
Why is it that Clinton hates Putin so much. He says a lot of shit that makes sense desu.

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Makes we want to move to Russia.
I could even escape from Microshit.

Based Vlad

Because she is a product of the Cold War just like all the politicians around her. She still thinks being tough with Russia makes her look strong. Also Russia opposes globalist kikes that are her biggest donors (Putin issued an arrest warrant on Soros).
Hillary is fucking inept and a diplomatic idiot. Remember that when she was a nobody trying to be relevant and she called Putin soul-less? Then Putin proceeded to BTFO Hillary when asked about her comment by a journalist.
Then Hillary came to Russia with her ridiculous 'reset button'. How seriously do you think Russia took her intentions after her first comments?
She is a two faced snake and a complete diplomatic failure.

>caring about things making sense

maybe that 2% hiv rate?


Before another 'Saviour of white race' thread emerges, let me make it clear.
He doesn't have white race's best interests in his plans, he has Russia's best interests there.
We are not going to save the West from a dragon you spoonfed from the very beginning. We don't have the finances or manpower to save Europe from itself, either.
All we can do at this moment is to support right-wing parties in Europe, silently observe American election and hope that the resulting new world order won't be as incapable of dealing with us as the earlier globalistic one was.

He never said that ;)
In fact, he's much more cucked than you might think

Because Kek wills it.

More based quotes please. He aways seemed like a nice guy to me, but I never knew Putin was so based.

Because Hillarys best function is attacking her greatest threats. Putin is based and stands by his ideals — something she only wishes she had the mental capacity to do. You don't see mass amounts of Russains leaving the federation.. By no means is it perfect, but it's pretty well off for being the least involved in globalization agendas.

She doesn't. Its all a show for the plebs.


First one's fake.

Have this, though. youtube.com/watch?v=09GBjzxYymQ

so close to the 14 words it hurts


because he does not follow the agenda.he seems pretty based and drops nice red pills here and there.

>We will not grant them special privleges

Is making holocaust denial a crime resulting in imprisonment a privilege for minorities? Is making drawing prophet mohammad illegal considered changing laws to fit desires of minorities?

Rare. Nice.

Then what is he really up to?

>Smart enough to make sense of anything
Pick one (1)

Fake as well, though that's essentially his policy.
youtube.com/watch?v=QTKHffOoRXw This one's from 1999, though.
This one was about Poroshenko, Ukrainian President, and Turkey's Sultan Erdogan.
A 12-year-old girl asked who of those he'll save first should they be drowning.
27mln Russians died in the war. People here are pretty easy to set off when talking about WW2 as the result, since everyone has a grandfather or a grandmother, or just a father or a mother, who died in that damn war.
Banning holocaust denial is simply a way to make sure our neonazi scum doesn't rise at all.

go on her channel she translates all of his speeches.


Yeah i'm confused about that as well. I like Putin and i think Trump is right to strengthen ties with Russia. If Russia were to then break a hypothetical treaty with the US, then alright get mad, impose sanctions. As it stands now i see no reason why a better relationship with Russia wouldn't be beneficial for the US.

>holocaust denial
Nothing to do with minorities. It's a subject of national pride that the USSR defeated Hitler. Also Holocaust denial is retarded.
>drawing prophet mohammad is illegal
It isnt. Publication is because it would lead to needless civil unrest. And is also retarded.

He isn't working for the white race.
He is working for Russia. And at this moment, keeping our muslims as unreligious and calm as they are - to the point where meeting a muslim in army who'll gladly eat canned pork because 'Allah doesn't see it if I'm under a roof' is pretty easy.

something being retarded doesnt make it exempt from free speak

nope he actually said that i watched that speech about the migrant rape

Mixed them up. The one in the OP is fake.

This quote is fake you idiots

Those Allah-proof roofs are sure awesome.

Kazakhs be kazakhin', mate.

Well too fucking bad. It should be when "free speak" causes unnecesary violence over the most retarded reason that could be used to destbilize the state.

you see why you are retarded?

A man that loves his country is rare nowadays because of (((them))).


Not an argument

>Sand-nigger God can't see through a roof
>comparable to Christianity

well you are retarded and thus we dont have or should to talk about it anymore.

>everyone has a grandfather or a grandmother, or just a father or a mother, who died in that damn war.
>nobody but few liberals had relatives die in Gulag
>Stalin killed more russians than Hitler!

And you're a dumb nigger that knows Im right and thus has to resort to non arguments. Sorry I offended your pathetic sensibilities, cockroach.

He never said this, you dumb shit.

you just reached second layer of retardation. its going well.

That's how unreligious the majority here is, really.
>waaah everyone in gulags were innocent
>why my grandfather was there? WHY ARE YOU ASKING YOU COMMIE SCUM
It is weird how most of people here either glorify him as a saviour of all things white or hate his guts. Oh, and check'em.

You're retarded. Free speech is one of the great things about America that the rest of the world does not have. People like you are the reason that it's being eroded away in this country, and will eventually be gone completely

His face doesn't make sense

the majority of muslims? Maybe they are just pretending to not be religious in order to fit in better. They're very Jew-y when it comes to that sort of thing, being deceptive and all

This is very missleading. He is still going to prison for a long time for what he did, but pinning someone for rape in Germany is a bit trickier than you might think.

But from every article I've seen posted here, you would think that the guy is a free man after what he did.

Both the christians and the muzzies here are far from very religious. Of course, about 20% of both groups are of proper faith, but the majority doesn't seem to uphold the values as much as they should.
Not that it is a problem, the less muslims are into allah the less they wish to blow up.


