Why are Jewish people for the most part so grotesque and hideous?
Why are kikes so ugly?
Why are 'redpillers' so ugly?
Armenians in denial
LOL You mad you fucking ugly yid?
Incest for thousands of years and nigger blood from the kangz
Look it up, the first jews still live in sudan and are niggers.
Egyptians bred with them and they developed a new religion mixed up with tribe nigger voodo and egyptian religion.
Kikes brainwashed us via porn into thinking their women are hot.
the one on the right's pretty cute t/b/h
not beauties by any right, but better than inbred mudslimes
Under developed jaws from only eating soft kosher food
my god kill it with fire
Based opinion? Because (((they))) are the devil's children.
that is not a jew.
What meme is this actually?
idk. But looks more roma than jew.
Maybe if you'd stop posting the exact some picture thousands of times you'd see a majority of us are actually beautiful.
he's a jew - i can see and feel it
It keeps us humble.
Most Muslims, some anglos and those few really ugly japs are also
They are a corrupt race.