Why are people worrying so much about Brexit being overturned? the MP's literally have to vote for Brexit, even ones who campaigned for Remain will still vote for Brexit since they cannot blatantly ignore the people they serve.
Why are people worrying so much about Brexit being overturned? the MP's literally have to vote for Brexit...
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Well, if they vote leave, they blatantly ignore 49% of the population as well.
I'm pretty sure that if they did the referendum again the majority would vote remain.
Even the cucked MP's are saying they can't ignore the vote
It won't pass simple as that, the fact that a referendum can even be challenged in court based on whether the pollies got a vote is enough to show you that the will of the people does not matter in the uk.
Who do you think they really serve?
It's a complete disrespect that after popular vote the MP have even the possibility of overruling it.
>since they cannot blatantly ignore the people they serve.
Were you born yesterday?
>cucked MP's are literally coming out and saying they can't ignore the vote and accept the peoples vote
Parliament is a small room full of people that can be easily bought by the companies that stand to lose a lot from Brexit.
Those companies couldn't buy every last one of the millions of voters across the UK but it will be a lot easier for them now.
>they cannot blatantly ignore the people they serve.
I hope you're right
who the fuck are you trying to kid? The only party that wants brexit is UKIP. So the other parties will stop BREXIT and effect BREMAIN. They will say that a general election will determine the mandate not a referendum. Meanwhile they prosecute members of UKIP, a couple of years later and the stupid fucking idiots in britain will be wondering why their countryt is full of wshit niggers and isis actually running the country
promise me this brits: get your tea and throw it at the MP's who vote to ignore the referendum
If the MPs voted to ignore Brexit wouldn't that just mean UKIP would hold a majority in parliament next election?
>they cannot blatantly ignore the people they serve.
Is this some kind of goddamn joke British humor that's lost on Americans?
Democracy is shit though tbhfam
If the MP'S listened to their people it would be 52-48 vote
>since they cannot blatantly ignore the people they serve
ha ha ha
They'll still vote down every proposal to actually implement it though, with the excuse that the government has no mandate for the 'type of Brexit' it's pushing.
It all depends on how disciplined May has the Conservatives. It only takes around 20 Tory MPs to join with Labour and the Libs to stop Brexit and we know before the referendum 180 Tory MPs supported Remain.
Theresa May can't easily call a snap election either because that requires the consent of 55% of parliament.
it's why the system in Switzerland is so superior.
there is no point in buying a couple of politicians if the population can just decide otherwise
I'll say what I said in britpol, we need to revive the BuF and push these cucks out for good. Even if they do it, it'll be the most pathetic and spineless brexit possible.
t. damp rag
If the mps, ignore the collective will of the British people. They lose their mandate to rule. The people obey the law and the rule of parliament by consent. They are entitled to remove that consent. The people who voted for brexit are the people who run this country. Repair and maintain the systems that make the country run. They also know how to break them. Don't fuck with us.
Fuck off you sad little cunt. I'm so sick of non-countries who shill for the EU constantly on pol and elsewhere, just fuck off, nobody in Europe wants your economic union turned socialist union. The vote was extremely clear. On the ballot it said "Remain in the European Union" or "Leave the European Union" and I ticked Leave as did the majority of people in the UK, hence why we're leaving.
This is British parliamentary democracy, the system that has served the British people for centuries. You wouldn't understand.
that's not really different here
the only difference is that our parlament isnt fulltime meaning the members have another regular job to do. correct me if i'm wrong but we're the only ones that have a milizparlament (dont know the english name for that)
While I think it would be political suicide for them to not invoke some form of Brexit, the Referendum was non-binding. It was essentially an opinion poll branded as legislature.
Again, it would likely destroy their careers, but then the public can have an incredibly short memory about these sorts of things.
all 650 of them weren't elected on a single issue
The British don't need idiots who don't understand that we are not in a position of strength where we can leave Europe and turn away skilled foreign labour as our own skilled labour force isn't big enough as we have mainly ignorant fuckwits like you instead, we don't have something valuable we can rely on economically dumbass
Still butthurt i see
>they cannot blatantly ignore the people they serve
I deeply wish that was true, but if you think that is true, then you are terminally naïve.
We are the fifth biggest economy in the world and the EU's biggest strength militarily you fucking idiot. We're also one of the only 5 countries with VETO powers in the UN.
>we don't have something valuable we can rely on economically dumbass
We have for the last 6000 years you fucking imbecile. It's why we got invaded by the Romans only 2000 years ago, and how we built an empire from resourceless colonies into resourceful colonies. Natural gas, crude oil reserves, coal, tin, copper, zinc, tungsten, potash, uranium, mercury, asbestos, pumice, fish, iron ore, nickel, bauxite and petroleum just to name a few.
Are you happy that we are governed by EU bureaucrats and our representation in parliament have absolutely no power and is simply advisory?
