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What the hell is their problem?


Report her for harrassment.

As much as I hate her and hated the video, you have to admit the animation was pretty good and cool.

They're going to push too far one day.
They only have themselves to blame for the Fourth Reich

I'm not a white male but you bet your ass I'd fight to protect my neighbors very right to exist. Fuck off Zionist cunts.

>decades of SJW and feminist onslaught finally reduce white male population to single digit percentage in the US
>the new majority black / middle eastern males all vote away women's rights
>women no longer allowed to vote, their claims of rape are ignored, they are shunned in university admissions and hiring
>non-white men understand that women are for fulfilling their duty as wives and mothers and almost nothing else

And then the women would still try to blame it on white men somehow.

>white men are 5% of world population

>gets blamed for everything

I am fine with that, I just wish I could see everyone else suffer before it happens.

They're literally creating their own worse nightmare and they're doing it while believing they're actually stopping it.


I find it ironic as hell that the shit skins are trying to wipe out the white race when we've been so fucking accommodating to them. If America falls China is going to be the next super power, and they will fucking slaughter the niggers, arabs, and spics

Looked like old Monty python animation tbqh family

(((She's))) just a stupid attn whore. Ignore her.

it's kind of hilarious to watch

>white nationalism dead as fuck
>instead of just letting it lie on the ground and slowly die off they decide that the best course of action would be to kick it in the head repeatedly
>people get pissed off
>white nationalism on the rise again

and they have no one to blame but themselves. all they had to do was behave

Wer nicht hören will muss fühlen.

Tbqh we deserve it for all we've done in the past, literally no group has been as destructive as us.

context of pic related: "A Father stares at the hand and foot of his five-year-old, severed as a punishment for failing to make the daily rubber quota," Belgian Congo, 1904

whatever happened to punching up?

oh wait, le elite celebrity is using their platform to maintain the status quo by siccing the lower class on each other, ha ha ha!


>dat projection

This chick must've gotten denied by dudes all her life, she is so fucking bitter

>disgusto bod gambeast advocating eugenics
When does it kill itself?

>you jews survived 6 MILLION, we'll survive too

Does your wife's bull use lube on your ass or nah?

I can write the script now.
> "It's white men who taught the innocent minorities misogyny, we all know their cultures were matriarchal before colonialism"
> "By selfishly leaving America when it became too diverse for their racist heads, white men abandoned their responsibilities"
> "White men didn't protect white women from the erosion of the rule of law in 2016, and they're not protecting us today in 2056 either"
I feel kinda bad for the gwailo desu.
He deserves some payback for the Opium Wars and everything, but he doesn't deserve this.

Scotland is the only white nation in the world that is innocent

We have been enslaved since the beginning of civilisation.

We never explored or left Scotland and we never participated in colonism

So fuck you.

Scots deserve nothing. Fuck off back to England you slave trader

It was a blatant rip off of Roland Topor's animation style.

Kek, don't pretend Scots didn't help

Shit like this means we're pretty much justified to kill her and likeminded whores in self-defense. She's openly advocating democide.

Fuck that Jewish cunt.

This gelatinous blob has more then 5 million followers and, various TV shows queued and connections to some very important people like it or not.

Saying such thing in such a position should have social recuperations. But it seems that nowadays calling for the extinction of Whites has no social recuperations, this is only one recent and small example.
Fuck this vile hypocrisy.

>I feel kinda bad for the gwailo desu.
>He deserves some payback for the Opium Wars and everything, but he doesn't deserve this.

forreal, everyone is sorry about the opium wars. huge mistake on our part.

Ignore women. They're irrelevant.

A true rape culture lies ahead of us.

>6 billion straight men.
>10,000 sissies.

Scots have been politically enslaved and gerrymandered

Our parliament is powerless

Our independence referendum was rigged to remain by MI5 and even if all Scottish mps vote for something they will be overruled by westminister

Scots were conscripted and FORCED into every war England had

Scots are exempt from white genocide

We are more victimised than brown people

this is such a great joke, i finally see what people are talking about when they claim women are funny

> Scots
> innocent
I seem to recall Pictish Scotland being invaded by Celtic Ireland and all the Picts getting genocided, you murderous potato.
You're no better than a Reichskommissariat Ostland colonist living in the house of a gassed Polak.

I have Pictish ancestory

I am a native scot

Well, at least there's a silver lining.

do you see any light at the end of the tunnel germanbro? or are your people still scared to even speak in a dissenting way


>white men are gone from the face of the world
>they all start bitching about how everything's turning for the worse

could you imagine if some fucking white male made an animation and said "women are evolving into better women"

how can people be so hypocritical?

Girls rule. Women are funny, get over it.

if privilege is a real thing then white women are significantly more privileged than white men

>its real

obviously, Lena was rejected by white men for reasons and holds a grudge.
It's the same bitterness as mtgow

I do think that the problem can definitely be solved if that is what you are asking for.

They already changed a lot of policies because the AfD kept taking so many seats from them in the state level elections and increased the deportations by a factor of 10 (they'll have to increase it by a factor of at least 5 another time to make it truly efficient though).

And yet it did not much to defuse the situation. It is obvious that a lot of people are not willing to forgive them this time and if they want to save their asses, they better do everything they can to fix this mess.

