what happens now?
What happens now?
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Trump wins VA and becomes president
House of whatever decides.
Considering most are Republican, Trump will likely win
In an electoral college tie, the three highest recipients of electoral college votes (or two, if no third-party candidates win any states) become eligible to be chosen as president by the House of Representatives. Each state's delegation in the House gets one equally-weighted vote. A majority of states' delegations must agree on who to choose. As the Republicans control Congress, it is widely believed that in a tie, Trump would win.
The House gets to decide the election.
Except Maine has a slightly different method and Trump is likely to pull 1 from there.
One of Maine's 4 is going to Trump. This scenario will not happen
>Implying the establishment won't cuck Trump in that case
>Considering most are corrupt and implicated in fbi investigations, shillary will likely win
Mfw rural Maine saves America
Forgot mf
if they were to vote in anyone else it would be the end of their party
NO ONE would ever vote them in ever again. It would be the birth of a TRUE multiparty system in America since so many people would now consider 3rd party candidates
You watch this youtube.com
You are a Jew in disguise OP
now the kikes in the electorial college jew over the election
Someone in the Electoral college goes rogue and flips the election to one of them, probably Clinton. It never gets to he house of Reps.
ME aint blue ya jew
America's voting systems make third parties unsustainable. If it happened, a more realistic result would be a schism in the Republican Party, followed by either the original Republican Party being replaced by its breakaway counterpart over the next couple of electoral cycles (and the disaffected remnants either joining up with the Democrats or becoming inactive voters), or the breakaway becoming reabsorbed into the Republican Party (or absorbed in part by the Democratic Party).
Case in point, Bull Moose Party.
holy shit, this means if Clinton and Trump tie its almost a guaranteed Trump win
Trump is going to get 1 vote from Maine, and become President.
Lets go practice medicine...
it would be a fukin howl if that was true
Map and premise are way off. Trump Pence gonna spit-roast this bitch.
Hillary and the Don have to 69. The one who cums first loses the election.
Egg McMuffin might actually happen, though.
hes going to win maine's second district cuckboy
The honey badger would simply eat the cobra whole - check and mate. MAGA!
Kek, we needed a bogan to answer the question.