>go on Sup Forums
>nothing but "HILLARY IS A PEDOPHILE" threads
>go to google
>type in Hillary Cliton
>results: "Hillary Clinton leading in polls" "How women can elect Hillary into the white house" "Hillary is winning despite FBI investigation"

Jesus. No wonder the rest of Sup Forums laughs at this place. Bunch of conspiracy nut hugging lunatics completely sheltered away from reality. Hillary is going to win easily next week. She will be POTUS. Trump will be forgotten about quickly. And the world will keep spinning.

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh man are you in for a surprise



because google manipulates their search results to make Clinton look good. It's been proven



>go to Google
There's your problem

Thanks for correcting the record with valuable JEWGLE info.


Sage ctr shill

eat a dik kanukistani!




You really think Trump will win?

He needs to win EVERY swing state and flip at least one of the lean-dem states while holding ALL of his lean-red states.
Given the fact that Florida is literally a toss up, the odds don't look good in my opinion.










Why does the Arabic text for "Allah" look like a flaccid cock?

fuck oath cunt no idea

Alphabet is like what, the 7th biggest donor to Hillary's campaign?

Don't forget Time Warner, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup and everyone else.


>go to googles gonna goog

Are seriously relying on giggle to provide you unbiased election coverage.
Giggle showed their stripes very early

If Hillary gets elected, there will be violent revolution. And when that happens- all CTR employees will be executed publicly. You're signing your own death warrant. You're on public record, we know who you are.


If she wins I will get another impeached meme... fine with me.

>Florida is literally a toss up



The same thing happened to nixon.18 months in then indicted

For much much less

it's official: pedophiles aren't as evil as racists.

Hillary is fucked

Uh yeah
How people can vote in a criminal is beyond me

I kinda hope she wins

America needs to finally burn

> No wonder the rest of Sup Forums laughs at this place.

Oh no! A load of sex perverts and Anime fags laugh at us. How can we can on? Kys

Underrated post

Um, yes it is?
Are you blind?

You can't tell me Trump can win states like PA, NH, or CO, states he's down in by mid single digits consistantly, and then also say he's going to win Florida, a state he's currently up by less than 1 point in, a state that has already started early voting before the FBI scandal broke when he was down by double digits nationally.

Most of Sup Forums hates this place and wishes it was gone, but they haven't been laughing lately. Not since our ridiculous conspiracy theories ended up being right.

You do realize google trailers its search results right?

>i can go to google and reinforce my conditioning with a simple search phrase.

I hope you over-does on maple syrup and die slow, knowing that what you love has killed you

Dude, it's gonna be a longgg 4 years for you. I didn't think he would win either, but it's over now.

All the projections from the polls are based on the belief that black turnout will be the same for Hillary as it was for Obama. There's a substantial chance they're overestimating that by several percentage points.

Jesus fuck I hate my countrymen's stupidity. Can I move to America pol to support Trump in 2020?

>go to google
>look up any Clunton controversy
>entire first page is just articles correcting your record
>literally mediamatters is sometimes the first result

You have to dig a little deeper to find the truth OP, she controls the information, and Google niggers are helping her.


The polls also fail to take account into Trump leading with anti establishment independents, people who crawled out of the woodwork to vote for the first time, the hispanic voters who want to keep the illegals out and the black votes who are sick of the democrats controlling them.

I don't ever recall seeing anybody on this board calling $hillary a pedophile, but we have said that quite a few things about her political record.
If you hate this board so much, why don't you eternally BTFO?
