What is the actual reason you hate Hillary Sup Forums?
>pic unrelated
What is the actual reason you hate Hillary Sup Forums?
>pic unrelated
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Old enough to remember the last time the Clintons were in office.
That she is a millionaire politican really says enough.
Also I don't want to die in a war.
I hate her support for islamic jihadists and destroying the middle east the most. Closely followed by her sociopath personality.
fox news told me she's evil.
She's the most corrupt and least qualified candidate to ever run for office, oh and she belong in Prison sitting in one of those Electric Chairs.
If you think different than me KYS Op Faggot
She is, quite literally, partly responsible for the European migrant crisis.
Pedos? On Sup Forums?
Get fucked asshole. You make us look like pathetic pedos.
>I hate her support for islamic jihadists
>destroying the middle east the most.
So you hate her for supporting Islamic jihadists, while simultaneously having her for destroying the homes of Islamic jihadists?
>her sociopath personality
Trump's personality is sociopathic as well, he's just been in the private sector so no one gave a shit
Her assistants worship the kabbalistic god of child sacrifice, Moloch/Molech.
>That's one start.
She's a champion of social justice. If she gets in she'll only worsen the situation.
gay rainbow flag
posts little girls ass
Shes a cunt and one of the highest elite in the country, she can also get away with anything she wants where as I would be put away for a very long time if I did a 10th of what she has.
I really want to see her get BTFO
Says the frog worshipper
She's running against Trump
You are a fucking idiot for even asking that question. Try google you pink haired cuck.
What a cuck
i just reported this to the FBI, and by FBI i mean the mods here. same shit really.
plz delete this.
MODS. seriously. Wtf
This is why the spics need to go
spics are just like muslims. garbage pedos than need to be exterminated.
there both the color of shit to.
>So you hate her for supporting Islamic jihadists, while simultaneously having her for destroying the homes of Islamic jihadists?
She mostly destroys secular governments and filled Europe with Jihadists.
>Trump's personality is sociopathic as well, he's just been in the private sector so no one gave a shit
I disagree, he has different personality disorders but isn't a sociopath. Hillary seems completely incapable of understanding or imitating basic emotions.
I'm jealous of madame president's accomplishments of course, the thought of a woman making such incredible achievements makes me incredibly insecure.
get fucked pedoshit, enjoy you ban
Me, nah I just actually investigate my candidates for president.
Happen to have any evidence to disprove my leak that Hillary is related to Moloch worship, or are you just going to stick with the CTR tactics of ad hominems and lazy retorts?
presidential nominee who is under an active FBI investigation. hmm..
She and her ilk have infiltrated and ruined the US government. Also cheese pizza but that's not fully linked as of yet. I firmly believe she's involved in some deep dark shit, but I need to see it take form in a real investigation first.
She's evil...
She will destroy my people. That's why faggot. Also I saged.
>save the white race.
Corruption and lies. At this very moment someone in ME just died because of her. She goes around using that to pander to those same minorities.
This is also personal. Link related.
Do you mean aside from her being corrupt and having really bad judgment and poor health?
I arbitrarily and cruelly hate women, of course.
She's a corrupt warmonger that does not have her country as her top priority.
I'd vote for Trump, even knowing that means the renegotiation of some deals might leave my country a bit weaker.
Especially when the alternative is a possible world war.
Seriously though, US, don't fuck us on trade deals.
She's a corrupt idiot at best and a Soros puppet at worst
Her voice and how she pitches her voice when she wants people to cheer
Because she's a demonic cunt that hates America, that's why. She must be banished to the outer darkness.
Because I'm a Muslim and I want an end to the wars in the middle east and I want peace to be restored in the Muslim world again.
>I disagree, he has different personality disorders but isn't a sociopath. Hillary seems completely incapable of understanding or imitating basic emotions.
Do you understand what a sociopath is? It's not a person without emotiom
> so·ci·o·path
a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.
Hillary may still fit in the sociopath mold but so does Trump, and youre blind if you think other wise. He says shit all the time without considering others. It's why a lot of people like him. He had a history of not paying wages to his contractors along with a bunch of other indicators of sociopathy. Also add in the fact that he is an extreme narcissist, it's not a good combination. He's in the same level as Hillary when it comes to being a sociopath. They both will do whatever it takes to get what they want, regardless of who it hurts. If you can't see that, you've been in this echo chamber too long.
Im sexist.
