>"From one death for every 269 arrivals, last year, in 2016 the likelihood of death has spiraled to one in 88," he said. "On the Central Mediterranean route between Libya and Italy the likelihood of dying is even higher, at one death for every 47 arrivals."



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Checked and kek'd

We're still not yet to 100% so there's more work to be done

After that Brexit bullshit this cheered me up a little.


Thank you based Poseidon


"Feared" dead


I just love those feel-good stories, really makes me smile:)

>one death for every 47 arrivals
Pretty disappointing desu.





We fear they're dead incase they are not and we got our hopes up for nothing? Surely that's what they meant?

Grazie Nettuno!

>One in 88


>mfw they see me



Better one.

>I'm a sick bastard, lol.

Why don't they just bring the refugees into the EU and put them to work and grow the economy?

Aren't there like tons of low paying jobs that most people don't want to do, like day labor, factory lines, fast food, restaurant type work? Sure for the first generation they will be weird and poor. But most families assimilate and get better educations in just one or two generations.

Just look at all the migrants in America

Thanks you based poseidon

thank you based poseidon

>But most families assimilate and get better educations in just one or two generations.
This doesn't count for muslims and niggers.

very sad
once again the euronazis fail to give a shit about human lives

Pay denbts.


47 out of 48 feared alive :^)


>doesn't count for niggers
>German flag
Don't act like you have nigger problem, Fritz... I welcome you to Chicago

If they are stuck in a system of racism, discrimination, and violence... then how are they supposed to improve their life? No one wants to hire a nigga from the hood, especially when their are plenty of other candidates from "white culture"

>doesn't count for muslims
Most of the Muslims I know are quite enterprising and hard working. They seem to be smarter and hungry for success, which is more than I can say for most of my middle-class friends

Of course, their are the young men... but again they are coming from a repressed society so they go a little crazy when they arrive in a western country.

Our girls do dress like sluts compared to arab chick

Thank you based Poseidon.

>1 for 47
Not bad but let's see if we can get that down to 1 for 1

>celebrating the pointless deaths of civilians

> If they are stuck in a system of racism, discrimination, and violence

Europe bends over backwards to accommodate them. They just get literally fucked in the ass. Most of them aren't even literate in their own language let alone English, French or German, they're useless to our economies.

>Most of the Muslims I know are quite enterprising and hard working.
Probably visit Europe then?


As a non-white its really sad to realize 90% of you are not worth saving and need to be culled.

That's just what happens when people come from war torn, poverty ridden shit holes.

Like I said, it takes 1 to 2 generations to fully assimilate to the culture. Europe is literally in a REFUGEE CRISIS so this is the crux of the problem. It will all get better from here, fucking racists

Thank you Kek and Poseidon.

Where the fuck is Jack Frost
We need Winter to wipe this scum off the Earth

They don't assimilate. We have several generations of Muslims who still don't know English in Britain. They form ghettos and create microcosms of their own cultures within ours. Second and third generation Muslims are actually more likely to be radical than their parents and grandparents.


Thank you based Poseidon.

240 less filthy, subhuman shitskins in the world! Praise Kek!


Thank you based Poseidon

Whatever Britbong says. Same here in Germanistan.

Thank you based Poseidon

OK well good point. I don't know why, but that doesn't happen really in America

>only 1 in 47
feelsbadman. Should be 47 in 1.


Because we're taking TOO MANY too quickly. They don't have to assimilate if they can just live with thousands of their own kind in the new country. When they have enough people they'll just change their new home to be just like their old home.

Thank you based Poseidon!

Praise Kek

Thank you Based Poseidon!

>OO MANY too quickly
you dun goofed

I thought you said they had been their for more than one generation? Of course the new migrants do that!

In America, immigrants used to form giant slums, full of crime and depravity... but after a few generations they assimilate. I think these groups of slums are actually quite recent migrants and your just fucking racist haaha

Thank you based Poseidon

Still tens of thousands show up in Europe and you can't send them to fucking what'sAleppo because Obama reneged on his red lines.

America is lucky that it's so far away, it only gets Cubans that way.

Go do your job and bomb Assad!

Thank you based poseidon

Oh, no! What a tragedy!
But why do they still come, now that burgers have got rid of that evil, evil Qaddaffi? Now, that they have been liberated from the chains of tyranny? Now, that they have more equal chance of happiness, welfare and work!
Now, when there`s no more dictators media, whos propaganda kept them unwitting, Now, when they can be-, do- and say anything!
Is European white male still oppressing them somehow? What can we do to stop this horrible right-wing extremism, which clearly just makes Syrian women and children suffer!
Especially the black ones! Black children from Aleppo are the most discriminated people in Africa, even when they have studied and worked so hard.
I have lost my faith in humanity as it is, - there is no way out of this, but by ending the Russian world-policing, making Putin step down, and ending the capitalist empire of Russia. -Workers of the Russia must unite!
Too long have the rich people fooled you with "free market"!
Transvestites of Russia! - Seize the means of production!

>I dont want them thus they should die
non white barbarism alright

That webm
The German knows whats up.


More like

>I don't want them here, I don't care if they die