People says i'm white 23andme tells me i'm a nigger - confused

turns out i'm an inferior nigger mother fucker yo. at least according to the one drop rule. i've got 0.1 % nigger blood in me. does this mean i'm inferior? can i still fuck white women?

Where can you do this?

23andme are well aware that WNs use it to investigate their ancestry. They will often throw in shades of SSA and askhenazi kike into their results to troll paying customers.

makes sense since you're Swedish :^)

go play with your digglets you fucking nigglet

I got 0.3. Now I understand why I love me some fat white bitches, and my massive dick.

>i've got 0.1 % nigger blood in me. does this mean i'm inferior?

Yes Ahmed it does. Pls stay away from white women.

>one drop rule
doubt they had 23&me 100 years ago desu


This shit wouldn't surprise me.

I wonder (((who))) is behind that

God you're gay and unfunny. Please stop.

>. i've got 0.1 % nigger blood in me
you got it by giving head? :^)

It's just genetic noise at that point, you are white.


>i've got 0.1 % nigger blood in me
Akchually it's less than that


Time to get some free shit lad

(((They))) will either give you a >0.1% Sub-saharan or Ashkenazi.
This is just to feed you propaganda that "everyone is mixed".

>hundreds of thousands of years of war, migration, slavery and trade

>idiots are surprised heh have a wide range of far off ancestors

Stop giving them your DNA you fucks!

thats left over dna from evolution, means nothing, see pic same here


>Use a prepaid card bought with cash.
>Only log into the site from within a virtual machine from a coffee shop. (or buy a cheap Android burner phone for anonymous use only)
>Use completely fake information on the account
>Realize that your DNA WILL BE ON RECORD indefinitely

It's literally nothing. There is no pure blood on the planet. If you're over 99% then you may as well be 100%.

I was a good goy and joined the Military. My DNA is already on record.