why does Sup Forums care about repeating digits so much? no other board gives a shit. its so cringy
Why does Sup Forums care about repeating digits so much? no other board gives a shit. its so cringy
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hello new friend
they cared too much, dubs are disabled on some boards. Newfag
>t. moloch shill trying to discourage us from harnessing the power of Kek
check these digits son, praise
listen you cant just post a webm like this and not tell me if the guy died or not
>That clip
Did he survive?
did he died
which is why all other boards are shit tier
that moron had no momentum. he totally ate rocks.
The Russian Hackers are granting us repeating digits to keep doing their bidding.
Because pol is full of b tards that have just finished fapping to trap and furry threads
> he doesn't believe in meme magic
You can hear how he saw his life end for a second there
Kool story but check these dubs
what is the source to this video
light abrasion on his back
he got fucking lucky
Because they are the word of kek
Just for those digits and the kek, you can knock an inch off the wall.
Have you ever heard of KEK? He is the one giving us signs of the future of the world. Trump President is one of this signs
some faggot who does really really risky jumps, he has a youtube channel but i forgot its name
this guy really is a dumbass
How do we know he survived?
the film ends too soon.
unless I see him getting out of the water on his own
I say he died
>hurr durr cartoon frog
>hurr durr meme magic
>omg dubs XDDDDD
Praise Kek!!
Because Hillary is finished
You wouldn't understand.
webm is cut, full version has him going into the water missing the rocks with an inch
>It's a "kekposters fail to get repeating digits episode"
Because Sup Forums is full of redditors who come here just to post for dubs so they can screengrab it and get upvotes and the mods do not care.
Dub posting is way worse on Sup Forums than it was on Sup Forums before it got removed there.
>tfw you actually agree with this
It really has gotten out of hand
way too many bullshit PLS GRANT ME THINE DUBS posts, even entire threads dedicated to glorified getposting
I don't mind it on exceptionally rare/appropriate gets, but a lot of threads are almost entirely autists pointing out doubles--FUCKING DOUBLES--and spamming "braise geg :DDD"
It really should never have been allowed to get this bad.
>lolwuts b?
Why is such idiocy not bannable?
> Niggers tongue my anus
The goym knows about the secret numbers. Shut it down!
Gas yourself.
>Doesn't know that GET's were a thing long before Sup Forums was even a thing
Lurk fucking more, fag. You haven't been here long enough to post.
Nice dubs
You failed
It's a sign, 79 rare peeps here: youtube.com
For Kek
what did KEK mean by this?
Advanced numerology, that.
see: this very thread
they also used to be hidden because people spammed gets (HMMMM), and could earn you a vacation from the boards