What was going through his mind during this?

What was going through his mind during this?

Attached: jk3new-a.jpg (650x650, 129K)

>that spiderman is a menace!


Nothing, roids rot your brain and you don't think about shit. See: Joe Roidgain

>I wonder if anyone knows I'm the infamous Sup Forums cunnyposter

I'M the one that's going to rape the Joker.

gotta eat big to get big

Attached: rich2.png (476x585, 397K)

I'm gonna be in a superhero movie!

>if the cops won’t do anything about that webbed menace then I will

>Spiderman was almost 20 years ago

>thinks thats a roid body

DYEL detected

>watch it Beecher

How much bf percentage is this?

Burn his house down.

Attached: 6.jpg (303x317, 23K)

Could he kill chloe

Attached: 348BAA6B00000578-3605817-image-a-78_1464047441700.jpg (306x807, 74K)

"Snyder is such a nice lad, i'm happy that he is pushing me and the rest of the team to go one step farther, i don't want to look like that skinny jew that was givin ben a blowjob"

>tfw instictively look in the windows for pablo

>he thinks roids just make you huge like Arnold
Outed yourself as a DYEL

>not my tempo

Anorexic roider-mode

Attached: has science gone too far.png (610x813, 853K)

>What was going through his mind during this?

Probably felt the best he's felt in years on that Snyder medical grade test. One of the biggest causes of depression and bad health in older men is low T.

I hope he uses it medically well into old age so we can get many more years of good performances.

didn't that guy die?


He was built like a tank in OZ.

possible natty?

Probably. He was absolutely insane.

Raping the joker

He's going to track down and kill the Nazi known as Raimi.