Is he /our chimp/?
>I don't feel connected to a damn thing. If you do, you crazy as shit
Is he /our chimp/?
Other urls found in this thread:
>our chimp
He would be but slavery is illegal
he's right.
never associate
based guy
there are a few niggers, who are not all that bad, picrelated
How about Hopsin?
Did you make that pic or download it from somewhere?
I like this guy too
I screencapped the text from an article and put the pic on top of it. it's stretched because it was too small
This nigga is redpilled as fuck
Don't fuck with aspect ratios
based nog thread?
based nog thread!
This nigga married his step granddaughter. He's a pedowood shill.
>we wuz kangs btfo by an actual king
you should have seen his last video, he chimped out because he made a joke about tossing his cat in the pool and a bunch white people started some hate in his comments and he exploded about how white people care more about cats than niggers. it was funny.
He's just a rich black that left the dysfunction of the ghetto, he don't give a shit about it
biitch: fuk yourrrr feelins
he looks like a homeless person.
He's a based black man, not a chimp you dumb nigger.
a cop saved lil wayne's life
It would have looked worse if I kept the aspect ratio because then the text would be tiny in comparison
he is also pretty based
You're fucking retarded
cannot even feel pity for them.
this is what they asked for, and quite aggressively, too.
let them enjoy it.
I didn't think it had great significance, and everyone else seemed to read and comprehend it just fine, but here's a special one for you Timmy.
A special picture for a special person
Secret identity
I cant believe that lord of the rings extra lookin lil fucker is worth 100mil
is TV admoney a huge scam like net ad money so when they televise his concert he gets millions?
All his books are great.
Also Malik Obama.
There are a few based niggas but I really do worry for their lives.
"I don't feel connected to a damn thing, if you do, you crazy as shit."