>Apply for an entry level job
>Requirements include 2-3 years of work experience
How do we fix this? Can Trump do anything?
>Apply for an entry level job
>Requirements include 2-3 years of work experience
How do we fix this? Can Trump do anything?
>apply for job
>"sorry you're not a muslim immigrant"
She had more black cock than i had food in my mouth. Would fuck then kill her.
Maybe next time work while attending school instead of partying like a faggot.
Work at fast food
Work at bouncy bunji jump stand in mall
Start a small business
There is always money in the banana stand
>Would fuck then get aids and kill her.
>Apply for an entry level job
>Requirements include 2-3 years of work experience
This shit annoys the piss out of me, especially since it's never actually a hard requirement. Requirements should be fucking requirements, and preferences should be preferences. It's my guess that everyone puts that in their simply so when you don't get hired they have a legal cover saying "Well, see, they didn't have X years of experience like we ''''''''''''required'''''''''''"
>entry level job
apperiantly you didnt apply for an entry level job
also are you black by chance?
>How do we fix this?
Apply anyway. They do this to weed people out before they even have to deal with their applications. The experience requirements are bullshit unless the job is something really technical or a tradesman type thing.
Employers will always pick the most qualified applicant unless something out of the ordinary happens, or they believe the most qualified applicant is overqualified. If they don't get any applicants of the quality they want, they either decide to try to fill the position later on, go to a headhunting firm to fill the position, or (probably in most cases, but it's impossible to know for sure) reduce the standards of what they're searching for among the semi-qualified applicants that have already applied.
This holds true today. Less so today than in earlier decades, but it is still true to a large extent. My father got a job as an engineering tech by teaching himself trigonometry out of a book at the library. While you can't do that anymore, you can still bullshit yourself into positions you have no business being in.
> still apply any way
I've gotten a manager job without experience simply because they had ridiculous experience requirements and only one other person applied in a six month period.
>most qualified applicant is overqualified
Over qualified is a cop out. It's mostly used when the position is really going to be filled by a specific job candidate and the process is just to cover corporate requirements or if the person is highly qualified and they're asking for too much money.
No, I filter so it's specifically entry level jobs, hell the listing even said entry level job
It is a preference, not a requirement.
Remember: if you feel like you can do the job, ignore the requirements. They are a wish list.
Iktfb, trying to get a Math internship of some kind right now in my Junior year and I feel so fucked
>need experience or an internship to get a job
>need connections or experience to get an internship
>need experience or connections to get experience
What the fuck is the point of college if you just need to suck cock for jobs? I thought a degree, in STEM nonetheless, would be enough for an easy internship
Overqualified can be used as an excuse to not hire someone also if the employer is afraid that the applicant is only applying to the job as a safety while he is more intent on getting better jobs he is applying for.
>Employers will always pick the most qualified applicant
>what is affirmitive action
>apperiantly you didnt apply for an entry level job
have you ever looked at any recent job openings?
Same shit here.
>fill a full tank car warming up burgers for 2-3 hours
>be discontented
Aren't you supposed to ignore the X number of years work experience thing? It's just horse shit and they don't really care, not that I would know. I graduated in September and am just chilling out before I start my career. But when I do start applying I have zero intention of giving a fuck about their X number of years requirements.
No it's not. In a lot of jobs it takes time and training for an employee to be productive. If you expect that employee can get a much better job, and will, then why would you hire the employee knowing they might just be a burden for a while, then leave?
Just let companies get apprentices again as always before god fucking dammit.
Here is just "huur goverment paid curse for some shit + 1 free month of job in some place and then kick out duur".
Fuck off goverment.
>What are internships
>What are co ops
>What is research
Can this meme die already?
You need some experience for this shit now evem, I'm not fucking with you
You have to do something in your personal al time like a project for this shit which is bullshit. Why does a personal project matter if I can do the fucking work?
If an employer does this, they simply have to die. This is specifically done so that someone can say "oh hurrrrr da immigrants do da jerbs you dun want too doo!" and thus that company is a traitor to your country.
I just checked it, it says closed but I checked my application it still gives me an option to withdraw......
Employers do that to weed out the lames.
JUst lie you retard
>not lying on your resume
>not knowing how to bullshit your experience
Literally just got a $45k job that requires experience and I've never worked a day in my life.
Make sure they'll actually train you though, if not you'll look like an ass on your first day of work.
It proves you can do the work. I think it's retarded too, but that's why. The job market is garbage because boomers won't retire and the economy is slow. Sucks even more for me because I'm going into a career field that is shrinking over the next few years.
Requirements like these are never hard requirements. They are just there to weed out quitting faggots like yourself.
>never worked a job before graduating college
>no internship before graduating college
if this is you then you might as well kill yourself. if you dont want to kill yourself then literally go work at mcdonalds for a while. NO JOB SHOULD BE BENEATH YOU.
if this is not you then put all that work experience on your resume and tell your potential employer how the work you have done in the past applies to the job your applying for. it's very simple. i feel like all of you people complaining about "muh work experience" are just using it as an excuse to not be employed.
Trump is gonna do so much about this. You have no idea. he is gonna fix it, thats for sure. Let me tell you, he'll do more about this than anyone else in the history of entry level jobs.
You can apply anyways, don't fret too much over that required experience stuff. If your resume doesn't look retarded and you can land an interview and prove yourself you can get a job.
