>Sup Forums will defend this
Other urls found in this thread:
I like Jews.
Sup Forums was right.
Oh gee really makes you think guess #ImWithHer now gee wow
Got to break bread with them first so you can stick em on a cross later :^)
You don't win Israel unless you win Soros, and we know which one is Soros' candidate.
wtf I love Jews now
Greatest Ally
Soros and his views are extremely unpopular in Israel.
The media shill articles about Israel being "100% for Clinton" were no surprise, totally incorrect.
Did Bush not win Israel? Did Obama not win Israel?
Name one modern politician, besides David Duke, that is openly against Israel.
Jews are bro-tier
Israel fucking hates Obama
So you say Mr. Goldstein
Fuck this guy Desu
the same guy who funds some of the most hated organizations in Israel
thank you very much. I hope God blesses you guy with an iranian civil war
>politico playing the anti israel card
Whats to defend even the Jews know Saudi Arabias oil will beat printing fiat currency to bribe Clinton.
All Republicans are winning Israeli expat elections in the last 20 years. Israel has a right wing government for ages and if Israrlis were voting in US elections they would vote for conservatives/republicans as well.
I like Israel. Those Jews kill sandniggers and I'm cool with any Jews not actively seeking to undermine our nation. That said, we should still send their spies home in body bags.
Is it because he praised their wall?
Wanting to keep Muslims out?
Will the Jews control Trump?
Or will Trump... control the Jews
Based Greatest Ally
Alt-Right blown the fuck out
Israeli Jews are hardly a problem considering they're more concerned at the moment with killing kebab than ruining the rest of the world like their western cousins.
there is literally nothing wrong with being Drewish
If you need to ask (((they've))) already deceived you.
Israel is pretty nationalistic and Soros is a globalist that funds pro palestinian groups.
You wouldn't understand actual complexity though because you're immature mind tries to understand complex process by turning them into simple relationships between like 5 imaginary people that represent the whole world population.
>Converative jews are bad meme
Greater Israel here we come.
Soros hates Israel, you should actually try to know the facts before making blanket statements. Soros has actively supported groups that will lead to the destruction of Israel as a Jewish state.
Jews rule the world
Trump can't rule USA if (((they))) decide to pull a JFK on him
Clinton is a puppet of Soros
Thus, in order to win, Trump must first outjew Clinton, by fighting fire with fire
>implying you can win the election without pretending to love Israel
Have you forgotten who controls our country?
I agree with the jew.
Rich jews were arrogant in the first place to put them in Palestine and not somewhere less volatile.
Like Sardinia.
Get fucked bleeding heart liberals. MAGA
Trump did get inspire "something that keep Palestinians out" from Israel though.
I can't wait until Trump gives military support for Greater Israel. Goodbye to the Muslim nations.
>Have you forgotten who controls our country?
No :^)
keep your friends close
keep your enemies closer
i am disappoint
>I can't wait until Trump gives military support for Greater Israel. Goodbye to the Muslim nations.
Only good can come out of this, I hope the US sends their soldiers to die in the Middle East again :^)
"If you take out Saddam, Saddam's regime, I guarantee you that it will have enormous positive reverberations on the region." -- Netanyahu
Sup Forums still doesn't realize that israeli zionists are our best ally against the international jew
cmon, lads
those Zionists are pretty awesome, actually.
The only problem is we didn't use nukes or deploy our entire force.
>literally sells out to the Nazis in exchange for his life
Gee I wonder why.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
And yet, why do so many Jews resent him? Why isn't Soros supporting him?
>why do so many Jews resent him
Not all Jews are Zionists. They like subverting other people instead of having their own place.
No one checks the warning signs.
>Nationalist country supports nationalist candidate.
Color me shocked.
Literally kill yourself
>no date on tweet
The baby won't be jewish though. Ivanka isn't a jew.
"Greatest ally, I gave you my daughter Ivanka, now I'm giving you my troops to die for you." --Trump
>The baby won't be jewish though
Then why did Trump say he was gonna have "a beautiful Jewish grandchild"?
CTR has it posted at every work station that they must replace ALL instances of the name Trump with the word Drumpf
or they don't get paid for that post
Prioritize your enemies, CTR. No point in throwing the election to Clinton because you wanna fight all your battles at once.
I think Trump said something along the lines of "races come and go, but Judaism is forever".
is the candidate of the alt-right and US white nationalists...
Can our Israeli bro's try and outjew the Democrats?
