Young people DEMAND change from next president

Did they really just open that video with a hijab wearing slut sitting in a mock oval office?
Do they really expect people to take this shit seriously?

>video starts with a terrorist

>We asked 9 Communists what they want from government
>Turns out they also wanted tyranny


Sorry kid, we don't negotiate with terrorists.

>castrate all white males
>gas all white males
>nigger dick for all white women

Did I guess right?

why do you all give shit you hate or know your going to dislike so much attention? Like honestly what the fuck? yall fucking fags are as shitty and emotional as fucking stupid SJWs i swear ya fucking dumb nerds

More like young faggots and whiny cunts

>Young people have jobs
>Young people pay taxes
>Young people own property
You know why youth opinions aren't taken seriously?

> haven't contributed anything to society
> demand something

I am tired of this ' I demand ' meme

what do you want to talk about user?

>Turns out they also wanted tyranny
Or Tranny ? I want tons of trannies.

What is the Muslim in top-right doing? I thought Muslims aren't allowed to vote in the USA?



I think you've been on poI for a little to long

these kids need to spend a year or two in military school with a drill instructor that isn't afraid to smack them around every time they spout a word of this SJW commie fruitbowl nonsense.

>Islam is the face of western religion.
>Homosexuality and Transexuality is now the norm.
>Woman's bathrooms are bigger and have more customs to it.
>Anyone with a penis needs to legally check their male privilege.
>When coming out of the womb, the baby needs to point at a male or female sign to determine their preferred pronoun.
>Jewish history month.
>And most important of all: GIMME GIMME.

>second sentence "that we are entitled.."
and closed it... stupid sand hoe you are entitled to nothing you didnt work for.

The brain's prefrontal cortex doesn't fully develop until your late 20's.

These are literally the opinions of the mentally deficient.

not a single white male, what a shock

Why would you castrate a man before killing him?

What exactly where they demanding? It just sounded like a punch of platitudes.

Since when are there so much muslims in the US?

Can someone please summarize this, all 9 demands, coherently?

You like to talk. Tell me about Kaine. Why does he follow the hag?

social liberalism

>all 9 demands
Heh. I thought the same thing when I started watching. I was expecting a numbered list. Then at the end I reread the video title. It's 9 teens giving out a rambling list of demands.

Young people don't matter though. Certainly not under the age of 18 and barely over the age of 18.

The voting age should be increased to 21.

>be some faggy small ass minority
>demand things

Why would you shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?

-Climate change
-Transgender bullshit
-World citizen
-Control words becuse it´s hurtfull to muslims. They just cant handle the truth...

Basically all of them are looking for fulfilment in a vast and unfulfilling universe. It's a good show


Oh. Well, I guess we better just do whatever they want.

It must be serious.

Should just make it one million dollars you own in money and other property for 1 vote.

>young millennial
Aren't millennials in their 30s by now?

>World Citizen


I forgot to mention the part where they seek to exert as much control as possible over what they know deep in their hearts to be an entirely chaotic existence

brilliant. give all votes to oligarchs. that will work out well.

At least you can talk. Are you with her?

ask not what your country can do for you etc

>Youth organizer of reproductive justice

The oldest millennials are in their 30's. I am 32 almost 33 and I am still considered part of that shitty generation despite having quite a different upbringing.

If you have mass voting accessible to everyone then you don't have an oligarchy, retard.

yeah its over

the world is doomed

Well the official definition is: a person reaching young adulthood around the year 2000. In what world does a 16 year old qualify?

if you get 1 vote for every million you have as he proposed?

What? Terrible idea.

I would rather extend it to people over the age of 25 and not on any form of government assistance.

