White People. Do something. Please

Black male here...

What the fuck happened whitey? This is fucking sad, you used to be absolute, you used to be concrete, you used to be united, racist, and intolerant... when the fuck did you all start being so fucking pathetic?


You allowed all of this to happen?

Even though I'm black, I can't stand democrats and liberals for feeding off the history of black people via "race wars" to promote and push all of this gay and feminist propaganda. I'm almost wishing for the next hitler to cleanse this country, even if I die in the process. It's just this fucking bad.

This is actually making me want to become a black hitler...

Fuckin man up whitey, this shit has gotten too far...


Mike ross is whiter than most white people.

We're decentralized now, and you'll never find us.


You cunt.

Nigger is just literally a word to me. It does not offend me at all man.

True but still, its yall fault you allowed this shit to happen.



I'm black too

I'm with you 100%

Lets kick it IRL, Socal?

Nah jersey

damn you fucked up. The weed is trash over there

You been to camden? If not you aint had good weed t.b.p.f.h

So desirable that he cannot even list a single reason for it. Amazing.

Just BTFO out of them. You correctly identify that they are as annoying as fuck, but they won't listen to other whites. Most of these cucks will automatically defer to any black person voicing their opinion.

Just fuck with them and make them give you money or do menial chores for you.

>east coast
>good weed
pick one
Ya'll still drop 20 on a sack over there.

>believing Hitler killed blacks
>parroting the (((reddit))) narrative
you're a good schvartze

Have you seen or been with Mike when he's not putting on his public persona?

That man is BLACK, he is unhinged.

Go kill yourself Uncle Goy.

goddamn it, niggers, take your fucking muh weed talk back to wurrrld starrrr
gtfo my pol

I don't care for racism. Im all about security and jobs. Hillary is for personal power and lip service to sfw. She's not good for blacks, latinos, whites and women. Shes same old same old.

Ok but you gotta take your amateur ebony gay porn back to your tumblr

people fall and rise all the time man. you cant be at the top forever

>tfw grow pounds of 25% thc bud
>all of my friends do to
>based rhode island

It`s simple. We lived in peace for too long. And we grew bored. All that is happening is a honey pot. Ever noticed that all of the things that you named are just whites vs whites. All of the PoC organizations are led by whites. When there are no PoCs, it doesn`t matter to whites and they will protest on their behalf anyway (BLM in Britain).
Blacks, muslims, indians, asians are irrelevant in this, Europe was always the biggest, most brutal battlefield in the world and it will be so in future.
Can you imagine battle where the foe is marked by different skin colour? And if you think it is far fetched, it is just a year since migrant crisis blew up, and Europe has already leaned right so much it isn`t even funny.

We were never absolute, you retard. The first slaves were brought over by Jews, sold by Jews, and slavery propagated by Jews.

Our constitution forbids slavery, but it persisted (Thanks to Jews) until a specific amendment was written and a WAR was fought over it.

It's dumb fuckers like you who slow the progress back of the nation. Stop being manipulated.

You happened, all of it is bending over backwards for YOU!

I speak Dutch. And I can tell you the Dutch were really involved in the slave trade.

pretty sure anime fighters like xturd are way more emasculating than those things.

Especially these fucking white queers identifying themselves as "non binary" "agender" etc

I'm white myself and it hurts my feelings to see carpet munchers having access to the internet.

>ol gay gangly lookin so'cal mufucka that look like thundercat prolly wears loui vuitton ass nigga

Racial equality =/= lgbt and feminist bullshit

Let's be honest, the people actually ruining this country are fags. Fags are not a race nor a skin color, they weren't born that way, its a selfish degeneracy and fetish that effects everybody who has to look at them. Being black isn't a choice (although I wish it was sometimes)...

this nigger is so fucking offended at that word nigger he is almost in tears. LOL MAN UP BLACKYBOI

and this nigger is a jewsey cuck.

new jewsey

LMAO gtfo off Sup Forums you dumb mutt

We are trying man.

I often catch shit over it but I believe it is absolutely imperative for WN and BN to work together.

Bruh... If you going to be the next hitler, i will spill my SS blood for you


No black man has those grammar skills, nice try, WHITEY

Y-you too.

I like white people, anyone who doesn't is a fucking fag degenerate. The problem isn't black hate anymore, its white hate. Where the fuck are the black people defending white people? I mean without white men and women, there is nobody to impregnate/give birth to white women. You have to preserve white men so you can have a steady flow of white pussy.

Brain surgeon Carson has likely better writting skills than you and I.

If you treasure your life you won't say another word.

Why. It's not true?

Yes, but no one needs to know. Let's keep it between us shall we?

go away mike ross

Well, either we reject the emancipation proclamation and reclaim you all as slaves. Or, you can peacefully go back to Africa.

The kind hand you have feeding you, is getting a little tired of you biting back and being ingrates. Giving your kind the presidency was the ultimate act of charity. But as most have seen, you all want more and feel entitled. Other than being entertainers and sports people, your usefulness has yet to be seen. Schools have become shit since integration. Culture has become shit since being saturated with negro culture.

I'd watch my step you uppity niggers, because even charity induced by a Jewish desert god is reaching its end. The final result will be a full circle, and shackles will be reintroduced to you Toby.

Very obviously, mistakes have been made.

Fixes are coming.

Bruh, c'mon what did you expect to happen? You watch the same news I do, bunch of limp wristed pussies taking over every source of media. The only reason it hasn't happened to the black man is because whites watch the news more than your typical black. It'll get rectified, such is natures way. 8 years they've been pushing hard left to bring us all to heel, the pendulum is about to swing back. And if it doesn't happen now, before the next election it'll swing back violently. You can't fight a world war with SJW peace, love and pronouns.

Muh dick, where da white womenz at

Mike Ross isn't black.


Nope. "Dutch" west india company was jew property. Porto de Galinhas was just a trade cover.

then become black hitler.

please dont use a total bro, and a genuine competitor like mike ross for your race baiting shit

that is the last guy that would participate in a race conflict, or (like you) pretend to

he's a good humored person who has the integrity to compete genuinely, with the best players in the world, and then lose

all of above improve diverse human rights. you shouldnt shame on it, fucking embrace it until people dont use minorities as insult anymore

Simo Hayha frowns on your ignorance. All those things are helpful in small doses. In America all of those groups have gone mad and are borderline domestic terror groups using a tyrannical regime to impose their will on the people.

>SJW, the group that supports racism against select groups of people
>Feminists, the group that lies about assault, rape, income inequality, and teh ebil patriarchy
>Liberals, oh look, more racists, pedophiles, conspirators, fascists and terrorists
>Fags, see this group goes both ways for me. I don't give a shit about gays, I'm not losing sleep if two guys are somewhere in the world sucking each other off. But these fucking gay pride rallies where men and women walk around naked in front of children while simulating lewd and vulgar sexual acts, is child abuse. Period.

That's great to hear mate, I promise you won't suffer on the day of the rope as long as you carry a badge with your post ID.

Its said that humanity is better under oppressive racist rule of whitey than it is with people given opportunity.

Skinhead here, I am the most abrasive mother fucker most people know, they call me a dick but idgaf