If you see a CIA nigger, run them over. they glow in the dark
Years later and this finally falls into perspective.
Holy shit.
CIA niggers MUST die. I finally get you, Terry.
what the fuck
That guy posts on Hacker News all the time. He has schizophrenia.
>the man who thought he was inspired by God to make an unusable OS
Terry is redpilled as fuck. He killed a CIA nigger with his car, but the law can't touch him because he was an alien.
>not using the only God-approved computer operating system TempleOS
It's beautiful.
This fucking guy.
>They got rid of CD/DVD. they are coming for our guns.
The guy streams pretty frequently. Granted, autists just spam his chat about cia niggers, but he's always talking about how TempleOS works and talking to God.
It's kinda sad, really. His life story.
>If the CIA extorts you with Zuckerberg Jew info.... 1st rule is extorition never happens juts once. Just admjit anything first time. Jews.
This guy is unleashed.
The operating system god intended
didnt tweet since september obviously got hacked
might wanna backtrack that statment
This guy is beyond redpilled
How does he keep getting away with it? Absolute fucking madman.
This dude ate a fucking prismatic, 6-D hyper Dodecahedron Pill... fuck a red-pill!
serious next-level biz
On a more (serious??) related note...
I KNOW one of (You) has this dudes OS installed on some device..
USE HIS "After Egypt" Oracle program and ask it if is a city-sized alien communicating through the Ark.
Do it. Report results.
I love Rush, but 2112 isn't about the CIA. It's pretty much Ayn Rand's objectivist novella "Anthem" put to a 7-part, 20-minute long musical story with some degrees of differentiation.
>How does he keep getting away with it?
If they do emit, you must acquit.
Programmer here. He's not wrong.
That was the third time he posted that song on that day.
for some reason i really enjoy reading the writings of schizos. i've read a lot of what this guy has written and it's pretty good. it's a sort of stream of conscious that is constantly being interrupted by other thoughts. i occasionally try to RP as a schizo here but nobody ever notices.
He's just doing god's work. That's over an hour of having the holy triumvirate cum inside your ear pussy.
Programmer here, he is not wrong. Also TempleOS is fucking a beautiful system.
>Score one for the good guys
my fuckin sides, you go damn loon. i haven't heard that expression for ages.
yea that part slayed me
If you wanna talk to this guy, he posts to progrider every now and then.
He is suprisingly smart.
I used to type like this when my Ambien kicked in. Obv not in a clear frame of mind.
Programmer here. Who the fuck uses github?
Programmers with employment prospects
It's worth more than a resume, kind of like stack
>He is suprisingly smart.
yea the dude is clearly a genius. he just got derailed by his mental condition. he had a really solid job before his mental illness fully took hold, right?
this man 100% correct.
all you faggots cant handle his truth bombs.
must be CIA niggers.
he's schizophrenic. god of programming though.
>he just got derailed by his mental condition. he had a really solid job before his mental illness fully took hold, right?
Maybe you are looking at the world backwards because of your mental condition.
Who the fuck is this master troll exactly? Life story and achievements please.
>ppl here actually think the FBI is on our side
My stupid fucking Jewish OS doesn't let me play great games like "Bomber Golf"
he made templeOS. look it up, I'm not going to spoonfeed.
Redpill overdose. Poor guy
Check out aYa's writings on the L-R language learning method, they're all like that. I like them too, but it's really difficult to replicate that writing style when you're not schizo.
Old news. He's posted here before.
>tfw I literally have a C64 right next to my shitposting PC
God bless this man
>Maybe you are looking at the world backwards because of your mental condition.
To be fair Terry's understanding of optimization is absolutely incredible
If he wasn't deranged and worked in a big company, he could be doing great things.
>tfw too redpilled to fall for fed pedo bait
so terry a davis is a racist privileged white male
somebody sell this guy to tumblr already
Did Richard Stallman change his name or something?
We are on your side.
I am the original FBI user.
I'm talking
>I like them too, but it's really difficult to replicate that writing style when you're not schizo.
yea, plus schizos have no problem putting a face and name behind the shit they're writing which is why it's way more provocative than anyone trying to duplicate it here.
lmfao this is gold
the right to compile shall not be infringed
Woah, discrimination isn't cool. You should run over any nigger, regardless of his job
Why isn't this guy on a big dose of Seroquel?
Kek, dude is unhinged. Wew
kyle odom's manifesto was also quite a good read.
u got me
Yeee, that can be painful, doc.
It's like a racist version of the Milkman Conspiracy.
(This post was sent from TempleOS.)
>tfw Sup Forums goes 16 colour to save bandwidth
You liar. TempleOS has no networking as part of the charter.
It's so perfect and beautiful.
This thread has me laughing like an idiot at work
>tfw Psychonauts 2 will inevitably be SJW bullshit
>2234 people who know how to have keks
>16 bit color
Why stop there?
wtf I love this guy
What is her name?
Terry is the most based fucker on the webz.
>TempleOS deliberately has no network support.
Why is he on the internet?
I found my new favorite thing
He is literally the most god tier programmer on the planet.
Dude actually wrote an entire operating system.
Based Terry :)
how much does anyone want to bet this guy is actually a murderer and his egg fried brain thought he ran over a CIA space alien when he did it?
Holy fuck. Reading his shit gives me diarreah.
>this will never be your friends mom
Fuck off CIA nigger. Score one for the good guys!
Reported for hate speech.
This guy is great
francis e dec, is that you?
Parroting puppet gangster computer god
Great to watch his streams just for the truth bombs.