Newsflash: 95% of Muslims in the UK didn't immigrate from the EU. Cutting EU migration means more Muslims, not fewer.
> as did the majority
No, as did about 30 odd percent. Neither side got a majority of the whole plebiscite.
Absolute rubbish. With the free movement of peoples, all you need is European citizenship to freely work and live on the continent and in some countries, it's pisseasy to receive citizenship, or a form of citizenship, or to claim asylum.
Britain's own immigration policy isn't controlled by the British parliament. It's controlled by the EU as one of their requirements for membership.
If you don't vote, your vote doesn't count you fucking idiot.
>I'm pretty sure that if they did the referendum again the majority would vote remain.
Belgium. Talking for Brits. Standard EU shitlord.
If we took the Referendum again it would be even more in favor of Leaving. Because we're fed up of insufferable cunts like you.
Still not a "majority of the people", just a majority of voters. You know it's not a "popular majority", you just think if you misuse the word, everyone will go along with you.
Okay chaps, this ruling is not Westminster voting on WHETHER to invoke Article 50, it's a vote on WHEN to invoke it.
Basically, the courts were petitioned by a bunch of faggots who wanted a Parlimentary debate to vent their communist tears of frustration that they live in a democracy, and exercise the tiny, teeniest prick of power in deciding that date the Tories have alluded to is WRONG WRONG WRONG and should be the day before.
It's pathetic, it's costing us half a million in court fees already for nothing at all, it's Left Wing Politics in current year.
Scotland can block it. And they will be doing what their people wants. kek.
If you don't vote, your vote doesn't count. That's the majority of the people under all three forms of democracy - Greek democracy, Republican Republicanism and British parliamentary democracy.
If you say so, but 10:1 those Muslims that you hate so much didn't come from Germany, they came from places like Pakistan, which isn't in the EU.
And if you're worried about benefits given to EU citizens, that's already under government control.
Implying that the people who didn't vote wouldn't also vote the same way. Where this this stupid myth come from? London libshits. So out of touch with the rest of the UK they actually want to float away and suck Juncker's cock because their banker masters told them to be good goys.
truly master of bantz
Scotland can do fuck all.
Same as ever, in fact.
Well I work overseas since Brexit anyway, so enjoy having benefits and wages cut while prices spiral. At least you got your control back.
My money is on Brexit being overturned, and a pissed off population.
The time for destabilisation is at hand.
at the end of the day, brexit will destroy NI so I'm happy if it never happens. It's a fucking disaster desu, and it's borderline retarded to get involved in this without a coherent plan on what will happen. Fuck the English to be perfectly honest family.
You know if Europe goes to shit, there's no-one to buy your gas, right?
Fucking EU and their "peace".
Whether they stay or not is not up to the British government unless they literally sailed here, got past the navy and coastguard and stayed here which is almost never the case in the UK being an island and all.
They now have an opportunity to overturn it and not have to face an election for several years.
This might cause riots, so what they'll do is add a bunch of stipulations and amendments to the Article 50 Bill when it goes through Parliament, we'll go from being half in the EU to half out.
>Why are people worrying so much about Brexit being overturned?
The decision of the people isn't being respected. So basically, they're all like "waaaah democracy", but the moment they don't like the decision, well fuck democracy. Which makes this point retarded: Kinda like EVERY SINGLE EUROPEAN REFERENDUM so far actually, NONE of the actual decisions of the people have been respected. Which just shows what kind of people are invalidating Brexit. And then they'll still claim like democracy is a great thing!
As a French humorist once said, a dictatorship is "shut up", a democracy is "keep talking". Regardless, no one cares what you think. The main purpose of democracy is indeed to refuse to listen to half the country in a binary vote, and with more parties, well only the biggest one is listened to even though it doesn't even have 50% of the votes and sum of minorities surpass it easily.
Europe is bullshit, Brexit is one more proof of it, and it just shows we should end it.
It would be 421 to 200 odd actually
Yeah but system works well. When Hamburg was afree hanseatic city, we had the same system and a city lead by businessman turned out surprisingly attractive & powerful in feudal world
They won't.
Its a constitutional crisis if the government appeal to the High Court fails. Queen Elizabeth will have to step in if it comes down to between the High Court vs Parliament vs The People. That very rarely happens and if it does. It's a monumental moment in recent British history for a monarch to directly involve herself in politics. The last time it happened was 1936 when King Edward abdicated the Throne to marry his American lover.
Parliament passed their authority to the British people on this issue last year when they enacted the Referendum Act into law. They have no right to overturn it.
The appeal won on a loophole law from 500 years ago.
If it does go to a vote. Article 50 will win because the government can order the whips into action to force MP's to vote for the governments position.
It's a meme to think otherwise. The traitors fired the last round in their treason gun and are about to be surrounded and stabbed to death.
I know more Muslims who got British passports than EU people who think UK is home. Most EU migrants are here for work and they pay more tax than Brits, and they go home in the end.