No, that's fucking retarded Russia. It will devolve into your (our common slavic) shithole of billionaires controlling everything

Instead, make them pass a mandatory test on critical topics like law, history, politics, etc. Vote weighted upon the score you get on it, with the lowest 20% of scores forbidden the right to vote until next term

I could not tell you. Take it up with the niggers that can't even agree on what defines a generation.

yes, as long as people can become millionaires and stop being billionaires based on their own actions then you can't say that government would be an oligarchy

It does not matter who we are, what matters is our plan

GOAT post. 10/10

Well congratulations, you won the primary! Now what's the next step of your yuge plan?

i closed it after i heard the word
also damn is she feeling cold or what? what kind of outfit is this?

>transgender youth activist
what the fuck

It's the I am oppressed and don't trigger me starter kit.

>climate change is one of the most important issues of our time

Getting sick of this shit. It's an issue that needs to be dealt with but not while we're $20,000,000,000,000 in debt.

>it's not just about money
Yes it is.

Helicopter rides for all of them. Trust me, it worked for us.

>global citizens
They don't even try to hide it anymore.

When will the transgender meme stop ... i cant take it anymore.

These people are useless pieces of shit who shouldn't survive.

Crashing marxism... with no survivoursh

they got to stop using the word millenial then putting a multi colored hipster on camera.

The categorization for Millenial goes up to people who are 36 years of age.

Bitch you ever been to a Barnes and Noble?

There aren't. Just like there aren't a lot of trannies, or even gays. It doesn't matter, they want gibsmedats and special snowflake laws and there are enough brainwashed shitheads in colleges to act as their microphones that they get whatever they want anyway.

I haven't read a book in 15 years.

>transgender youth activist
>Youth organizer of reproductive justice

Shes cute. Too bad her brains damaged.

And they actually wont in the next civil war, which is inevitable.

Don't worry too much, the world has your back covered and will religiously ensure that only the fittest survive, as it has for the past 13 billion years

Soon lads, soon.

"Her" brain's not the only thing that's been damaged, lad.

You'll get to vote when your older.

Holy shit is s/he the tranny? No fucking way ... her voice was feminine... but now , i doubt. Can it be?

Fuuuuck this is unfair on the senses. I would marry him, so fucking cute.

>Global citizen

Hillary puts hand on Huma

"No they expect one of us in the impeachment sister"

The time of the white male oppressor is over. We are taking back our country whether you like it or not.

Lads, I'm having an existential crisis here.

How is this a man? It sounds exactly like a girl, it looks exactly like a girl, my dick is telling me its a girl. But it has a penis. How is this possible???????

canada has bad water

>There's one white male and it's a fucking tranny
What did they mean by this?

Cultural marxism at work.

This is our future.

these freaks need to be exterminated. along with all cucknadians

I'd watch him get fucked

I can see it both ways, but the fact that it's a "transgender youth activist" is a pretty strong indicator that a penis is likely.

>listening to or caring about what young people say

Don't know what to tell you except to stay the fuck away from Sup Forums if you want your heterosexuality to stay intact.



It's called acting.

No it really is a boy, look at his instagram.

Funny thing is, when Barry ran in 2007, I asked why so many people my age were voting for him (I was 20 at the time), and they ALL fucking said, "Because we need change" or "It's time for change". It's the same thing every fucking election.

i.e. kids are fucking stupid.

Theres an old philosophical argument about how you cannot rely on your senses. Case and point.


>Listening to individuals under the age of 25 when their brains aren't even physiologically formed or complete

>Transgender youth activist

And what do will they do if the president doesn't do it? Complain?

correct. the voting age should be raised to 25.

I agree that something needs to change.

But he was absolutely right

But then shouldn't the legal age of being an adult be raised to 25 as well? And the age to be drafted into the military? These were the main reasons behind lowering the voting age

fucking hell kek

I've actually got no idea if it's a he or a she. I didn't even watch the video, I'm just memeing at ya.

>But then shouldn't the legal age of being an adult be raised to 25 as well? Even the government knows kiddos under 25 are still essentially children. That is why they let you be on mommy and daddys insurance until 25.
