Why do conservatives deny that the majority of racists are Republican? They seem to think that if this were true...

Why do conservatives deny that the majority of racists are Republican? They seem to think that if this were true, it would mean the Republican party is inherently racist. I don't think that's true. But I do think the majority of racists are on the right, but only because they tend to align with nationalist values.

I'd like to hear your take on it. I never really believed the "Democrats are the REAL racists" argument.

Other urls found in this thread:


Is pic supposed to be sexy? Funny? I don't get it.

For me, it's 100% sexy

Why would Sup Forums know what conservatives or Republicans think.

I want to stick my nose in her butthole

It's called slutposting and it should be a bannable offense

I have a secret to tell you.

Everyone on the left is racist, with most of them being racist against white people.


it's kind of hot, you like men

because in the age of affirmative action president being a racist is worse than being a murderer

Most racists are on the right, it's undeniable, and there's nothing wrong with hating a group of people who on average propagate anti-social behavior

She's thinking: "I hope Chad notices me and wants to fuck me now."

>she will never fart in your face
why live?

majority of racists are blacks
then mexicans
then asians
then whites

sad but true

Why does CTR keep trying these pointless tactics?

"Oy vey if we convince Sup Forums that Trump is racist they won't vote for him"

Are you shills this retarded?

Because Liberals are literally more racist than the Chinese, and that's actually hard to accomplish

>Why do conservatives deny that the majority of racists are Republican?
meaningless. kill yourself, op.

Blacks are incredibly racist and all vote dem.

All people all racist, every single last one of them. The ones claiming they are not just hide it behind an ideological framework. It's not one is more so than the other in terms of groupings, it's an inbuilt natural mechanism, which is why it never goes away.

because they are not?
what you think, doesn't matter

define racism

It'd supposed to be whorish
Though if she was really trying to get people to salivate she should have used tighter leggings so you could see the outline of her mound


Well it was democrats that voted unanimously for jim crow laws, and republicans voted unanimously to abolish slavery

Who is this weenie genie?


Basically democrats and the left just view minorities as voting cattle, they import votes and create dependency culture with stuff such as welfare.
Then constantly speak on their behalf and try to define their values i.e "Islam is a religion of peace" despite all evidence being to the contrary. I believe that if you patronize them to the point where that can't have agency for their own actions is a form of racism.

I'm voting Trump dingus. Point out the flaws in my argument.

the majority of racists are black yellow and bfown. because thay make up the majority of humanoid life forms on the planet and are overwhelmingly the perpetrators of racist violence.

but let me guess, "only whites can be racist" yeah?
fuck off

Better hurry up shill those gambling debts aren't going to pay themselves.

why do you keep posting this gross image for attention? is it because you wouldn't get any otherwise because you're an idiot?

Racism isn't referring to blacks as niggers; it's cultivating them like crops and harvesting their votes while pushing agendas that harm them. Which the Democrats do year after year.

Your argument is that media Jews say Republicans are racist. I shouldn't need to rebuke your argument, you shouldn't even be making it.

This is probably true, but this is not racism. This is them just being used. They'd use white people the same way if they could. I'm talking about the "I hate niggers" type of racism. I think those types of racists exclusively align on the right.

Literal shit tier fetish. No surprise coming from conservaSHITS

On the right we have your traditional racist. Luckily these "horrible" people usually have exceptions to their mindset. They can see that although they have a prejudice it doesn't apply to everyone. Some might believe its most of a population, but those are an even smaller minority.

On the Left you have racism of lower expectations. This is reflected in almost all of leftist policy. Also the left tend to actually be harsher in terms of criminal law. The sentencing disparities on crack vs powder coke for example was in large due to democrats. Same goes for the super predator laws.

Both sides have their crazies, but where the right seems to have their's on lock down (barred from actually discriminatory policies now a days) the left let their's run rampant because to them it doesn't register as racism.

The majority of SJWs are democrats(possibly 100% excluding third party tards) and ALL SJWs are racist if you define racism as treating people differently based no their race. I'm going to go ahead and say you're wrong.

Are those girls okay?

>I never really believed the "Democrats are the REAL racists" argument.

which party depends on niggers being a bunch of poor slum dwellers so they keep voting for social programs and left-wingers?

I'm a Democrat and I hate niggers.