THIS, I can't believe people are raging over this.
All brain-dead lefties can do at this point is delay it, wasting everyone's money in the process.
Nice post ,I particularly enjoyed the last line
> Parliament passed their authority to the British people on this issue last year when they enacted the Referendum Act into law. They have no right to overturn it.
No, they voted to have an advisory referendum. Thy could have voted for a binding one, but they didn't. Tough shit.
So your saying they will still invoke A50?
How DARE parliament be consulted over handling of a decision that could cost hundred of billions in a parliamentary democracy?
We can have an argument about the slavs another time in another thread, but they're not all wonderful citizens who are integrating well.
I think you're forgetting about all the new arrivals in Europe from Africa and the Middle-East, the "tanned Germans", the "New Europeans". These people, in their millions, will be given EU passports in the next 10 years. Staying in the EU does not by any means equate to less Muslim immigration.
>implying you can't just ignore them
>Well I work overseas since Brexit anyway,
And not a thing was lost.
>so enjoy having benefits and wages cut while prices spiral.
We don't need benefits anyway. Benefits, especially for the elderly are why we are so fucked.
None of my savings have been affected by this, because I'm intelligent at took appropriate steps to protect my wealth.
Have fun in the EU next year when it collapses, faggot. The GBP might hit parity with the USD, but the EUR is going to go the way of the Dodo.
They might, they might not. Depends how the MPs play it.
If there's an enforced mandate from the Tory party to vote a certain way (3 line whip), it's likely not enough MPs will rebel against it to prevent A50.
But since the narrow margin of the referendum has been eroded by reality for a lot of people, it could still happen. Maybe.
Is that Stoya
Surely the Tories know that if they don't go through with A50 they will suffering in the GE
Except taxes and manufacturing-relevant engineering skills. Ah well.
Not in the EU at all, try again.
> they cannot blatantly ignore the people they serve
Have they ever not ignored them?
Labour is totally fucked outside London which is Remain anyway. The Tories could all rape pensioners' dogs on TV in 4k and they'd still win.
this is what happens every time you have a popular vote you absolute fucking nonce there is a loser
Let them over turn brexit and watch the uk burn...
I predict a riot......
>since they cannot blatantly ignore the people they serve
Kys u remainer cry baby loser
That's true, if labour were actually a decent party then the Tories would lose the GE if they refused to go through with A50
Referencing the kaiser chiefs in this climate is a form of treason Reggie.
Ironic since you'd in this thread to get salt about having to listen to parliament.
Well, if true, to a large degree this has been happening for years. British society has to crash and burn before it can rebuild.
If you are outside the UK why do you even give a shit? Go live your life. You've already made your choice.
Agreed, but they're a hopeless bunch of wankers.
Of course london voted remain , it's 70 percent euro trash , nigger and paki bastard land
It seems brexiters are more concerned with bragging rights and calling people who want to remain cry babies than proposing anything solid and substantial. Still no words here about what will happen to NI. I'm disappointed, but not surprised.
Nope, actually some leftist politician somewhere in Europe.
That's what scares me, the Tories have literally zero opposition who is credible in a GE. They can literally do what they want since their is no competition
> the only difference is that our parlament isnt fulltime meaning the members have another regular job to do
Jesus Christ, Switzerland does a better job of being America than we do. Goddamn this country's government is so embarrassing.
"Niggers and pakis" mostly voted leave, they don't like the competition for the shit jobs and low wages.
Does baby want his bottle?
Kek, your country's establishment has a great reputation of ignoring the people they serve, for example the Bengal Famine.
How do _you_ think the government should maintain peace in NI outside the EU? Show your working.
> than proposing anything solid and substantial.
- Like invoking Article 50?
- Renegotiating trade treaties.
- Cutting the welfare state and rent-seeking portions of the economy.
- Freeing up investment to go into the productive segments of society.
- Choking flows of unproductive people (see: stupid welfare leeches) into the country?
Literally no one gives a flying fuck about NI, irreverent shithole
More like benefit competition. ....
Anyone who defies the will of the people will be voted out and replaced.
They are elected to represent the people and the people will have their way one way or another. While the margins were fairly close for Leave vs Remain, the basis of Democracy is majority rule. It's by no means perfect but it's the system many governments have chosen.
Rejecting Democracy is rejecting the people. Rejecting the people is relinquishing your legitimacy to govern them.
Any what commitment has May made to any of these to ensure her Brexit is good for the UK?
Literally who?
Brexit only won through lies anyway. They'd just be correcting the voters error.
Surprised you didn't bring up the Iraq War Poojeet. I distinctly remember millions marching in protest. Blair took us in anyway because "lol Globalism".
Enjoy your election next week. Kek.
I would like to give NI back to the Irish. Let them sort their own out
Wow, reminds me so much of her.
>tfw no qt politicians.
Right, but that will literally never happen.
get on the phone to the unionists and tell them that then