What does the white house smell like, Sup Forums?
What does the white house smell like, Sup Forums?
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I want to sleep in there and get comfy.
Coconut butter and sweat.
Nigger stink
probably fresh and clean
Since there are likely many maids and butlers and stuff there cleaning all the time
but memesters will say it smells like niggers or something because haha
Kek, this
Ectoplasm left behind by Abraham Lincoln.
Fried Chicken
cocoa butter and collard greens
Vanilla candles
Fried chicken and watermelons, honestly Sup Forums need you even ask ? Hitler yourselves.
3 b's, butter biscuits and buttfucking
I've been inside the whilte house before on a tour. It smells like gallons of febreeze have been spilled. It makes you dizzy.
That's a great smell though. The white home probably smells like boiled cabbage, piss, and farts
Soul Glow and cheap cologne.
This sounds about right. Not sure what corruption smells like. Old man mixed with crusty vag?
Gallons and gallons of spilled Schlitz Malt Liquor and Olde English 800.
why are there niggers on Sup Forums?
It smells like shit. Just like the rest of America.
Stale Newports and baby powder.
tears and latex
Tuna and Cigars
we run this place cracker. go spray febreeze in your stinky house. crackers smell like wet dog
the smell of kings and shit
Fried chicken, food stamps and cocoa butter.
this and hair relaxer.
fried chicken and watermelons
Grape Soda & Cuckoa Butter
Semen xD
Crack and watermelon kool-aid
If hillary wins, depends.
BO and lanolin
salty milk
Tyrone pls
Menthol cigarettes and stale malt liquor