Was he our guy?
Was he our guy?
>waaah gays aren't allowed to marry because they hurt my feelings >:((
gay "marriage" is not marriage
If CTR and/or Eurocucks don't like him, then all signs point to yes.
It is in my eyes.
I don't have a problem with gay marriage, but he's not wrong on any counts
Marriage is between a man and a woman. That is how it has always been even before Christianity.
Gay marriage is the participation ribbon
read the bible
read about the miracle of the sun
read about psalm 22:16 in the dead sea scrolls
if you still don't want to believe, i don't know how to convince you
He was, hence why he had to go away
gays get married and just fuck everyone else anyway. monogamous fags are rare as hen's teeth.
>waaah im gay and i want to get married >:o
I hate marriage
only a faggot would want to get married
I don't give a fuck what some christtards think.
Feels good triggering so many people by just having a boyfriend.
who cares about your Jew religion
don't bother replying; I've left this slide thread
>le constitutional rights are not unlimited man
he was ok but no he wasnt our guy
dont settle
I hope you live a long long life
Long enough to see your home turn into a third world shithole populated by the muslims who will eventually come and murder you
You'll think back and remmeber this day before you die
Too bad about that "movie deal".
are hetero relationships even legal in your "country"?
Oh poor baby got your feelings hurt by an assertive woman that didn't take you seriously?
That's the thing about 4channers and relationships, they think women are cold hearted but really 4channers don't know how to tame the pussy and so women pick up on that and disrespect the man. Because the man allows them to do as such.
So, 4channers, quit your bitching and learn your place.
It's marriage as a religious institution vs. marriage as a legal binding contract. In most western countries there is separation of church and state and therefore, now that being gay is no longer a taboo, it makes no sense to bar same sex couples from getting married, as long as it's a civil marriage. If the state ever forces same-sex marriage on the church, then you can complain all you want. Until then, suck it up.
What are you talking about?
Of course they are.
Not that hetero's are even capable to feel affection for each other.
They shouldn't marry because then the institution of marriage becomes meaningless.
>needs to be gassed
Shoo Shoo fag.
Why dont we force muslim imams to wed gay muslims?
Why is it always our Christian church who gets the 2016 line
Scalia was based af.
Too bad Hillary and Obama executed him.
Is this a shitty pasta?
It is always good to see you, old friend.
How does it feel to be on the wrong side of history?
How so?
Gays can go around saying they are "married" all they want, couldn't give a shit. But any benefits given by the government for being married should be denied them, as they are not producing kids, which is the end goal.