Does that trigger the white penis owners?
Affirmative action will be coming to a job near you. :')
Does that trigger the white penis owners?
Affirmative action will be coming to a job near you. :')
But he was at 30% yesterday.....
>being this autistic
>Nate "The cubs have a lower chance of winning than Trump" Silver
Learn to english. Can't use plummets if its going up
>Nate Cyanide
its ironic shitposting you american fuckwit
Nate silver is probably sharting in his britches right about now if he even has Trump up from 3% or whatever.
how does pointing out OP is a faggot make someone autistic?
>Nate Silver
I'm still amazed you see this guy as credible.
from 30%
retard detected
Why do people always post this fucking site? It's so biased, its fucking unreal. Is it always CTR shills?
what's the lowest it's been? 4% right?
What do you guys think?
Is that a 1984 reference ?
The book has a scene like that, where the ration of chocolate is decreased, say from 60g to 50g per person. The Party has everyone demonstrate in joy, the official positon being that the ration has been increased to 50g.
nice b8. You may get some idiots to respond, OP. 4/10
Gotcha tea nigger
we're one state away boys
After Hillary admits she is ineligible for public office for mishandling government documents, she will pull off and leave it to Trump vs Long Johnson vs Stoner.
You know that.
She knows that.
She knows you know.
So stop these shitty bait strawman threads, you're wasting expensive bandwidth and making 4chins unaffordable for Hiroshimoot.
But yesterday you said you'd call Sears...
NS predicted 50/50 states correctly in 2012. It's one of the most reliable aggregators.
Here's the thing.
I don't mind bias too much. I expect lefties to be biased.
The only thing, the ONLY thing that pisses me off is this guy making predictions every single day about who's going to win and changing shit continuously. Up until the nanosecond before Trump wins, where he will say "oh yeah that just means my prediction was accurate!"
Stop posting Nate Rust-Stain. Whatever he may say.
It's a statistical model you dolt. Every new piece of data is fed into the model. He has already said his final call predictions are only partially based off of his model.
>The only thing, the ONLY thing that pisses me off is this guy making predictions every single day about who's going to win and changing shit continuously.
Are you retarded?
Polls always reflect the current mood. The only thing that matters are the latest numbers.
How did you think that they work?
>I was just pretending to be retarded
And how many days ahead of time did he predict them? 1?
Yes? Anything else would be retarded.
His polls alway reflect the current situation. That's why they change so much.
Nate is a perfect example of garbage in garbage out.
His nonsenes is based on polls that are flawed either intentionally or unintentionally.
All of the hard date that ISN'T polls is showing a huge advantage for Trump.
I just don't understand how Hillary's odds can get BETTER after each scandal.
>All of the hard date that ISN'T polls is showing a huge advantage for Trump.
Such as what?
PA, CO and VA are going blue. Not one, all. Prepare yourself.
VA is red now retard
Its not a poll, its a compilation of polls. At this point, he hasn't predicted shit in the race, other than being proven wrong many many times in the primary.
>After Hillary admits
They have been getting worse.
Actually if you go on his website Trump is having some huge upward momentum right now, a week ago he was at his lowest point (~12%). It's looking like he has a pretty good chance if the momentum continues for the next couple of days. (look at the graphs)
Nigga don't even bring that shit up
Those are all red Canuck
OP is a faggot.
Sage bitch.
She was at 90% before. She's plummeted hard in every poll since the latest reveal.
>All of the hard date that ISN'T polls is showing a huge advantage for Trump.
AKA bots on social media and anecdotes. Nothing matters besides polls. Saying things like "but the crowd is huge!" and "I've never seen a Hillary supporer in real life!" don't mean anything. I've never met a Trump supporter either but that's because I live in MD.
Yeah, so what's wrong with it? He is using a system that got 50/50 states right in the last election and aggregates a bunch of polls that are skewed left and right to create a reliable average.
On Nov. 8th his poll will be one of the closest to the real results. Screencap this if you don't believe me.
N8 has Trump down by 1 st8.
You'll call now
>implying Nate Bronze didn't get his reputation completely tarnished after last night
I had a laugh.
How the fuck could she be at 90%? All I ever see is Trump signs, never a Hillary sign.
Yeah they will, but he'll win NH and Maine 2nd district and that will be victory
>Nate Dirt
What's even the pretense at this point? "TRUMP IS LOSING IT! GAFFES!"
Blow it out your ass, post haste.
You cuck. You shame your fathers.
>How the fuck could she be at 90%?
Isn't she at 65.6%?
Yes, what a great prognosticator, a man who can predict stuff that is currently happening on the same day.
>believing Nate 'the Cubs will lose" Silver
I'll call now...
>tfw you are plummeting towards certain victory
>tfw you are going to plummet until the globalist establishment is in flaming ruins
Two percent a few days ago.
I meant how could she have ever reached 90%?
HAHA give up now drumpfkins it's hopeless
>AKA bots on social media and anecdotes. Nothing matters besides polls. Saying things like "but the crowd is huge!" and "I've never seen a Hillary supporer in real life!" don't mean anything. I've never met a Trump supporter either but that's because I live in MD.
Nice strawman, user.
I don't consider social media to be "hard data".
I'm talking about absentee and early voting numbers, which are showing a significant disadvantage for Democrats vs 2012.
They basically verify the trend shown during the primaries. Republicans are up significantly and Democrats are down significantly.
Independent voting numbers are through the roof.
Looks like a movie structure.
Only thing missing is the big finale for trump.
Hey CTR fucktards,you know the guys who stopped showing up to work?
Those guys are turning states evidence for the FEC, they will get deals, you faggots will not
Enjoy being dragged into court and sent to jail to be fucked in the ass for 10 years over your nine dollar an hour job.
Although you might be a true believer in which case killing yourself before you get dragged to court may be a viable option.
Either way we'll be laughing at you.
I'm from Florida and everyone I know who is registered Republican already mailed in Hillary.
Leftists are literally as indocrinated as members of the Party from 1984
Wasn't this same poll at 99% Clinton like a week ago? It's been interesting to see it changing.
>Affirmative action will be coming to a job near you.
We are going to become a third world country soon. Why do liberals think actual subhumans with proven lower intelligence will make the work place better?
I thought this was interesting too
literally all online polls are skewed because women and negros don't use the internet.
That's what they told you
I mailed in my ballot but publicly supporting Trump here is social suicide
>according to 1 poll when 10+ polls have clinton winning
top kek
Jesus Fucking Christ, could this idiot be any more cocky about being any more fucking wrong any more of the time? What a fucking retard.