What did Sup Forums think of this animated kino?
What did Sup Forums think of this animated kino?
First movie in a long time that made me cry
I liked it OP :)
Enjoyed it a lot. Especially considering that we won't get another original Disney movie for years now
Thought it was really good, heart-warming story with great visuals in a cool and unique setting. There was something really comforting about the ending and feeling like the loved ones you lost are there with you for one night of the year. One of Pixar's best works I'd say.
I liked it made me and my sisters cry
i cried twice
It was good but I still don't understand why they had to make the protagonist kid so ugly.
Oh my goodness, could you guys believe the twist? Where the nice, beloved old mentor figure turns out to be the bad guy? We haven't seen Pixar pull that twist since Up, Toy Story 3, Big Hero 6, Wall-E, Monsters Inc, or Wreck it Ralph!
>it's all about "the twist"
>Big Hero 6
>Wreck-It Ralph
rule 34 when?
kek... well, miguel's mom was somehow cute imo
de la Cruz was a Lotso reskin...who was a Schultz reskin...who was a Mr. Waternoose reskin...who was a Stinky Pete reskin
My favorite Pixar movie by far, even if it is an admittedly rehashed plot.
I put off watching it and thought I wouldn’t like it but it was actually pretty damn good
I think this Halloween there'll be a noticable increase of people using that skeleton makeup
>I still don't understand why they had to make the protagonist kid so ugly
He was Mexican
He is a poor mexican kid user, which for some reason asians seem to love his design
It's actually insane how much money Coco made in China.
andale andale arriba arriba yii-hah
It is, its gattering a huge fandom in Asia, not to mention Japs will get it this weekend and the mouse loves those asian exclusive merchandising bucks
it was fucking tedious
maybe the ending got better but i gave up around the time His grand father turned out to be a murder.
>but I still don't understand why they had to make the protagonist kid so ugly.
He was cute, especially with the skeletal face paint.
Liked it enough I bought the steelcase when it came out
half this movie is someone pointing at something, saying its name in spanish, then explaining what it is in english
has someone who watched it in Spanish, no, it fucking wasn't. You dumb liar.
it must have been 45 minutes long after they edited out all the reading aloud wikipedia articles for the english audience, it might've been a decent movie then
1 hour 45 minutes according to my video player.
Reminds me of my grandma.
is she dead
Love Pixar and enjoyed the songs in Coco, but the story & characters were disappointing shit-tier tripe
You're now aware that Miguel figured out a way to go to the afterlife and commune with the Dead. And then they can send him back with a blessing. It's also apparently something that other people can do, you just take a Dia De Los Muertos offering from an ofrenda. This kid would be living proof of life after death, an afterlife, and a disproving of Catholic faith, which is a big deal in Mexico. Doubtless Miguel would be killed by the Church or some religious extremist. The Mexican Cartels would likely kidnap him, to commune with the dead, for intelligence purposes. In this scenario, they would kill someone from his living family, with threats against the rest of the family if they didn't help Miguel in the Land of the Dead.
The religious implications in Coco are incredibly profound. It's also likely that Miguel might be hailed as some kind of Messianic figure, since he can travel and communicate between the Living and the Dead Worlds.
The Skelton designs were kinda cool but not really very interesting or original
It's average later period Pixar. C+ is probably the highest grade I could give it
is this the dark souls of kinography?
A good movie with a heart wrenching climax.
its relateable to them because of their huge long lasting background on ancestor culture
>b-bro it’s a kids movie.....