And people are quite vocal about it in private or semi-private situations by now. If the topic is brought up, no one really keeps their mouth shut out of fear of repercussion.

I don't care that this is bait.

I cannot wait to watch the white race go fucking berserk after the tipping point really hits. You know this guy is right: the Chinese will absolutely massacre anyone because they don't subscribe to this left wing horseshit. I'm scared dudes. I don't want my race to die out. It's all I have.

I can see literally just one cuck agreeing with her in the comments.

>They're going to push too far one day.
They've already pushed it too far you fucking mong. They're applauding the extincting of white men

She looks as disgusting as she sounds.

So you are acting like Austria in WW2.


Nope. You were unified country. You are also responsible for every guilt commited by England. Like Austria.

Give them an inch and they take a mile

>fat irrelevant hambeast says outrageous things to try and be relevant

> Sophie Koko Gate

is "cocoa gate" her pussy? the gate where nigger dick enters?

and like how did an Austrian lead Germany to commit war crimes, England was also rule by Scottish Stuart family.

Fuck, I came from a conservative family of three kids, my brother got into drugs and isn't really interested in being anything productive, my sister went to university and became a massive SJW feminist. I'm the only normal one who has a family. No wonder white birth rates are declining, whites are drawn into this bullshit, MTV pop culture and they discard their past.

>in charge of knowing what "funny" is

Probably, she's so ugly that only animals will go near that pussy.


They're gonna be missing white people when our countries descend into third world status while countries like china and japan are laughing that they're only good countries left. They'll never reach the same level without us.

im okay with white genocide movement its the reverse KKK roleplay and doesnt have any real consequences except black people getting to feel for a moment what its like to have power and respect. Whites should feel guilty it´s black peoples time now. Apologize.

FUCK you and FUCK scotland.

t. london born irish

here there are very few people who speak out against trudeau's policies, and when they do its almost certainly in private.

i only know a handful of people who support trump, and we don't have any party comparable to AfD.

i can't imagine having anti-speech laws like you guys, i hope you can beat this damn thing

Why do they keep talking about the extermination of "straight white men" when that would entail the end of white women and gay whitey too? Too scared to say it?

Who gives a fuck about fags? Stand up for your past and your future.

Sup Forums is cuck central calling others cucks.

It's just role-playing though, white males aren't even close to extinct

Because they're not actually resourceful enough to bring about the change they want to see. So the best thing they can do is bitch as loud as they can, making them feel like they've changed something.

You got to understand these people never really matured, and never EVER blame themselves for their own shortcomings. It's always someone else's fault.

soon we will have solid VR technology and SJWs wont have to pretend any more, they can live in the matrix

>deserves some payback for the Opium Wars

For a fun exercise, look up who controlled the vast majority of the Opium trade. Start with searching for "David Sassoon".

>Jew pushing for white genocide is ok
>muh gorillion holocaust is such a shoa
There's a reason why the Jews have been kicked out of countries throughout history

She actually looks like a low test, fat teenage boy here.

>Shaun "I'm totally black guys, I swear!" King

we germans know plenty of humorous jokes

how long until those idiots realize, that shitskins are the least tolerant of all people?
I kind of wish islamisation on all of those cunts.

his name is Talcum X

>more than 5 million followers
holy shit this is worse than I thought, that's more people than in my country

Why are you people scared of radical leftists? It's all women and beta males who eat soy products and sit around blogging all day. Any able bodied man could snap them in half like twigs.

no white male wants to date that cont

>pushing white males too far

I am a light skinned Latino, I am probably a Castizo. My gf is white. If I get her pregnant did I help the white race go extinct or did I help ut survive? Wtf nigga I am confused

racism, not harassment

Don't be an idiot. If you base your self worth on what the hardliners here say you'll destroy yourself. Why would you end your line or breed with a different minority and possibly aggravate the problem when you could raise a good, proper kid(s) with strong values with a white woman instead?
Be the change you want to see, Paco.

Latinos are almost white so

Why is it illegal to kill these people

>Make stupid assumption
>Man explains to you in a polite manner


I yearn for the day they push too far and too hard.

This is exactly why nationalism is on the rise again.

Kill the Jewess with fire.

Bio units will miss us once the artificial womb Loli sexbots are mass produced

>asks for explanation
>gets indignant when someone explains it

Funnier then the Jewish hack comedians who write South Park.

Your gf is a race mixing whore. She should be stoned in public.

I think she may be alright with that.

dipshit a 'famous' actress just publicly celebrated our extinction

theyve gone too far

this tbqh

white women are mostly cunts. they should be blinded and deafened to control them

The influence they have, see gamergate. It is what Milo and Rubin talk about, yes they are a minority, yes not all leftist act like that, but for some reason everyone caters to them.
>Ghosbusters movie with all women
>Bernie Sanders having to focus on social issues 80% of the time instead of economic
>Literally gave us Hillary Clinton
>TV shows all over are PC just to make radical leftist happy
>Facebook emojis put in plase just so leftists wont call them racist/homophobic/anti women


It's not about oppression or privilege, it's about hating whites.

quiet, Bill.

Someone should make an extinction of black women video

>tfw blue eyed blond haired
>probably see both go extinct due to shitskins