Why Do US charities always want to help foreign poverty

When we have plenty here? Including homeless and starving children

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I dont know, I was extrememly tilted when i realized certain African shitholes depend on foreign aid and misplaced compassion to even survive. I wish those shitskins would learn to live by themselves. What a terrible existence it must be to have nothing and receive everything. Maybe they cant even comprehend a life where they create everything they need instead of getting it free from the rich

>When we have plenty here? Including homeless and starving children
Hardworking people in America are poor because CEOs and Execs pay themselves lavish salaries and bonuses while paying their employees as little as possible.

If corporations paid higher wages (commensurate with the doubled output production of the last 20 years), workers could afford things like health insurance for themselves. They would have more disposable income, pay more payroll taxes and consume more economic goods and services. There'd be fewer people on welfare and getting food stamps. There'd be less property crime.

The economy would be great if corporations would just pay workers the raise they've earned.

Easier to embezzle the money overseas where you can't directly see the effects.

I don't fucking get it my self. My wife wanted to donate to some child off in some place we dont know. I was like fuck that shit. No.

>he thinks charities help people

there just ponzi scams

Not all of them.

yeah, every single charity in the US only helps foreign people. We deffinately dont have charities in the US helping people in the US. Nope, they dont exist, not a one.

this desu

Your wife would do better volunteering in a soup kitchen or something.

>Britain just voted Leave but aren't leaving.
>still believes Trump will win
>still thinks democracy isn't a meme
Sup Forums really is the dumbest board.

Yes. I agree. We'll probably do that.


Only one worth donating to.


Why do all of them have lizard people eyes?

I'm not an expert on interracial abominations

Investing in foreign countries to get other countries to like us especially in the third world. Helps to combat Vhina's push into Africa for precious metals, oil, uranium etc. It's a low cost high payoff strategy that also is a feel good thing to do.

Finland you got time. Figure it out.

Apparently they steal kids from these poor countries to use as sex slaves then later dispose of them.

Sick shit

second guy on the bottom with the afro actually looks human, the rest are just abominations of race mixing

they all look inbred

Because NGOs get money, in Europe they can perfectly ignore you even if you starve that they will still help refugees wearing expensive clothes.

NGOs are traitors, also I suspect that they have some dirty secrets in Thrid World like prostitutions.

Even he looks pretty messed up. Pity and sadness for these peoples lives overwhelms me. Being mixed sounds like a nightmare to live out.

What do you think about the following:

>Homeless people offered a ride out of the city, to a farm. Free housing indefinitely, free food. If they wish to help around the farm, they will be given a share of the profits from the produce. They can spend this as they see fit. No drugs or Alcohol permitted on the farm. Counselors available for people who need help.

This would get them off the streets, into a safe environment where they could contribute. Land away from the city is much cheaper, so building affordable housing would also be cheaper. A single ranch/farm could house up to 100 homeless people.

I know this will not solve the housing problem, but it would be part of a larger solution.

>deformed faces with unmatching features that make people look like videogame characters from a very poorly made game.

What the fuck? How come racemixing spawned some of the most beautifull women in the world here and will result in such ugly people in the USA?

That's what happens when you institutionalize welfare.
It's always the same. As soon as "the state" is made responsible for something noone cares for it anymore because everyone thinks it's done anyways.
And then the problem often becomes worse.

Wanna get redpilled about racemixing?

Here's the reality: It broadly speaking isn't happening.

Migrants flood into europe but all stats about dating patterns show the same:
ALL races find whites the most attractive, that includes whites. So White women prefer white men and white men prefer white women and aren't attracted to the vast majorty of the black population or brown etc.

This means that for most men of other races they broadly speaking cannot compete, everyone stays inside their groups.

So with the mass migration what will happen is actually just replacement of whites, not interbreeding. And it adds fuel on the fire that is the emergence of parallell societies.

This also explain all the raping, not even leftits women want to go out with them lol

Also it´s pretty weird seeing so many people asking for refugees but no one house a refugee.

Because they're lizard people

Most charities are bloated money pits that spend most of their donations getting more money and running ad campaigns to guilt you into giving them more money. There are domestic charities OP, you'll find that a lot of churches run food banks and stuff like that, the Salvation Army used to be pretty good, no idea how they are on the national level I'm at they do a lot of good work.
They run commercials of starving and crying kids to guilt you, pic related was a mailer back in 2013, I heard a rumor that if you sign up for this charity and then don't send the money they tell you your kid died, I don't know if it's true or not.

Fun fact: many "charities" for goods like cloth and rice actually undercut local production and cause market failure.

Good post

Nothing is stopping those workers from going and getting higher paying jobs. Instead you'll just sit there an argue that
>all employers are part of a conspiracy to pay people less

Even worse actually. Some UN officials were caught raping women and girls in Central Africa.

We want their natural resources and don't want any angry mobs when the globalists take it.

Because it's easier to embezzle the money when you're "spending it" in a foreign country.

because charities = a) embezzlement; b) tax concealment or c) money laundering.

in case of a) average charity will typically spend upwards of 80% of its budget on its own personnel than on its designated target. take my region for example - after all the boogaloo we had in the 90s you had swarms of various charities, aid programs, etc. vast majority of them were set up so that the main office was in Rome or Vienna where the bigshots would live and rake in donor money, then spend a fraction of it on local personnel who'd spend a fraction of that on actual charity projects.

in case of b) charity/humanitarian money is more easily moved around, it's often subject to tax breaks, is subject to less oversight, etc.

as for c) it's pretty straight forward - people pump in illegal money into a charity in some shithole which doesn't care about the origins of the money, and with the help of corrupt local officials from said shithole, clean money is extracted out of the country.

all these goals are more easily achieved in unstable shitholes, that's why Eastern Europe, Africa, Middle East, etc. are rife with foreign charity organizations