> England
> Democracy
> England
> Democracy
Fist Brexit gets cancelled and soon Hillary will officially be the next President the butthurt on this place is going to be insane
Wait so the people have a referendum to exit the EU and they vote to exit, what's the deal now? It's literally the will of the majority
Nah no way the will not happen
Shut up beta Sweden
> Vote to regain sovereignty of British parliament.
> Parliamentary sovereignty confirmed
> Cry
You lost, get over it.
Well pretty much the English line up there women and prepare to hand them over to the Polish, and obviously the English will adept the euro and the British men will start peeing sitting down
Enjoy your moment, cucks. Brexit will still happen.
Hey Ahmed I am not the cuck son
Referendum was advisory and does not automatically mean the government has to do anything. Also, no part of the referendum discussed how a Brexit should be conducted.
This ruling is about whether or not the British parliament can vote on the issue, or if the PM can push whatever she wants through anyway.
Answer from the high court is that an Article 50 declaration is a parliamentary decision.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha hello nu France!
>before the result
"we need to restore our parliamentary democracy!"
"fucking parliamentary democratic process!"
Make your mind up lads.
Eh you bogans still have our flag and the queen, so get back to rooting abos, saluting the Chinese and swilling shitty beer in the desert, will you, there's a good chap.
The plan was to get Britain out of the EU, isolate them from continental Europe, kill their economy and establish German hegemony in continental Europe.
You fucking island monkeys always ruin it.
Twitter saltiness approaching unprecedented levels.
I cannot hear you over the fact that there will be no more english people in my country because the pound is sinking like a stone, go back to spain!
I fucking know! The nerve! Was just watching a documentry about your country, should we bring back communism, comrade?
what will boris say to putin-sama?!
>Parliament shouldn't have a say on it, instead the prime minister should be above everyone because...
Ahahahahah I know right! they are such faggots!
>... of the will of the people
...because we brought back control to British parliament over British laws.
Ahahahahahaha as if you would fall for that meme! Have you ever heard the joke about what England said to every country they ever invaded?
We will give you back your country but we want our mirrors and pretty stones back!!!! :L :L obviously the trade never happened
Delete dis
Hello cuckcold man
Why not just scrap parliament entirely and vote on everything by mob rule?
old alpha is the nu male
Why have referendums if the parliament has final word anyway.
Ahahahahah I know right! They are such faggots!!
>Ahahahahah I know right! They are such faggots!!
>bring back sovereignty
>parliament uses that sovereignty to decide that they will forfeit their sovereignty
>"I am so glad we had this discussion!"
Hello. So how do you think the UK government should decide to go about a multi-hundred-billion decision? Not just yes and no, you need details too.
Or lets just let the fourth-in-line woman who was so ineffective in the Home Office that she was called Mayday before being elected by 1 in 2000 Britons to head of her party make some shit up personally and we'll all roll with it?
Ahahahahahah you guys are such faggots let the people back the decision after all the needs of the many outweigh the wants of the few
>mob rule=democracy
If not let fucking kings rule you and be done with this pretend bullshit of equality and """"election""""".
Your police literally covered up a muslim rape gang that was fucking young english daughters because they where scared of racism.
Guys, I dont think it's possible to get anymore cucked other than being germany or sweden.
There will be more english people in Australia at this rate, the delusions of granduer you still hang onto so desperatley will not stop the UK becoming the next islamic caliphate kek
This entire process since day one is what turned myself against democracy and into a full-fash NRx.
The Queen backed Brexit.
Which inbetweener would you say you are most like?
>The Queen backed Brexit.
got sauce for that pasta mate?
I knew UK wasn't uncucked enough to go through with it.
The will of the people don't matter in the UK
yes yes well done brexit well done brexit
Anarchy in the UK when?
Ahahahahah I know right! They are such faggots!!
Pol/ on suicide watch. It's gonna be hilarious!! Haha
The mental gymnastics you just did there to justify your position should be setting off alarm bells in your head. Look at what the opposing camp is saying:
The majority of British people voted for something, therefore we should do that thing.
So, parliamentary sovereignty is important to allow a vote to give up sovereignty. Makes sense to me.
Is Trump your fault?
Hey Nu male what ere you gonna do about your gov'ner bending you over a barrel and litterally fucking you in the ass
A good question.
In an ideal world, the referendum would have been a bellwether of popular opinoon to help parliament decide, because just electing the MPs isn't explicit enough. Consider that none of the major parties (UKIP doesn't get many seats) supported Brexit, so a vote for any of their MPs in the General Election can't be counted for or against the idea of Brexit.