Why do democrats deny they're the party of slavery, KKK, and Jim Crow?


Pandering to minorities as if they are some kind of pet is actually racist. White liberals think they aren't racist because of their white savior complex. But they routinely demonstrate the bigotry of low expectations.

99% od Democrats are racist, while only 1% of Republicans are racist.

In fact, that's why Republicans can't get the Black vote, and other blocks of voters.They treat everyone as an individual. They need to understand that they need to pander to racist demographics to get votes... that's what the Democrats do.

what colour is that?

This entire thread is full of CTR. Not sure what you think you're accomplishing playing the race card on fucking Sup Forums.

Hill shills on suicide watch.

>ackshully le liberals are racist because I say so

Okey dokey Cletus!

False. Black people are traditionally liberal and also the most racist.

Try harder libtard

Tom Sowell would like to have a word with you about Democrats and the gentle racism of low expectations.

My people aren't idiots. We don't need handouts or exceptions.

But so much damage has been done to minorities for generations now by people telling them that their failure isn't their own fault, that it's systematic racism, or that lawfulness is a colonialist construct.

The current generation actually IS incapable of goodness because of the stunting effect of low expectations.

Minorities are more racist than white people.

>Hurr shit tier fetish
>>Unlike cuckoldry, the thinking mans fetish...

please fuck off. Sorry not everyone's low test


Not liking a particular group of people based off of color/ethnicity. This is different than hating Islam (brown people), because if we had a Muslim that was anti-Islamic culture, we would generally accept them as one of our own and not care about their skin color.

Yeah we aren't talking about the 1800s you fucking dumb shit racist


They definitely are more openly racist

Why do liberals deny that the majority of rapists are Democrat?

believe it

jews are pretty damn racist

Democrats believe that minoritys cannot succeed without white peoples help.

The KKK always has been and always will be part of the democrat party

>literally smelling and eating shit
>MUH classy fetish you couldn't possibly understand

>he doesn't want to sniff her fart box

homosexual confirmed

In politics all they care is targeting demographics no matter which side you're on. It's about pushing policies that makes your side appeal to whatever group.
For democrats it's pushing that whites are evil and we'll give you free shit. For republicans it's people that are lazy and relying on government money are the problem.

>Democrats are the REAL racists
Historically they are, and their policies today further indenture blacks, the eternal plantation etc, which certainly does not help their case. Republican freed the slaves etc

only when there numbers are high are is this list relevant.

t. been to prison

But Democrats were the ones that supported slavery

>HAH I'll just make fun of his voice and assume that since his opinion is different than mine he's automatically wrong without ever actually providing a counter argument. CHECKMATE racists.

You should probably kill yourself.

Racism is a system of power. Blacks and other minorities dont have a system backing up their empty racism.

Even if you changed the definition of racism to " anti-black american" black americans would still be more racist than whites

Democrats would rather leave the union and fight a civil war than give up owning black people:


Democrats (post war) run campaigns based on racism and threats that republicans are putting blacks in charge:


Democrats blocked every major civil rights legislation, and it took republican unity to get them passed:


It took until 1944 (and only after being forced by the Supreme Court) for Democrats to allow blacks to vote in their primary:


Ya, tell me more about how the republicans are the problem.

But what about modern day?, you will say.

ok... let's look at it...

One party creates a system that destroys black families.
One party builds their strength on keeping blacks poor.
One party gets their power by lying to blacks in election years and ignoring them the rest of the time.
One party has spent 5 generations teaching blacks that no matter how hard they work they will never succeed.

And that party sure as shit isn't the republicans.

If you've ever lived around blacks for a prolonged period of time you'd know the average black is just as racist as any Klan member.

Neither do whites, unless you guys hold secret white dude conventions that somehow aren't jewed up.

Last I remember, Irish people were enslaved too, and Italians weren't even considered white until the 70's.


To be fair, that's mostly because racism isn't making fun of other races, it's thinking other people are less than you based on race.

In the south, we talk a lot of shit, but blacks and whites still live in the same neighborhoods and go to the same churches.

Complete bullshit.

holy shit, denial


No one ever said it was classy cuck.

Also (I'm assuming youre a virgin seeing as how defensive you're getting over "top tier" fetishes on the internet) a fart fetish isn't the same as a scat fetish.

Educate yourself pleb.

