ITT: Truths that hurt newfags

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Other urls found in this thread:

>The Thing and Event Horizon in Redditcore

That's it im going to Reddit and i'm taking Starship Troopers with me.

Elected as favorites sci-fi on reddit desu

Alien was good though, it would be more accurate if it was Aliens instead

Swap Alien with Aliens

>reddit likes a good movie which means I'm not allowed to anymore
Fuck off

leviathan was the worst trash id ever seen

Then I'm a proud redditor. I don't give a single fuck.

i fear aliens is more Sup Forums because based cameron but i find it wildly overrated

28 days later is the most Reddit movie of all time so this list is obviously shit

I like films from both sides, maybe you should stop being a pleb who restricts himself from what films he's allowed to enjoy.

The more Sup Forums talks about what films are "reddit" the more you realize we're the wrong community.

They live is one of the worst movies ever made

It's all reddit core

>starship troopers
>not reddit

>purposefully pick shitty movies for Sup Forums

good bait. Virus is so shitty outside of a couple effects shots. And Species fucking II. Get out of here and take a fucking lap.

I get it so if it's popular its reddit garbage and if it's underrated then it's Sup Forums kino.

How popular is a movie allowed to get before I have to stop liking it?

Pic related is the ultimate reddit filter.

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We all know (((you))) think so.

I know this is bait but it really wouldn't surprise me to find out that Sup Forums is so contrarian that they think The Cube is better than Alien.

If we're jerking off about tiering,
Hellraiser, Over or Underrated? Le reddite or El \tv\

>all these redditors butthurt

Sadly the reddit side is 100% correct, The Thing now is reddit. It has gained a lot of popularity there in the last 3 years.
Change 28 days later for Ghost of Mars.
Species 2 is great, the dream of all anons str8
Pandurum is underrated af and reddit hates it. The same about Virus and Leviathan.

This desu

Fuck it might as well be a redditor then

Of all these, the only one I've seen is T2. The best film that would fit in with all of these is the 1954 Godzilla. Fuck you

>Implying people on Reddit have ever seen Dark City

kill yourself for shitting on Dark City faggot

fuck yeah

>Pandurum is underrated af and reddit hates it

I've never understand why Reddit hates this. really has much of the makings of a reddit movie desu. but hey, I'm not complaining that we get it.

LMAO being this autistic

Based. Just 28 days later is wrong.

Sup Forums core

(ultimate edition only)

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based as fuck and accurate

Fucking Jesus, the OP is right

>Starship Troopers
Verhoeven is perhaps the most reddit director imaginable.

Please be gentle, he's literally the one good director we have in this country

I regularly check Reddit to get a reading of their tastes so I know which things I can't like anymore.


Here's a chart that hurts only Redditors

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He's clever in the superficial way that appeals to redditors in that he appears subversive but lacks the depth to meaningfully subvert anything. His films go from being dull to irritating because act more clever than they are.

Sure you guys may not have much of a cinematic tradition, but hey, you still have Rembrandt to be proud of.

Pandorum is a fucking garbage and made for "muh twist" manchildren.
I actually love Pandorum and am basically just begging for you's.
>Not mine! Not mine!

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Every single movie on this list is perfect. Not even one dud.

>Every single movie on this list is perfect. Not even one dud.

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Fuck off, total recall is 10/10.
Robocop, starship troopers and basic instinct are all good. The only thing reddit about him is brainlets reading too much into his movies instead of seeing them as really good entertainment and nothing more.

Of all the painters you picked Rembrandt.

that's how it works though.

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I picked the best one. What's the problem?

Nah, you picked the famous one

I picked the best one out of the three I can name off the top of my head.

>everyone on Sup Forums is the same person

... >>>/reddit/

>The Thing now is reddit. It has gained a lot of popularity there in the last 3 years.
is this how we decide whether a film is good or not?

i'm not an alt-soy tho.

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I'm betting Van Gogh is in that 3. I prefer his paintings over Rembrandt's

Yeah, him and Vermeer. Still prefer Rembrandt to the other two, but all three are artists to be proud of.

this would be accurate if the Sup Forums guy was alone and the other characters were in a thought balloon

t. Redditor butthurt

hehehee funny but no true
its more like
Sup Forums: i like it
reddit: i saw Sup Forums liked it, i like it
Sup Forums: i hate it

>But everybody on reddit likes it!
What do you get from being so retarded?

God that movie looks like dog shit

The redditor is feeling butthurt

swap they live with 28 gays later


That movie had so much potential. Made me want to punch Carpenter in the face.

Close, but last bit should go:
>Sup Forums: Hah, what a fag! I only pretended to like it, so I could out you plebs as what you are, by fooling you into thinking it's good!
>Image of Sup Forums burning a love pillow of the director in secret

>all the seething redditors ITT

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This. Why is Dark City on the left?