RIP Gary Johnson

Press 'F' to pay your respects to Aleppo Weed Man

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What is "press F"?

From some video game at a funeral, there was an option to "Press F to pay respects"

Fuck libertarians. They're the worst humans.

Al Eppo

call of duty meme


have you been living under a fucking rock for the last year

Ok got it! Got it! With regard to paying respect I say legalize weed.

Look al eppo wasnt that bad of a guy when i smoked weed of him chill out

Although I've known what 'F' meant for ages, I haven't seen the actual image of the CoD scene for maybe a year or more


420!!!! Kek praises weedman

What is Aleppo?

El Eppo

What a surprise

Yeah, Johnsonfags will likely vote Trump when reality hits




It's hilarious because you'd think Johnson would be soaring right now with all this dirt on Trump and Clinton

This is where Donald Trumps numbers come from. The death of the libertarian party, Donald Trump catches those votes.

He's a cringe factory spaz and Bill Weld is a Clinton fart eater. Libertarians would of made a huge difference in this election if it was a Paul/Peterson or Peterson/who gives a fuck ticket

the libertarian party deserve what they get for not electing John McAfee

he was the only candidate that could have stood up to Trump & Clinton in terms of personality, which face it, is all this election's been about

fuck Gary Johnson and fuck the Libertarian party