Democrats assume blacks are too stupid and poot to get an ID. I'd say that's pretty racist.

Most racists are on the left. Even sjws are racist because they think non whites can't do shit and need a white savior.

They're not.
Democrats are all racist, condescending, ass hats wanting to keep minorities "in their place".

Fuck you /10

Fucking gave me a semi chub, jesus I'd love to plant my face in there and sniff.
Havnt fapped in over a week, and havnt cumsied in my gf since sunday FUCK How do people do this!?


I started a no-fap november and almost everything gives me a chub, with only 3 days.
I don't know if I can do it


>only white people can be racist
>gee why is the majority of racist republican?

user, even with your retarded definition, if a white person gets discriminated against in a largely black neighborhood, district or city, that's still a "system of power",.

If a white person goes to a school that is 80% black and gets discriminated against, that's still a "system of power" where it's institutionalized, regardless of the color of people in the White House.

If a white person gets refused a job because of affirmative action, or gets fired because of "diversity inititatives", that's still the "system of power" in action.

>the left commandeers a word to use as a label to oppress their opponents
>wonder why they use that label on the right

I'm gonna give these niggers civil rights and let them eat in a restaurant and sit wherever they damn well please on the bus

Showed those niggers

Back in the 1800s the Republican Party had some positions that would be left of today's Democrats.

Who cares?

Anti-Racist is a codeword for Anti-White.

It's a label like Heresy and Heretic for the modern religion of Political correctness.

Tell people they are evil for caring about their race - so long as they are White.

Promote conditions, Cultural Cuckism, on ALL and ONLY White countries that result in less and less White people being born - White Genocide.

Then use name calling like Raaaaacist Naaaazi Reeeedneck Reeeeepublicant etc... to try and silence anyone who brings up a point on RACE you don't like.

How have you not realised that Lefties are tge worst racists on the planet. They know it deep down as well

Also if you think they don't have a system of power anywhere, don't go to South Africa.

1. Porn is degenerate

2. Conservatism are thinner skinned than liberals. They perceive the world in closer due or die terms, while the left sees themselves as moving at a slow pace in the right direction

The majority of racism in western culture is directed towards white men and nearly everyone who is racist towards white men considers themselves far left. Misandry and racism are the first 2 words that come to mind when I think of Democrats, actually. They are the lesser color blind of the two parties and more likely to race bait.

Therefore, there are exponentially more racists in the democratic party. They are more likely to demand special status based on their race or orientation and far less likely to accomodate yours.

Am I the only one who does not feel attracted to whores?

Tell yah what, I don't see any issue with making a deal like this:

All non-Whites kicked out of Europe, repatriated back to ancestral countries.

Europe accepts back ALL the Whites living in SA. - This will at least help with the aging population/lack of workers issues.

Its called: "everyone who can't play nice back to their separate corners"

As clearly anywhere Whites become a minority, the non-White majority is only interested in stamping out that White population permanently.

Firstly; majority of racists are republican ≠ majority of republicans are racist.

Secondly; racism not exactly prevalent in the US, when we consider the actual definition of racism, not the warped left-wing neo-nonsense definition.

noun: racism

the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

Thirdly; If racism exists in the US, it is against whites, as when twp people apply for a job, the company will first look at their quota and requirement for "diversity" before they look at the qualifications that each individual has. A less qualified black can be employed over a better qualified white due to their skin colour. Which is racist against whites.

You'll find something similar for university applicants. Where whites need to score higher than blacks to get the same position.

Whites are being actively denied positions because of their skin colour. Which is racist. However; it's the left that think affirmative action is a good idea. It's the left that are the racists, racist against whites.

If this is CTR, I think it's more about clogging up the board just to slow us down.

I think the definition on something being racist is different and people don't realize it is. It's racist to point out anything wrong with minorities such as crime but if we simply ignore it then we have no chance at tackling the issue.

I don't think a majority of Republicans are racist. I think Democrat and the left in general are racist without even knowing it to an extent.

The problem with Republicans is that they aren't racist enough.

A lot of them don't care that the United States used to be 90% white before 1970, and it was only changed because of the Immigration Act in 1965, which was pushed solely by Jews.

They usually only want to deport "illegal aliens", and often only those who did violent crimes rather than the majority of non-whites who don't offer large contributions to their society.

Do you really think we would fit in anywhere in Europe?