Its called two year unpaid internship like I did than job recruiters will be literally at your door step you lazy cunt
Yeah lete put down my experience stocking shelves
>Apply anyone
>Nail the interview
>Realize they put 2-3 years of experience in an entry level job to weed out the retards that take that shit at face value
>Rake in $$
Just apply you faggot and don't be autistic.
... you could always lie. That's how I got started bartending. "Have you ever bartended before" "yeah the last year I've just been freelancing for parties while working another job..."
Freelance bartending is a thing btw it's p. great
If anything you talk about how you how it gave you experience working as part of a team.
quit being a faggot and put your stocking shelves experience down as work experience for the job you want. it's so easy to spin it. what industry are you trying to get into?
Mods come quick
Mods this could get freaky
Mods please!
fuckers are just entitled pieces of shit.
be willing to work for free or just for food, be humble and learn the craft
pic related
fucking apply and see if you get hired with no experience.
stop being a pussy and tell them you learn good.
OP, don't listen to any of these retarded hillary shills. Once trump is in office all your problems will be solved.
>Can Trump do anything?
Why are Trumpfags completely incapable of taking responsibility for themselves and instead unironically need someone else to "fix" everything FOR them?
I dont think anyone can possibly be as weak, effeminate and soft as a trumpfag.
bull shit, i got a entry level research job and all i had to do was ask the professor if he needed help in his lab, the problem is people expect shit to be spooned to them or written down somewhere, just go into fucking places and ask if they have any openings like a fucking man, generally you'll get it before they even put a fucking ad out for the position
>If anything you talk about how you how it gave you experience working as part of a team.
see this bong gets it. even though you dont feel like you have acquired valuable skills stocking shelves (and maybe you really havent) you can always find aspects about the job that a potential employer will want. you can tell them that your 'attention to detail' helped your store keep all items fully stocked for the customers. quit being gay and get creative.
just lie
Just go in there look the manager in the eyes shake his hand and say "Sir I'm ready to work"
tio callate
I agree, gentlesir
>Requirements include 2-3 years of work experience
Usually bullshit, like said, it's a filtering strategy, even in technical positions. Industry contacts are far more valuable than years of experience, if you have then neither then it'll certainly be more difficult to compete.
I landed a technologist position in the cellular communications industry with zero industry experience and a 2 year technical diploma primarily because I got along well with a railway technician during my practicum in college and he was willing to recommend me to his previous employer.
If you're in college or university or whatever it's very important to jump at any opportunity to make industry contacts, even if you think they're a prick, tell them what they want to hear, perform well for them, they are the key to landing good jobs early in your professional life when you're under-qualified and competing against industry veterans. Cronyism is frustrating when it works against you, but it's not going anywhere and if you can use it as leverage yourself, jump at the opportunity.
>Can Trump do anything?
He can get some Chong to do that job for cheaper.
>be liberal
>say this
Toppest of kek
Did I get in the next step?
parasite detected.
Exactly what it is. Its a legal excuse not to hire someone.
If you are looking for an entry level job, apply at anything requiring 5 years or less. Also count education as years of experience as a rule of thumb.
everything is negotiable in the hiring process
that's hillary's plan
Hold sheit that meme! What the kek!
Way to take all the [true] stereotypes about smug liberal pseudointellectuals and pretend they apply to conservatives.
This really is an amusing time to be alive. I'll never forget how, at the end of 2015 people started pushing back against SJW bullshit and making fun of triggered snowflakesism, and now that it's gained popularity, the tumblr types (in a bold way of saving face) pretend that it's conservatives who are triggered by everything. It's the most entertaining thing in the world. Imagine being so desperate to save your reputation that you pretend, with a straight face, that it was your opponents who claimed to be triggered snowflakes all along.
>cc. your meme
Enjoy living off welfare and calling literally anyone else a parasite though, champ ;)
A degree is not experience
>Be me
>Fresh out of college
>Apply for job that wants 5+ years experience
>Plus knowledge in a program I haven't used
>Get the job
Experience is nice, but places will train you if they feel you're intelligent and a good fit. The guy before me had 6 years of experience and I had none, yet I'm doing a better job.
Because policy-makers are the ones who fix economic policy, and not citizens...
Are you dense?
>2-3 years of work
neet fags like you who didnt work in highschool should be shot
> Looking for work while in college
> You need 2 ~3 years of experience :^)
You won't outkike the kikes.
>Experience is nice, but places will train you if they feel you're intelligent and a good fit.
During the interview were you open and honest about your zero experience both in the field and the program the job required use of? Or did you bullshit them with some fake experience but they decided to train you up anyway?
Is the idea here just be honest about your lack of experience but just act incredibly confident and sure of yourself?
We really need to go back to that sort of training, the masses will never be able to do the uni thing.
We really need to go back to that sort of training, the masses will never be able to do the uni thing.
Working for seven years without getting paid?
Ain't no-one has money for that.
>We really need to go back to that sort of training, the masses will never be able to do the uni thing.
sorry, first line should have been greentexted
>won't lie on applications
Sadness overwhelms me. I will starve to death at this rate.
Riley is the GOAT pornstar, sudoku yourself bitch
I'd respond to that shit anyway, years of experience are a fucking joke anyway. Show up, show the fag doing the interview your credentials and get the job if it's suiting and you only need some training.
Entry level jobs which require experience are retarded, it's either there to deter possible candidates or your typical faggot manager being an incompetent fuckwad.