Too many people have been promised too much shit that they're never going to get. Gun sales are through the roof. Even if you are going to actively avoid fighting, you should start thinking about the logistics of day to day life with a broken or only partially working Just In Time supply chain system.
We're arming up for a civil war
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Gun sales are going through the roof cuz people are afraid Hillary will ban them one by one and make it so having a gun in your home is a felony.
And they're right. I expect SCOTUS to rule that 2A only applies to the National Guard in my lifetime.
What's the regular bumps ? Anti gun laws ?
And Hillary banning them would kick off a civil war. What were the Redcoats out to do at Lexington and Concord?
a civil war between whom? it won't happen. i'm calling bullshit on this one
You have over 40 million people on food stamps and tens of millions more who depend on government income that cannot continue forever. You have a Social Security system that has been raided by the government and stuffed full of government IOUs that people are forced to pay into. This is from a government that is pushing $20 Trillion in debt, and that's when you use mark-to-unicorn accounting practices. You have TBTF banks who effectively have control over the currency that they force you to use. People have been promised shit that they're not going to get.
You tell me, between whom?
Not sure, but I'm guessing hunting season/Chistmas.. Just a guess. I know the gun couners are always busy that time of year compared to other times.
and you think people will separate into factions and start killing each other en masse?
Yes. When the government derived income that they depend on goes away, they will get desperate. It will go away. If the government comes for the guns, there will be violence. If Hillary wins and there is a widespread perception that the election was rigged, there will be violence. If our Just In Time supply chains break down for more than a week or two, there will be violence.
Yeah that makes sense. Want to get in before the laws change and maybe be able to keep them under grandfather clause or something.
again, violence between whom?
Socialists vs libertarians, all tied within ethnic lines
It depends on what kicks it off. If it is the government coming for the guns, it will be between armed Americans and the government. If it is supply chains breaking down before people have thought about the logistics of day to day life without the benefits of industrial civilization, it will be much, much more chaotic and it will be between people who want resources. The violence will start off much more locally.
so you think i'm just going to start fighting my dumbass socialist friends just because they voted for a politician who turned out to be corrupt? no, that's insane.
>between armed Americans and the government
first of all, that's not really a civil war. secondly, who in the government is going to fight against citizens?
this is where FBIanon loses me. it's just fear-mongering, and the govt. trying to save their own asses.
Let's be real here: an outright ban would never work. But that's not how leftists like Hillary operate. She gets one guaranteed Supreme Court judge and you butter believe that Ginsberg is waiting for a Democrat before she retires. Meaning that Hillary gets at least 1 or 2 judges during her first term. She does not believe that 2A is an individual right and disagrees with the ruling in Heller vs DC. so it stands to reason that any judge she picks is going to be leftists that want to eviscerate the 2A.
Combine that with executive and legislative branch public officials across the country who take the approach of "pass law first, worry about its Constitutionality later when its challenged in court" and you have a recipe for disaster.
What does that graph even fucking mean?
Is that a rate? Is that cumulative?
If this is by month, the area under that curve is 16 billion checks! That's 470% greater than the population of the country including children!
Why do you people just believe everything you see? Why are you so stupid!!
You'd be surprised at how many people in the government would fight for it. There are a lot of people who are just going to do what they see as authority figures as telling them to do. Sure, a lot would defect, but a lot of people in the government are significantly invested in the idea that the US government is good.
But that's also ignoring all of the people dependent on government. Once that income goes away, SHTF will happen. Or don't you remember what happened when a few states experienced a short hiccup in EBT? That damned near turned into a full bore chimpout. I'll also point out that one (war against the government) can cause the other (economic turmoil) or vice versa.
That's background checks by month, you fucking mung. If you had been following this issue for years like a real American, you'd know that.
I think it's far more likely that a Clinton SCOTUS will try to fuck up the 2A, entire states will tell the feds to fuck off (many have preemptively passed laws to this effect), and we'll all just sit around pissed off at each other until something else (war, economic downturn, etc.) comes along as a bigger problem.
The gun thing alone won't cause a civil war, because the government doesn't have enough people to start one and pro-constitution folk aren't going to march on Washington unless they do.
obviously they wouldn't just cut all aid at once. you rebudget, and make slow changes.
and government aid isn't nearly our biggest expense.
Yeah, the "Firearm Freedom Acts" that many states have passed.
Wyoming's even includes full-auto.
As per usual, the Feds decided that if you import any raw materials whatsoever, then it counts as interstate commerce. How much steel is produced in wyoming?
Dude, you guys spend as much on welfare as you do on the military and you spend as much on the military as most of the rest of the world combined. That other user is right. It's a ticking time bomb.
The US Dollar is a Ponzi scheme. Dollars are loaned into existence at interest. We are in a state of economic collapse and have been for about 15 years or about 45 years, depending on what criteria you use. You don't re-budget and make slow changes when your currency collapses, and the USD is guaranteed to collapse. The only question is when.
