The dangers of White Christians...
The dangers of White Christians
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Too bad all off those books are different editions of the quran
The dangers of Leafism...
>this whole pic
What implies either of them is a religion of a denomination?
Also, why is one reading a book while the other just looking at books on a shelf
technically the bible is a collection of books
replace the books in the nigger head with a gun in his hand and I'll believe you.
>the black man's mental image of books never involves them being open
>implying blacks can read
The double think is beyond absurd now. Let's hate a man for his beliefs and religion he chooses to follow by reading his scripture.
>implying anyone reads
>implying especially niggers read
Projection, so much projection.
>implying that burr head has ever read anything more than a malt liquor bottle label.
why read when you can watch
>being black
someone edit this and put in a chicken wang
>Implying the Bible isn't the best book ever written, full of accurate predictions and guidelines for a stable and moral society.
hmm, gelati.
The most dangerous person is the one whom cannot view the world outside the breadth of what their presuppositional lens allows them to see.
This works for ideologies too.
> Implying niggers can read.
This is horrible horrible bait
be very ashamed user
ayy lmao
still better than a nigger who has read none.
Should replace the guy on the left with a mudslime and put a quran in their head.
Why does that nigger have stolen all of that books from the White's head if they can't even read?
but niggers can't read books...
Why do images like this always make attempts at race baiting? Don't they ever get tired of it?
This to be honest.
>only 1 book
mandatory classic
>tfw when you can read books because the words in the book are all blurry
>a german oftalmologist arrives to your village
>he examinates your vision and diagnoses you with farsightness
>he gives you a nice pair of glasses
>tfw you discover the pleasure of literature
If there's 1 thing black people are known for it's their love of mentally stimulating literature. -__-
That pic always makes me laugh.
If blacks read so many books, then why are their so many remedial classes and common core just so they can catch up to whites.
Seriously, whoever made that pic truly slurps on black muh dik all day long.
Inb4 autists
They just use the empty space as a bookshelf.
I wear contacts and glasses at home as well. How long did it take to get noticed?
>you somehow learned to read without being able to see
activation status of almond atoms: uncertain
He is farsighted not blind you dumb idiot
If the Bible was the first book you ever read and you made it all the way through, that'd be pretty fucking impressive. People have spent lifetimes studying and interpreting it.
The on ly book a brotha needs to be dangerous to white devils
The problem is islam and non-rapping/hustlin/gangbanging niggers. Not white males. Hitler had to gas 4 million subhuman jews and ppl still dont believe whites are superior??? Wtf has this poor excuse of a planet come to? You are basically a holocaust denyer. You are denying the obvious power of the absolute, narcissistic, dominant white aryan master race. Also black ppl are master race too, as long as they're hustlin, ballin, rapping or gangbanging (these are white traits, so we can accept them)
"If those books are in agreement with the Quran, we have no need of them; and if these are opposed to the Quran, destroy them."
'Amr ibn al-'As - burning of the library of Alexandria
I guess he must have learned to read by looking at enormous stone letters a mile away
They are all "fried chicken for dummies"
Yes...? You guys don't do that ?
> nigger
> reading
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