We're all user here, so let's be honest with each other for a moment. Who truly believes that Donald Trump will win? Not that he has some chance to win, but honest to God believes that he WILL win.
We're all user here, so let's be honest with each other for a moment. Who truly believes that Donald Trump will win...
Knowing the deep shit America is in, i doubt he'll win, sadly.
But I hope to the gods that he'll win
The world depends on it
Trump will win.
I want to know how the electoral college will determine the vote, I don't really understand desu. If public votes get over 50% will he win?
Not necessarily. Al Gore got >50% popular vote and still lost. I'm not really sure however how that is supposed to be possible.
>If public votes get over 50% will he win?
No, USA is not a democracy
Trump will win.
Tumblr Nose cancer.
He will win.
He'll win for sure by this point, you've got to be a stupid fool or deluded to think otherwise.
I have not once doubted he will lose since the 1st debate; never doubted he'd win Super Tuesday, never doubted he'd take the nomination, and never doubted he'll win on Nov 8
I desperately want him to win, but it would be so fucking amazing, so incredible, that I honestly can't see it happen. Things that incredible don't get to happen. The establishment always wins, always.
Polls be damned, they will rig it somehow. I'll be glued to the edge of my seat, but just going on hunches, I truly don't see it happening.
President Trump
>not recognizing cracky-chan
newfag cancer
I think he has a chance but it will be hard. Before this late surge i thought it was going to be ugly for him but if he keeps this momentum going for a few more days he could possibly do it. I was talking to a lady working the early voting and she said they have been packed and it's breaking records. Im in pretty red state though so take that how you want.
I bet on him at 9/2, now he's 2/1
Given that many people bet on Clits because the thought the fix was in, I'd say my bet is safe
He can definitely do it. He misses one state on Nate Copper's site. If he pulls put a rabbit from the hat he will landslide.
No each state is worth a certain number of electoral votes based on their population. They have to be over 270.So 99% of the time the outcomes are equal. That's what makes swing states so important because it is win and take all in all but 2 states.
that's also not how our government was set up. There is an electoral college, so 50% of the popular vote was never the key. Each candidate has to win individual states by getting the highest %, while each state carries a certain number of electoral votes. When they win enough states to amass 270 electoral votes, they are named President. Now, if you're thinking of rampant voter fraud then that's an entirely separate issue. 50% of the people is not the goal, a majority in each state is. Otherwise they would only ever campaign in places like California ,New York and Texas and ignore the rest of the country.
Good cracky-chan, you look kinda cool
donaldĀ“s entertaining and fun to piss at but by no means qualified for anything politics related. he sounds like some tasteless conservative radio channel
If the system was entirely un-rigged, then there would be no question in my mind that he would defeat Hillary soundly.
But we all know Hillary is prone to cheating, so I'm doubtful.
I must believe.
A week ago or so I wasn't quite sure. I always knew the race would be close because of voter enthusiasm in Trumps favor.
Now I am pretty positive he will win.
Each state has its own vote for the president. The plurality of votes in a state for a candidate will win the vote for the state and win all of the electoral votes. In essence the States themselves vote for the president and who the state votes for is determined by the people voting in the state
>We're all user here, so let's be honest with each other for a moment.
>we're all user here
>yes my fellow Sup Forumsitical peeps i too am an anonymoose like you haha trump cant win im one of you believe me
time to rev up those catalog filters
Trump will win
Trump has already won, it is written with St Nigels blessing
Look at him, look at him and laugh!
Show tits. MAGA
Just made a $5 bet, donating it to some suicide watch program with #liberallivesmater once he wins.
im proud you know that leaf. constitutional republic desu.
>There is an electoral college, so 50% of the popular vote was never the key
I stopped reading right there to be honest senpai.
An ELECTORAL DEMOcracy, implies that the people elect how the land should be governed. In this case they don't elect laws, but elect parties that elect laws, so really it's an indirect democracy already. The fact that some states are worth more that others is even more baffling. That means that people combined form an opinion, these opinions are weighted, that produces a party which produces laws?
So the US is an indirect indirect democracy?
Leaf that picture is from 2007 or something.
> He doesn't know Cracky chan
I want newfags to leave.
I'm pretty sure he will win
Black apathy will ensure it
Actual belief here.
Drumpf is done. it's over for him.
Electoral College.
these states will go blue unfortunately. What do you think all that demographic replacement has been about for the last 50 years
the US is a constitutional Republic. Democracy is majority rules our system is designed to prevent the smaller half from not being heard of crushed under foot by the majority.
he may win
It's a points system. Technically, USA is a representative democracy, which means some stuff is voted on my representatives, some by the people. We have 3 or 4 tiers of the government (fed/state/tribe/subordinate), and at the fed level we vote for representatives. The representatives for presidential voting are Electors. A state is assigned Electors (points) by population +2 Electors (or something like that). But, most states (except NE and ME I think) are winner take all. So, that's why all the middle states, which are red states, are not as important in the long run, unless you get a lot of them. It's like Risk with some territories being more strategic or worth more resources. NY, CA, FL, PA, TX are better territories than shit tier AK, NH. But if you get a lot of the little ones, you have a chance.
Trump only has little ones locked up, so he's in trouble. He*must* get at least TX and FL, and another few swing states, like OH and NC, and also flip a blue state, like PA or IL. It's all about the points.
He will win. We have entered the optimal timeline.
4chinEstablishment always making (((inside))) jokes
Trump is absolutely going to win
will go red, digits confirm
I do
>VA goes blue because obango riled the niggers in richmond, effectively only going blue under one circumstance which was a niggers running.
>He thinks that a state that normally runs red without a nigger running, will not be red.
Its like talking to a retard or something.
Trump will win.
Trump will win already planning the victory party
Trump is going to Make America Great Again on November 8th.
newfags will be the first to get the rope
I believe deep down that he'll win. I believe that enough of the American people are fed up with it all that voting Trump isn't just a Repub vote -- it's a giant fuck you to the establishment.
Washington deserves the headache that would be a Trump POTUS. They deserve to roll and be cast out on their asses.
They deserve way more...
I think it's likely Trump will lose, sadly, I made a $200 bet on him. I would say for sure he would win but Assange in the RT interview said 'Trump would not be permitted to win.' The full interview isn't out so I didn't see the context, but it didn't sound good. I think the democrats will rig the voting machines and ballots.
Assange is in the know, but I think it's possible he will be wrong in the case of the FBI doing some crazy shit in the next few days. I also don't know when the interview was shot and if he could have received new leaks since. I really do wonder how the hell all this indictment shit is going to play out though. It really does feel like our country is run by an organized crime mob.
I believe he'll win but I don't feel 100% given how fucking stupid most people are
Hoping on another bomb to be dropped on Hillary before election day to discourage her votes
It is absolutely foretold that he will win. Destiny has been willing it for eleven months and two days.
VA and IA has a good chance of going red
PA is a stretch
NY is impossible