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Sheitan ackbar!


its been a decade since ive seen this, what was it called again?

Lá creatura deabolica

It' surely a sorry name for an angel...

>Life itself is only a vision; A dream. Nothing exists, but an empty space and you. And you are but a thought.

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R u angle?

He's not wrong

I found it. The adventures of mark twain.

The Adventures of Mark Twain.

posting the nightmare

Pure undiluted nightmare fuel.

>I can do no wrong, for I do not know what it is

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honestly, this shit was too kino for this movie

>Whats your name?
Oh boi I can already tell I'm in for a good one

Genuinely creepy and unsettling. The idea that a being of incomprehensible intelligence and power exists and holds unimaginable hatred and loathing for humanity is terrifying

And that's probably exactly the reason it's locked away in a fucking black void

Does he actually hate humanity though? He seems to be robotic and unaware of morality.

Yes, Satan hates humanity

I mean the Mark Twain Satan.

disdain =/= hate

>He seems to be robotic and unaware of morality.
Satan confirmed for autistic

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It's an act, it's basically a metaphor for Satan shilling the end of desire, ego death, nihilism, taoism etc, which doesn't work perfectly because the humans in the sketch are just kids and these idea usually appeal to people who are at least in highschool

make sense, in one day God will wake up, and the universe will cease to exist

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Wrong. In abrahamic religions Satan is the one that preaches the reunion of man, nature and heaven, while god is against nature, nature is against man and man is against god.

I'm stronger.

Oh fuck off

Satan is our most beloved uncle

>Satan shills

>a being of incomprehensible intelligence and power exists and holds unimaginable hatred and loathing for humanity is terrifying

the jews?

Sheitan ackbar!

Satan IS humanity, you idiot

yo where are the real TV Christians at

Lets revise the bible. Wasn't Satan like the most beautiful and wisest angel? Does he now have any redeeming qualities? Or youre fully on team God?


you have never read or studied any abrahamic religion, its telling.

team god? or team satan? kid same coin, let not the left hand know what the right hand doeth!

satan gave knowledge to man, he was prometheus, he was the light bringer, he showed us that we could take the power of gods into our own minds and hands.

Why would you post in this fucking thread if you know nothing about The Mysterious Stranger you twat

Yeah, no. Only the bible, q'oran and the talmud, you little faggot.
Absolutely any scholar on mythology onows abrahamic religions are against nature.

>I can do no wrong, for I do not know what it is
Does this excuse actually work, theologically?

Read the story it's based on. The really horrifying thing is that it doesn't hate humanity. It's like some dumb kid with magnifying glass burning ants. It's too far above and beyond us to hate us. Hell, in its mind, it was just having fun with the other kids. It's just everything it did ended in horror.

your a fucking larping retard, saying somthing dosnt make it true, dumb ass

Mark Twain's Satan isn't the Biblical Satan. The Biblical Satan is this guy's uncle, who he's named after. Seriously.

You haven't read the source material.

Within Christianity: yes. Sin is the downfall of consciousness, if it is outside your conscious understanding, it cannot be a sin. Satan understands not Sin. This is because he is an angel who lusts for mastery, and therefore sins not while affronting God, but is the source of all sin.


>le 56%

>la creatura...

>la luz extinguida!


Wrong. Man had knowledge. He specifically gave "knowledge of good and evil" which is the problem. If you are always good, what you perceive is normal, thus there is no "evil." Think of it like the perpetually healthy society. They wouldn't know what "illness" was because they would always be healthy, and thus would not have a concept of health since that is just how things are. Once you know evil, then you know good. Otherwise, it would just be being.

>abrahamic religions
i know in Islam the story is that satan was not an angel but a djinn

basically the three intelligent beings are man, angels and djinn. Angels are the only ones without free will so its impossible for them to disobey god. Djinns are invisible to humans and are made from smokeless fire and can do light speed travel through the universe. They exist on earth and seems like they are inter dimensional creatures. They can be good or evil and believe in any faith and can go to heaven or hell. Solomon could control and communicate with djinns

before Adam, the earth was made and filled with djinn where one djinn was the king and the most loyal to god, this djinn was iblis. God decided to raise him up to heaven and place him next to the angels and iblis flew to the heavens. When god created adam he told the angels to bow and they did as they cannot disobey

iblis was arrogant as he saw himself as superior as he was made from fire whilst adam from clay. for refusing, god sentenced him to hell, however iblis made a deal where he would not go to hell until judgement day and would try to corrupt mankind whilst god bet that he would not be able to corrupt everyone

i am a muslim and you are a liar

can you power up to beat up djinn like in hinduism

also there are hints of extra terrestrial life in the quran which could be djinns or some other life

for example it says one of the reasons for meteors and shooting stars was to ward away demons/evil djinn from earth

also there is a quote from quran ''we have created life and scattered it throughout the universe''

also hints at parrallel universes hence the 7 heaven thing

Fyi I had a horrifying experience where I met the devil and he just laughed at me when I said this. I hope it was just a dream, or kid me getting into dads LSD or something. But long story short this doesn't work, it just makes him laugh.