Nah fuck you m8
Because it is fun, and I like fun. I'm actually voting for her because she's actually a pretty nice lady, and she has the integrity and dignity an American president SHOULD have.
Quick someone post the little girl ass
This is the reason I think she would get more votes.
Trump has proven to be retarded even before coming to power.
>Hillary seems completely incapable of understanding or imitating basic emotions.
Unafiliated voter here
While she is hardly perfect and has plenty of legit criticisms (that get overshadowed by really stupid nothing shit that Trump supporters want to bombard you with on a constant basis) I still picked her over Trump in early voting. I feel like it was the right thing to do.
because she wants to outlaw the shitting streets
>hur hurr republishits amirite john oliver is real news
Who died in ME (Maine?)
>Mainer checking in.
I hate her because she's spent this whole time acting like she's fucking OWED the presidency, and astonished that anyone would even DARE to stand up to her.
actualy wasn't anything spectacular desu
Because she's a Zionist wet dream for a third world war confirmed.
Her fucking voice
insecure neets hate winners like always. hillary wins, neets get mad and the cycle continues
Because she is a corrupt criminal who has sold out the United States. She's also a pedophile.
CTR trying to make her likable with just a few days left.
My independent thinking was always that she came off as false and almost nothing she is for sits with me.
I believe in a progressive attitude towards education, I can relate to 1 thing she said when she supposedly wants to bring more practical skills to schools, but I wouldnt rely on her to get it done.
Thank you for supporting the toppling of secular governments and supporting extremist rebels, it's complacent fools that lack diligence like you that America will further destabilize the Middle East until we're all fucked.
The right thing to do would be to look at her track record and at least some of the Wikileaks.
She's a criminal. And even with as liberal as I am, I don't want to world swamped in refugees and white people to disappear. I feel like the left in the last few years has zoomed past me and gotten crazy to the point of parody and it baffles me that people continue to strongly agree with the things that they're saying.
I don't want to hear her grating voice for four years.
Totally corrupt to the core.
She is rude, and rotten to all those around her.
Military members would be in jail for way less than what she has gotten away with.
She has a better remix than ICP
She makes a nice loli. Pic related.
Corrupt slimeball who compulsively lies to our faces
>What is the actual reason you hate Hillary Sup Forums?
Well, being brazilian I know by first hand experience just how toxic women in leadership positions are to a country, just look at how fast Dilma wrecked our economy and you will understand my feelings.
Not good enough? Look at how Merkel ruined not only her country but the entire fucking european union!
Women are natural nation wreckers, voting for a woman is the same as voting to destroy your country.
Trust me, I used to believe in gender equality before that bitch got elected.
Her nose is so fucking disgusting.
Typical germanic pagan thoughts.
I don't trust her, since she lies at any opportunity she gets. But I don't really hate her. I hate her supporters though.
I never want to see a woman president
Her vagina or whatever she has down there
With you there buddy. The left has gone crazy. It became extremely radical out of nowhere
I've hated her since 1994.
Rape apologist bitch.
I said at the beginning of the election that nobody wants oligarchy and that's what Clinton represents, just like Jeb Bush.
Bernie vs Trump the democrats might have won but now all they have on their side is news bias.
Child sex slaves and Moloch worship, for starters.
I'm in for the children
Her globalist, western-cilvization destroying policies, her deep-rooted corruption, her foundation entirely, and the simple fact that she's using her S.S. Woman's Card to get some easy votes from whores
she's literally just a normal politician
I hate those
I think Hillary is alright. She's better than Obongo for sure.
Well thank god your opinion is worthless
Fuck You
No problem mate.
>literally leaf
>literally Trudeau
Yours is even more worthless.
She is tumblr incarnate.
And I only admit this because it's late enough in the election that I know she's already lost.
Everything she's done I wouldn't mind. If only she weren't tumblr incarnate pushing SJW shit. I want her hanged. And I will get what I desire.
>Not still Serb territory
abu hajib allah balla ackbar to you too you fucking degenerate.
Because she's a pedophile, pic related
it's the company she keeps.
I don't hate her. I like Trump.
>If only she weren't tumblr incarnate pushing SJW shit.
You realize she called blacks super predators and opposed gay marriage most of her life?
She will govern like a modern Republican like her husband did. It's no question she's to the right of Obama.
Let's release our work emails for Hillary!
Go Hill!
Nope. She overplayed her leverage into becoming my enemy.
Is hating niggers supposed to make her special? Everyone hates niggers. Fuck off.
Hill Best POTUS
Madam Prezy
Life long terrible person