserve cancer for allowing this.


I come to Sup Forums to talk about Sup Forums related stuff. Which is what this movie is.

It's as simple as that and all your nuhu doesn't change anything.

if there is Sup Forums material in it, than it can be talked on Sup Forums It's the rule that has always existed and it won't change just because you do't like it.

It's not a minor reference, Iron Giant is the star of the movie as shown by marketing.

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>Iron Giant was shown to be a pacifist in the film
>He's being used as a weapon in the trailer
Fuck them and whoever the fuck wrote this for doing my boy dirty like that, they literally do not give a fuck

>Angry Joe

Dude lost what was left of his integrity when he backpedaled on his Last Jedi review.

Kamen Rider Ex-Aid has ruined all other vidya (as in video game themselves are major plot devices) related movies, cartoons, and tv-shows as well as evil CEOs for me.

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This show is about all the pop culture stuff that millennials love. So, as a millennial from the 80s decade, I will go watch it.

I should really start watching one of the Kamen Rider series, it seems pretty cool.

Also yeah, this film is either gonna be extremely mediocre or extremely bad.

He was using weapon in the original movie too.

"The film improves significantly on the book by prioritizing the story over the signifiers. The hardcore pop-culture crowd that is this movie’s ultimate intended audience will have plenty to pore over and pick apart in this film."

lego movie wasn't based on a fucking awful book though

It's not a movie aimed at Millennials though. Yes, they through Sonic, Tracer, and Jurassic Park into the movie, but by and large it is aimed at Gen Xers. Rush, Family Ties, and Intellivision are not things most Millentials have nostalgia for. The Iron Giant isn't big with Gen Xers, but they were struggling to find a well known in the west character to replace Ultraman with that wasn't the star of another series of films here in the West.

End me.

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I am pretty sure that the Black Panther of geeks is Black Panther.

>And Gundam is Sup Forums

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Okay, fine. 70s Gen X are also in. But not the 60s Gen Xers. They smell weird and funny and are like baby boomers.

This is worse that "attack on titan is the walking dead of anime"

I hope this movie tanks. It has the same set up every fucking dime a dozen isekai anime that gets shat out every season but filled with pop culture reference for americans.

And then it turned out to be a trashy Ultraman spoof.

I bet you have a very nasally voice

But it's not about being reborn or transported into another reality.

Haven’t watched him since he monetized some dude’s death and fake cried, how’d he backpeddle?

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I got a question. The Iron Giant is a movie that released in 1999/2000 and is set in 1957.

So what's the Iron Giant doing in a film about 80's nostalgia?

Also, what's Tracer doing there? Overwatch came out 2 years ago and it's still being updated, how can anyone be nostalgic for it?

I don't know how to feel about this. There's just so many layers.

The book itself features many things from outside the 80's. The works of Keven Smith are mentioned, Monty Python's Holy Grail was watched by the main character over 170 times and he knows it by heart (as he knows most things that are brought up), Cowboy Bebop, Evangelion, and Firefly are also mentioned.

It makes a degree of sense why some of that stuff is in there, given the tastes of one man lead to the creation of the virtual world in the book, but what does't make sense is why all of the characters call almost everything they like "classic 80's" when tons of it really isn't. It doesn't seem to be a joke on them either, given this is the writer for the movie Fanboys we're talking about.

It's not about 80s nostalgia, it's what the millennial generation likes.

No Black Panther is the Black Panther of Black People.

It is amazing how it managed the video game element better than nearly every video game show, while still having the doctor stuff which somehow work in tandem. Like it never felt forced, the video games references added to defining characters or moving the plot forward. Like the whole monster hunter bit being a way to power characters up, showing that Emu has something of a scheming side but also a way to get the characters to work together for a hunt just like monhun. The problems don't even come from those elements but the plot getting a bit stretched towards the end. Yet the plot and characters are still pretty good

Just avoid Wizard, Kiva and Ghost. Build is really good so far and airing right now

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Sup Forums is always bitching about nostalgia though. Always.


It's not a book or movie for Millenials. It's for late 30's/early 40 year olds who want to see the movies, cartoons, and games they liked in a book and on a screen. There just weren't many good options for replacing Ultraman with from the 80's that weren't Optimus Prime, who's already the star of other, recent movies, or already in the book. Plus it serve to try to get Millenials and younger in, because most of the stuff in the book isn't a draw for them.

>that fucking leg

>the plot getting a bit stretched towards the end

Yeah, KRC (for as much hype as it got) felt underdeveloped as a plot element thanks to the Bugsters sabotaging it (especially glaring given all the MMORPG stories that Japan has pumped out since the early 2000s) and probably due to the budgetary constraints imposed by PAUSE, the heroes were stuck fighting Cronus and pretty much Cronus alone for almost a dozen episodes (he didn't even summon lesser Bugsters as minions, so you just had 4-7 protagonists at a time ganging up on him; hardly all that heroic or admirable looking). Otherwise, it was a lot of fun.

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Millennial seem more cynical over this movie than most. Young people hate it, some middle aged peopled love it and then no one older than 50 is interested enough to engage at all.

>Plus it serve to try to get Millenials and younger in
This, all these companies have a lot of brands that a slowly losing relevance. The reason we get a lot of reboots and stuff like this isn't just that Hollywood is out of ideas, but they made an investment in a IP and can't just let it lose so much value. But at the same time the 40 year old man child will still has a few years left of spending before he dissolves into soy. So they have to straddle the line between the groups while also trying to make a big budget written by committee movie. So instead of an interesting new take, or a great celebration we get a grey mush. Ready Player 1 being what happens if you pile that mush together.

if it weren't for the fact that we would have to watch the move I would say we should do this

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The 90s millennials still need a decade before they mellow out like their 80s millennial sempais.