However, the referendum campaigns ended up conflating all the major issues (EU immigration, non-EU immigration, health funding, politics, sovereignty, refugee policy, welfare etc), into a yes/no answer for a question that isn't even related to many of them. Plus it was an opportunity to kick the "elites" in the balls, which many gleefully took. Add that to ridiculous lying on both sides, but most specifically on the leave side, who promised £350 million/week to the NHS and took it back the day after the result.
So in the end, it was a clusterfuck and basically worthless as a true gauge of public opinion on the EU _specifically_ and more of a "how much the public fucking hates foreigners and politicians" meter.
But we ain't got sovereignty until we actually leave you fucking moron.
They're not even hiding it anymore. They're pretty much proving the point of everyone who has ever said that voting is a sham to make you think you're making any real decisions that the government has made a long time ago.
jesus christ what the fuck!?
I called this like a month ago and nobody believed me. Everyone said Parliament *had* to issue Article 50 in the near future. I told everyone they would just delay it until it slipped from people's mind and then they would pull some shit like this.
Democracy is dead. Maybe it was never alive to begin with, I don't know. It'll be easier if you just accept it.
Parliament already voted on Brexit once and voted in favor of the will of the people. Why is there a need for another vote?
Ahahahaha yeah pretty much that is england bro! THey are the victoria of the world aha hahaha hahaha what a bunch of faggots!
Hey, if the parliament votes for a course of action that ends in Brexit, good for them, it's what they are for.
If they do, hopefully they'll hash out and vote for an actual plan rather than "hit the button and dive under the table because plans are hard" plan.
>the butthurt on this place is going to be insane
if those things happen the white civilization is done. will that make you happy?
Ahahaha you said it bro
Man, you should see the actual "quiz"
>> England
>> Democracy
>beta Sweden
dude, take it easy
Did the Referendum require parliamentary agreement?
The Mayor of Londonstan said Allah wills it.
this is a picture of Australia's Federation flag without the Jack. notice something????
This has been their plan all along, this soros endgame. wake up sheeple.
When did parliament vote on Brexit?
I don't think you get it
I agree, this has Soros written all over it.
oh fug wrong thread,
If I get to see you fuckers cry and shit your pants in rage, yes.
>parliament cannot trigger article 50.
but that's the opposite of what happened.
Yes, it did. They voted for an advisory referendum, so that's what we got.
They could have proposed and voted on a binding referendum, but that would have at least gone though a very similar legal challenge as today, and would probably have had to have had a plan for the outcome before MPS would have OK'd it.
the uk is lost. been to england lately? muslims and blacks are swarming every corner of the island. brexit is the last voice of a dying generation and i am afraid it will have no effect whatsoever. the conservative britain has drawn its last breath - democracy is dead
You two should get lubed up for the cross coming your way. We have a special treatment for defectors and traitors. We 69 you both and nail you together on the cross. Your screams will be muffeled by, you guessed it, muff.
There are different kind of referendums. This one was an advisory i think they call it in english. Means that doesnt have any legal status. Its up to the parlaiment now to do what they want after listening to the people. There are another kind of referendums where the result of it have to be done yes or yes.
enlighten me then
Any Tory mp that votes against brexit will be committing political sudoku
I just took it god is this satire?
I really cannot believe that this is not satire.
Are you retarded? Everyone with a working brain will remember a couple of months ago when we were being told to vote for Brexit because that's what MP's thought was right almost without exception; now you think they just want to talk out how it's all going to go and let it pass?
Not long after Brexit won, it was voted on and Parliament voted in favor of the people.
Any election conflates all issues. SJW types ignore Hillary on trust and integrity. You can't cherry pick problems after the vote.
Most MPs, by a wide margin, are on record as being against Brexit.
If there was that much appetite in parliament for Brexit, it would have happened ages ago.
Our lives are satire now. We are barely a step away from an incorporeal laugh track.
Is that tears coming out from your eyes what i see? Can i lick them? Yeahh... pretty savory hmmmm... keep crying fucking trumper. Your leader is going to loose and UK will stay at the EU. And all of you fucking nationalists will fade little by little as civilization moves forward.
Question Time tonight is going to be amazing
You can, it's called a referendum. The point of a referendum is to ask a simple question. But if everyone uses the question as a chance to answer unrelated questions (like "do you want fewer non-EU immigrants?" or "do you think £350m per week to the NHS is a good idea"), the answer isn't exactly a crystal-clear mandate, is it?
>foreigners commenting on british politics
Care to refresh my memory on that then?
I just took it, answered truthfully.
It is really fucking cringy, do it and you will see what these cretins are like.
Where's Have I Got News For You when you need it?
There are literally endless threads of Bongs talking shit about American politics. Fuck off Nigel, go back to your cuckshed like a good EU-slave.
>B-but w-we're not E-European!
No, you're not. You're just their bitch.