>You will never be this cool

Putin never said such thing, he's a cuck for Ramzan

>Putin is so man! Did you see the pictures of him without a shirt on!!11! XD XD I wish [my leader] would pose with guns and horses like Putin-chan

Grow the fuck up underage B&...How can you fall for this pathetic meme of a dictator, he is faker than kim K... no one likes Putin except basement dwelling salvboo and the group of thugs that help keep him in power.

Russia is a actually a really cool country with conservative values, an awesome military, beautiful scenery, and great people. Especially the girls. Russian girls have the hots for all western guys... why? BECAUSE PUTIN HAS RUINED RUSSIA their salaries are worse than China --> a fucking third world country

Russian people have to put up with, because they can do nothing about it. Meanwhile your supporting his desecration of great country from your parents basement. grow the fuck up Sup Forums

We putting up with him because all alternatives are unpatriotic scum that will sell the country out, Chingchong.
Unlike the Alcoligula before, he's actually doing things for the country.

She doesnt hate him. She sold the %20 of usa uranium to him. He is just someone she use to point and scream.

So this is why liberals hate Russia

>all alternatives are unpatriotic scum that will sell the country out
Putin doesn't allow there to be any decent alternatives on the Russian political stage. If any real opposition arrose he would crush them.

Of course the only other politicians he ALLOWS are "unpatriotic scum" cause its all a show, that he is the best option, the only option, it;s not like you have a choice anyway

How can a real president HIDE HIS CHILDREN from his own nation! Because, he knows if he loses power they'll drag him and his crownies through the street Qaddafi style

So what you're saying is, he's been doing to the opposition what US' establishment has been doing, but more forceful?
Nice, I guess he does stick to new, democratic methods.
Now, do you think Navalny deserves to be in Putin's place, for example?

gr8 b8 m8

>gr8 b8 m8
Great response faget

I just spent the whole summer in Russia and recently got engaged to a Russian girl.

I'm guessing you base your opinion of Putin on info from Sup Forums and /k/ and the awesome American media

>Why is it that Clinton hates Putin so much
Why is it PutinTrolls keep spaming Sup Forums with such childish and false threads?

>You will never be this cool
Motorcycle with senior training wheels {{{cool}}}?

Yes, I will never do that.

>She sold the %20 of usa uranium to him.
Except she didn't sell it. And it wasn't the USA's uranium. And it wasn't 20%.

Other than that it's a {{{true}}} statement

holy shit china ???

> US' establishment
You can't possibly compare the US system to Russia? Americans can actually vote in representatives in all levels of government. We don't kill, arrest, destroy the opposition.

And economically, at least american corporations have an obligation to their share holders. Russian companies just siphon money from the Russian people right in the pockets of Putin and his friends.

How much worse do things have to get before you stop defending his government. Love the country, hate the leader

>Now, do you think Navalny deserves to be in Putin's place, for example?
I don't know who that is... sry

You answered your own question.

>I don't know who that is
You dont know shit about the subject you are talking about, arent you?

It's quite a jump to say that such free speak causes violence

>not understanding that limiting free speak in certain places would cause necessary violence

Putin nevet actually said that right?

that's a neocon thing. Rmoney did the same when they were backing him.

Russia is their boogeyman.

I would put that on autopilot and just take a nap.

That quote is fake and made up...he never said it.

In fact, some of the loudest critics of Putin in Russia are nationalists like us.



pic related, young Russian girl who was raped and murdered by Uzbek migrants in Moscow. Then all you dumb fags will post a map of Central Asia and be like "what goes on here?" Well know you know.

Look dude.

Russia's always been poor as shit. They have low wages, because the U.S. is crushing their oil exports. It's been like this for awhile.

Now, those same people who are crushing Russian salaries in the East, are crushing U.S. salaries in the West. They got the same deal worked out over here, where they literally control the value of currency itself, to ensure that nobody can topple the oil monopoly.

Which, thanks to Putin's based ass attitude, and his little gold alliance with China is finally starting to sway. When the Oil Barons in Saudi Arabia and Currency Barons in Israel lose global influence, then the Russian populace can have their wages again, because they'll be able to control the prices of their own export--Russia has a lot of oil to export, and China needs it.

So just be patient, let him consolidate power using both the sword and the pen, two time honored methods of political manipulation, and then after we dethrone the globalists here in the U.S., maybe Putin will be nice enough to select some choices among candidates, and let the people vote for who they will.

You're damn right he's nearly a dictator. Because apparently, that's what it takes to fight against the global oil and currency barons.

I guess your right, checkmate Sasha! You win!

Is your dad like an oligarch or something? Why do you like Putin so much? Maybe you one of those guys from Tajikistan that races your lambo/ferrari around Moscow every night?

Your not like any of my Russian friends. People who work hard for shit money. Engineers and accountants making only $300 a month?

The difference you know the rapist didn't get away scot-free.

Wow, what an inhuman monster. How dare a government prioritize it's citizens.

>Talking about Russian political system
>Doesn`t know the most famous opposition activist
You bring up some valid points, but your knowledge is lacking quite a bit.

But Putin still allowed millions of them and continues to.

>dethrone the globalists here in the U.S
> US' establishment


>it's okay Putin is bad, steals from his citizens, invades his neighbors, bullies the world
>Putins gonna bring down teh NWO

Apart from that being a horrible capstone on your whole pro-Putin argument. I am curious what happens after he "destroys the establishment"??

Ussr practically made up the holocaust to cover up its own crimes in ww2

>So this is why liberals hate Russia
Liberals have always loved Russia and conservatives have always given them shit over it.

Now the right-wing conservatives are pretending to be pro Putin because their candidate / party tells them to. Just following the Kremlin's orders.

Conservatives should be alarmed and ashamed.