Welcome to Sup Forums, how far right are ya

>Welcome to Sup Forums, how far right are ya

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I'm so far right i went to Spain to cuck a black bull

Centrist Libertarian

I'm so far-right I invaded Poland without any milk

I'm an anarchist.

So...the rightest.

just a conservative

I'm so far right I gassed a whole chamber of jews...

...without any zyklon b

I tried to redpill my christcuck mom on jewish marxism a decade ago

Let the elderly starve

I'm to the Right of Genghis Khan.

I'm so far-right I'm ALLAHU AKBHAAAAAAAR



>unironically being heretic
I bet you think it's ok to have other idols than God Himself

Oh, just cucks then?

If you're licking boots it hardly matters if it's the left or right one.


My political compass nearly matches that of Hitler.

To the right of Robert Filmer. None to my right but God himself.

I'm so far right that i killed 6 million jews even though there weren't this many in Europe and then another 4 million claimed to be holocaust survivors even though that number is double of how many jews were supposedly in Europe if you count Eastern Poland that was annexed by the USSR.



Is god right wing?

yeah, pretty sure

So far that I aspite to Be the next Hitler

>invents free will

Make of that what you will.

>Homeland/Autonomy for every ethnic race
>If every Ethnic race had their own homeland that they felt wasn't under threat from an (((outside agenda)))/ethnic group there would be no racism.
>Judge and reward those by their input into the nation/community. Those who gain through malign actions are ostracized.
>End Liberal Individualism
>Day of rope for Globalist elite

Remember how many people he kills in the Bible? He's definitely left-wing.

>hitler was a lefty mate

white nationalist
any form of government/economy would work, american national socialism would be a dream if there were no niggers and kikes and if mexicans could be hunted for sport.

Just a bit jejejejej

NatSoc and Esoteric Hitlerist

I'm so far right that I crossed the event horizon and became a communist

Not at all I just come here to trigger you faggots

I post frogs

Far enough to not use proxies regardless of the poo banters


I got my wife to uncage me while I get pegged so I can have a boner.


Mein nigga

im so far right that i chopped off my left arm and leg!

Well that confirms it

You had sex with a cow??

I'm smack dab in the middle politically.
I just want my legal drugs and gun rights.

That was meant to you, not the OP.

I have a 5000 pepe folder

Conservative and nationalist, pro-Israel and pro-gay rights.

I'm so far right I marched right through Russia in the middle of winter to holiday in Siberia

Honey pot. Mermaid man and Barnacle boy are monitoring this thread

are you supporting the use of violence against me?

I do not believe in human rights

I do not believe in morals

Nature is the highest law

Survival of the fittest

Interracial breading should be punished by death.

Permantly ill people shouldnt get medical help provided by others.

Death sentence on degenerate behavior.(You can be the hugest faggot though, as long as noone knows)

Nonfit people should be discriminated.

Nationalism is very important.

People who are not able to provide for theselfes shouldnt get social help (children are obviously and exception).

I would have you shot, sentenced to anal rape.

I'm so far right I can walk among the Libtards and they think I'm one of them. Circumnavigation of the political spectrum. Who knew it was round instead of a flat plane.

To violate the Non-Aggression Principle is to make yourself an enemy of the American republic, the American people, and the American emperor.

I'm so far right I own guns with anime girls painted on them.

don't reply to slide threads

I'm so far right that I am a member of a WASPy country club as a cucktholic dago wop from NJ and had legit klan members tell me they wished I could join.

This is the most cringe-worthy thread I've ever read and I've been here since 07


get out of my safespace

I told my class this was a non-country

And we should join The Netherlands again

With borders

no regret

>implying black people can afford computers or electricity