Operation Lolita



>Not only has information come out on Wiener sexting a 15 year old, the real issue underlies in Bill Clinton's nefarious activities as well as Hillaries sexual activities...both have been a major participant in the Lolita Express.

>Flies down to the Bahamas and allows Bill and Hillary to allow sexual activities with minors.

>Records of Hillary and Bill and other people associated with the Clintons with regards to Pedophilia.

>We are well aware within the intelligence community of their activities that hasn't stopped...we're not talking about one trip to the bahamas we're talking about multiple of 20 or 30 trips that BiIll and Hillary did take separately and together on the Lolita express to engage in sexual activities with minors

The lolita express

>Bill Clinton was frequent flier on the Lolita Express


Rev up those Twatter accounts faggots, with just less than a week away from the Presidential Elections we need to spread this shit out to the public, let it be known that Hillary is part of a Pedophile ring with her husband Bill Clinton.

Other news sources on the Lolita Express:

>Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known


>Bill Clinton jumped abroad disgraced sex offender Jeffery Epstein's Lolita Express


Other urls found in this thread:


Can I admit. I just imagined that granny /loli combo. 7/10 because age gap

absolutely disgusting.

No fucker is going to buy into the idea that she's a pedo. Just no way.


We need infograps that even the most normie of normies will understand. Art fags and photoshop wizards are needed.



>Hillary's campaign being affected by loli stuff soon after Hilloli
If there still are people who do not believe in meme magic... you should start believing.

kek I was just remembering about that, best election ever.

Using hashtag protectourkids or clintonkids, lets get this shit trending.

I told you.

Photo evidence please.

>pedo ring

Wtf I love Hillary now.

If i can, i'd actually vote for Hillary just because she is pedo. It'd be fun to have a pedo ruling country. :^)

ctr getting desperate xD

nice try ctr

Americans are pants-on-head retarded.

Guys I want this to be true and have the whole lot locked up forever.
but we have absolutely ZERO FUCKING PROOF.
Get in the wikileaks threads lets get some more concrete shit on them.

Are you retarded Poland?

In what fucking way would that be a CTR post?

That makes no fucking sense.

>captcha, goncal visitors

>Not posting MAGA version

The best information that relates to the Hillary Pizza cult is the fact that Bill took frequent flights on the Lolita Express with the sex offender Epstein. We're trying to put a shock factor on the normies so they would never look at Hillary the same way again.

>Man accused of paedophilia.
Definitely true. Everyone should believe it without question.
>Woman accused of paedophilia.
Not possible. There is no way she could have done such a thing.
>Man accused of paedophilia with proof that it never happened.
I'm sure he has just forged the evidence. Send him to jail!
>Woman accused of paedophilia with proof that it happened.






I searched by "newtown", and I'm finding multiple letters like this. They aren't forwarded. There's no e-mail address from the "original sender" it appears that Podesta is just making some shit up and attributing it to the person he names.

twitter handle

Wasnt this guy spot on about the fbi coup?


This is why you aren't considered white


It's a bit too much for me to believe.

>so obvious


>That`s what Drumpfsharts actually believe
Kek, can`t wait to see taste your tears americuck


Elite pedoring thread, glad to see Anons are putting this together.

Is there a threat for foreign posters if they dig into this? I want to help, but kinda scared after reading FBIanon-larper thread archives and news of british weaponized autist death from vomiting blood.

>the news is actually calling it Lolita Express

What is this memery?

meme magic

Proof where? Seriously, I've not seen any so far regarding Hillary (bill on the other hand....). All I've seen so far is some autists joining dots that aren't there. I want this to be true, but all I can see are retards blowing their loads on the first thrust.

Excellent, what tags are we rocking and when?

If the FBI accuses them of this that should be enough to bring her down for good

What can we do about this?

>Its not me
>My war propaganda would be much more subtle.
If anyone other than trump was running against this piece of shit, the polls would be showing a dem ass rape.

Somethings off. Did you make this user?

You can't though. Obongo plans to pardon her, so if they accuse her now she will walk.
That's why FBI waits till the end of the elections.

clintonkids protectourkids and anywhere normies are found

Spread it on jewbook, twatter. Use

>Calls ameribro cucked
Fuck off back too mama merkels tit Hans



Make it stop, make the scarring mental images stop!

If people find out about what she did and Obama pardons her, there won't be a place on Earth for them to hide.

No, its absolutely harmless for Russian people to discuss pedophilia.

And that would lead to US falling apart. I'm sure lots of countries want a slice of that sweet pie, and Canada would be the first one to cut it.
You need to get them subtly, without destroying the whole country.

If this blows up, or even goes semi-mainstream, doing this would truly be a death-blow to clinton. Obongo wouldn't allow himself to get into that hot of a mess, especially for a person who has a mutual hate for him.


>that animation

Its so smooth.