Post an image, get a movie recommendation
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A River Runs Through It
Attached: E60D1734-3C62-474C-8DB6-0DECB927F74B.jpg (421x600, 35K)
The Deer Hunter
An Inconvenient Truth
Attached: 1438732187440.png (767x750, 256K)
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>alt right
what did he mean by this
Attached: Bogs.jpg (678x962, 171K)
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I'm going to need a quick rundown on this manga.
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lars and the real girl
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How does he get out of there without breaking the eggs?
green room
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can't tell if this is a tranny or just a really ugly chick
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the end of evangelion
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anything with Lena Dunham
Attached: ruh roh.jpg (1920x1080, 149K)
Attached: ChristianRockHard10.jpg (2550x2550, 529K)
Attached: blue.jpg (1280x853, 185K)
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Attached: Kyuuketsuki_01.jpg (704x392, 21K)
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Wait is that Oprah?
I thought she couldn't get uglier or more repugnant
Attached: rofl lmao.jpg (340x430, 27K)
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Attached: powns my dick.jpg (640x421, 80K)
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Either Lynch's Dune or the SyFy Miniseries
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soylent green
Attached: babar.jpg (4572x5751, 2.16M)
darkwing duck episodes with negaduck
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Most of David Lynch movies
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