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I never saw this film before, maybe it wasn't as big in England as America. But i will forever remember this guy as the Thumbnail for 2008 'BANNED CHILDREN'S MOVIES' Clikcbait Youtube Videos

he was named lucifer the morning star or lucifer was probably meant to be the planet saturn in the night sky

he was arrogant and disobeyed god and lead a rebellion with corrupt angels and was cast out

also some corrupt angels escaped to earth where they raped human women and the offspring were giant creatures called nephilim and is why god created the flood to wipe them out

the king of the nephillim is locked away in a pit within earth

>Mark Twain's Satan isn't the Biblical Satan. The Biblical Satan is this guy's uncle, who he's named after. Seriously.
this is correct and its funny how he tries to say he's nothing like his uncle

they can possess you or befriend and help you i think

hinduism is pretty cool, theres stories of ancient wars fought with flying chariots and nuclear bomb like weapons

its theorised sodom and gomorrah in bible were destroyed by a nuke hence why god says to those who are fleeing not to look back at the destruction or they too will be destroyed

As the book explains he doesn't hate humanity at all. To paraphrase "does the elephant regards the ants when he crushes them?"

Also, Satan is a child in the book.

I just read read about this on reddit the other day too, OP. Sweet! I'll be right at home on this site. Here's your, sorry, (You).

>But long story short this doesn't work, it just makes him laugh.
He's bluffing user, it works just fine. It only stops working when you lose faith, which is precisely why the devil hides his pain and laughs.

but satan is supposed to be attractive and alluring

if he looked like a half goat human with horns and red skin then no-one would fall for his tricks but if he looked like a handsome and charming man then you would

>Satan is this guy's uncle

Well remember Satan is "the prince of lies", so a big theme of the book is that Satan is an unreliable narrator. In the book he's not a "masked armor ghost", he's a charming child that everyone who looks at him falls in love with him.

I like the version of hinduism that was like dbz but instead of ki it was like spirit energy that you get from meditating
they could get strong enough to beat up gods

djinn are pretty much the same across regions which is kind of interesting if you think about it

i really like these religious lore threads

>his scene is deleted from american tv runs

top kek

>walk away

yeah, i'm alright for that lid, no thanks

>You haven't read the source material.
I did, if you think Twain supports Satan's assertions and point of view you're sadly mistaken.

you guys should read up on judaism angels

angels are not like beautiful men with wings but more like eldritch abominations

there is a reason that the first thing they say when they reveal themselves to a prophet is 'do not be afraid'

Exactly this

i know in islam there is an angel with 70,000 heads and each tongue praises god in a different language for eternity

This fucked me up real good when I was a kid. It was on a saturday morning cartoon VHS with Turtles or something and it was always a scary ride when this came on.

Now I have to say that using a mask like a face is pretty fucking rad.

>70,000 heads

>cherubs that hold the throne where if you look at them you will burn and die
>angels with 7000 wings which are the more nicer to look at
>angels with 4 heads, one of a lion, child, eagle, and snake each facing a different direction
>that one angle which is basically to wheels tied together with a thousand eyes running across the rims

Well we have these things, kid heads with wings.

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there is also an angel which is just a bunch of wings with eyes covering them, no body or head

Satan is supposed to be beautiful, which makes sense.

Why would anyone be tempted by something hideous?


do angels in the bible have free will ? why did satan rebel and not others ?

It did work, as long as your faith never yielded the demon was powerless.

He laughed because he was trying to ruse you

if god in the bible is all powerful, why did he need a day to rest after creating everything ?

Source on where I can find these angels? Are they in Revelations?

Even God needs a break for porn and tendies

Lucifer did yes.

Tl;Dr: Lucifer was too proud of being above Man to bow before God.

Haha okay i really wanna share my opinion but i think this video is pretty deep so use your own discernment, this is just my personal interpretations and opinions. i think its lowkey pretty freaky but in a strange way i think the aesthetics are important and compliment the ideas well. for me it is less threatening if you try to think of it as a lesson for the children, for us watching the clip even, rather than an intentional threatening display of power or something like that. the thoughts i get from it are that the nature of creation can seem ominous and otherworldly, scary even, interesting and fun and awesome, indifferent, etc. its not something to be afraid of per se, it is bountiful and nourishing, yet at the same time not to be taken lightly or for granted. it can be ever changing, and on its own, as a conceptual force, perhaps it reflects what it sees more than it takes free-willed action. like when the stranger says there can be storms or earthquakes depending on what you "like". I interpret the end as showing how what you choose to understand of it is sort of in the eye of the beholder, how it is our responsibility to decide what it means to us either as a whole or as individuals, and what we choose to make of that (perhaps literally). it seems the lesson was maybe a little too deep and all at once for the kids who were seeing things as fun and games, i totally relate to that when it comes to life lessons. i dont think there is anything wrong with that, yet perhaps its the reason they needed that sort of well intentioned cautionary warning in the first place. not as a "better watch it" or anything, but as a sincere sort of "be careful with what you do and don't know and what actions you take because you are at the whims of the same things you have been gifted with". idk thats just kind of the vibe and thoughts i get from it, either way i choose to thank the mysterious stranger and learn from him rather than feel threatened.

old testemant and torah

they are called serraphim

Sounds kind of like CHIM.

why was he given free will and was he the only angel with free will ?

Yes, intellect and free will but no matter.

Iirc he was the most powerful Angel

>tied together
They're interlocking and rotating in opposite directions. The eyes also are on every surface.

can he ask for forgiveness and would he be forgiven ?

If Satan is an angel I always imagined it with shapeshifting powers. Meaning it would more than likely morph to your weakness or worst fear. A beautiful woman, a horde of talking bugs, etc. I always thought the idea of this demon with pitchfork idea as stupid. Satan wouldn't even want you knowing you're being screwed over.

Same here. All religion has some neat creative shit in it.

God will forgive him when he lets go of his pride and stops trying to corrupt Man and fight God.

Also God loves Man more than angels.