We need very strong jew power to overrun Soros and Rothschild
>says he wants to cut off all aid to israel
>says he will remain "neutral" when it comes to palestinian conflict
>gets booed by kikes at AIPAC conference
Hmm... really making my neurons fire up.
Where's your proofs?
>1 post by this ID
Strange for a Serbian not to understand the importance of historical connection to the land and the power it has in creating a strong national ethos that in turns leads to a healthy patriotic society.
>Ivanka is not biologically a jew
>her child is not jewish
Look up Jewish law Kraut.
Diaspora elite banker family Jews are also an enemy to Israelis. Enemy of our enemy.
Yeah, it's my first post in this thread, genius. And it was posted on Sup Forums.
She converted though. Our tribe can be joined you know.
I'd imagine normal jews =/= global elitist NWO jews
Put dem in dey place bro.
Israel is Soros biggest enemy, so not surprised by this.
Well yeah I doubt the Israeli baker or taxi driver have any power. The power required to rule the banks and media has to be contained in small groups of old money elite diaspora kikes. They would gladly fuck over an Israeli as much as a goy.
theres nothing wrong with israel
>They would gladly fuck over an Israeli as much as a goy.
>implying hitler wouldnt be glad to send all joos from europe to isreal if it existed
Do I have to call the German Intelligence Agency on your ass?
I like jews, I hate zionists tho
Are you implying Hillary is not pro-israel?
>Hollywood jews hate Trump
>nationalist jews love Trump
I ain't even mad.
lost the battle, win the war
Opposite for me. Zionists are basically natsocs. Zionists know how gay jews are so they want to give them a trash bin so they can leave the world the fuck alone (except palestine).
Jews are jews
he who controls the jews - controls the world
>Israel doesn't benefit from the US maintaining hegemony
>Israel isn't a valuable ally in a part of the world that otherwise would act uninhibitadely against out intrrests
>Israelis don't support nationalism and despise multiculturalism
>Israeli Jews are the same as Hollywood Jews
Yeah, no. To deny a valuable ally with similar values as our own strictly because of their religion would be absolute retardation. A pragmatic leader cannot operative with such a restrictive and self harming bias.
first we reduce muslim numbers with our Greatest Ally™ and then we open their borders to starving Africans to "diversify" their populations. Soon Muslims will be back to goat fucking and Jews will half niggers.
>I like jews, I hate zionists tho
It's not 2005, Sup Forums knows there's no difference
a jew is a jew
We must all recognise the difference between Israelis and American jews. Israelis are right wing and know they must defend their land from muslims. I love Israelis.
Stay out of this Jamal
See pic related it got posted on trump's twitter feed
Trumpfags are big time Jewish ballfondlers
Wew it's the Soros hates Israel meme
That's why he funded Femen until he found out they were moving to Israel too
Do you realize that Israel is known for being a turncoat?
link or gtfo
>all these jews coming out of the woodwork to support his statement
Every other rational AMERICAN realizes that this is one policy of Trump's they cannot get behind. But let's face it. You can't become president of Jewmerica without supporting some Jewish policy.
>jews kill muslims they be good!
Good one goys (but you're likely jews who say this). What is the attack on the USS Liberty? What is 9/11? Good allies indeed!
Not an argument.
this probably refers to Israelis with American citizenship that are able to vote.
most of the Israeli I know don't like Trump but don't really know much about him so it's usually easy for me to explain it to them.
what I found interesting is that the most readable ONLINE NEWS SITE in Israel (YNET) and the one most Jewish in America read is anti-Trump and only female writers are covering the election.
usually every conversation I have about American politics contain this bit :
A:their politics is so funny
B:well it's better than ours which is just plain sad and hopeless...
Here's the consensus on Sup Forums :
Israeli Jews are cool
Western Jews are cancer.
Of course it isn't, goy! Facts aren't real!
No that is not the consensus. That is a fabricated consensus by you jews.
>Here's the consensus on Sup Forums :
Get into my oven
Do you think all the 8 million Jews who came to Israel to build a country up from nothing and die protecting it are the same as the old money elite Jewish families that only care about themselves? If so, you're delusional.
There is a difference between Jews and Zionists kids. Common Jews are conservative and nice people with cool traditions and culture, Zionists are reptilians from hell which must be destroyed before they can cripple western civilization anymore. And the most dangerous kind is the atheistic jew which are the Rothschilds and Soros. They hate Jews too and sold on their fellow Jews to be killed just as now they're selling out their fellow countrymen to be killed too.