>Gun sales are through the roof.
Thats not what your graph says
You can get a back ground check at any gun store and the check never asks if you bought a gun merely that you had a check done
It will start, and has already to some degree, with ammunition bans and limitations. Buy the necessary tools to make your own ammo.
That's exactly why they don't want the Federal reserve audited.
It'll instantly trigger the total economic collapse for all populated continents. Wars will be declared over the debts that will never be repaid.
Not gun laws, it's just when Obama mentions gun laws.
Would you mind shipping some guns over to your old dad, son?
honestly, cops beating niggers back into submission is the revolution we need.
In the US civil war there were literally brothers who killed each other. If you don't think it could happen again you are literally retarded.
For large quantity production, you'll want a progressive press.
There is a reason that I would be for marching on K Street before Capitol hill. Get rid of the lobbyists else a new congress will be just a corrupted within a year or two as the one that you removed.
There are some producers up around Cheyenne, I think. Recycling might be feasible. I'm not a machinist or steel guy or anything, though.
I wonder how much the feds could do if Utah and Wyoming worked out something (the former has a lot more production, IIRC). It's interstate, sure, but we're already talking about telling DC to go away, so...
Yes it is. By far and away. Look at Medicare and social security.
>the police will be against us
Pick one. I've picked my friends wisely.
The main issue is the spring steel.
Also, you'd probably want aluminum for the receivers, otherwise the guns get heavy fast.
This. Stonewall Jackson's own sister said she was glad he died.
This as well. Leftists are obnoxious about politics. Only Repubs, independents, and libertarians for me.
this generation is very different from the civil war generation. we have central heating and air, high speed internet, and thousands of channels to watch on tv. we're pampered, weak, and numb.
people these days aren't picking up rifles and going to war, dude.
Some invariably will.
Interdasting ... wonder if people with CCW permits are not counted in the background check totals ????
4473 gets filed every time regardless of whether you have a CCL.
This. Getting a CCW is a completely separate process from purchasing a firearm from an FFL.
What's the likelihood of the CF investigation sparking military involvement? All of would take is one cranky old curmudgeon of a general to get pissed off that the DoJ or Obama end up cock blocking the FBI. How bout if Obama last minute pardons Hillary? Tensions are on a knifes edge right now and I feel like the wrong move could easily spark a real, tangible coup. Not this "soft-coup" we supposedly have going on right now.
this is true, for the people that are going to die when they realize they did not prepare for the total collapse of the government in the country the live. its sad to say that probably 95% of people are going to shit themselves off bat, and not be able to contribute anything in the first couple months. (this is just my own shitposting opinion with no factual evidence)
Im sure once the ball starts rolling and people get used to the lifestyle more people will join in on the revolt. The real key is keeping it going to get to that point.
The other problem tho is differentiating who the actually enemy is. I Have a feeling Mrs. Hillary is going to claim anyone with a gun is considered ISIS and will get mowed down if they do not comply with confiscation laws.
government handouts are the majority of spending.
The same could probably be said of that generation though, and all generations.
They already render firearms unusable at inaugurations or parades where "high ranking" individuals will be. No bolts in the rifles.
I own a gun store (actually a pawn shop) and whenever someone uses a CCW to buy a weapon nothing is sent to the ATF. I just file the 4473 like I do all of the others. Without the NICS check the ATF isnt notified of somebody buying a firearm.
you guys have been screaming about gun bans and government collapse for years and our guns and society is still here. stop fear mongering you alex jones retards
the argument could be made, sure, every generation seems to think they had it rougher than the ones that came after them, but the technological progress we've had over the last half-century has made the quality of life pretty god damn great.
>Im sure once the ball starts rolling and people get used to the lifestyle more people will join in on the revolt. The real key is keeping it going to get to that point.
this is true. it's very hard to get it to that point though. the most i could see coming from this is a few lone wolf attacks, and the only way i could see this growing to something bigger is an extreme crackdown by the government (confiscating weapons, imprisonment, killings, etc.).
but i don't see that happening. if there's any lone wolf attacks the government and media will just call them terrorists and americans will clock back in to work in the morning.
if the job pays money there is no debt. therfore no inflation. infinite money bitch
Tell that to Californians, New Yorkers or anyone else in ban states.
You do realize that only a very very tiny fraction of sales are denied right? And 95% of states only require checks for firearms/receivers, not ammo or parts/accessories.
That top chart is a proxy for total debt in the US. $60 Trillion. The second chart is basically the monetary base plus the value in everybody's checking account, and to a lesser degree other money-like instruments. $12 Trillion. The total debt is likely understated. That debt is never being paid off. Ever. It is going to crush the currency.
That doesn't even get into the financial fuckery carried out by the banks.
>leftists that want to eviscerate the 2A.
but user, they all swear an oath to uphold the constitution