Anyone else on Sup Forums give up doing art as a living
T. Became a plumber because family laughed at me for 3 years for mentionih art school.
Anyone else on Sup Forums give up doing art as a living
T. Became a plumber because family laughed at me for 3 years for mentionih art school.
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Your family sounds like a bunch of cunts.
Contributing to society, even in a "base" trade, is infinitely more worthwhile than being on welfare and shitting out """"art""""
I realized that with enough work and dedication I could be mediocre, but mediocrity does not a career make.
>in before list of mediocre shit
Thanks man appreciate it.
It was petty subtle. They’d usually throw it in with other insults but I got numb to it.
You’re both probably right
Do art on the side, man. You got a job, set aside some money each time you get paid and fund yo dream.
I would but I’m not gonna risk being kicked from the house again
i dont live off my art tho i still make some sort of money from it, i had bigger dreams in mind but i do use patreon to basically whore my art out to horny teenagers and bizarre fetishists. life sucks. saged. 2 real.
Art school is a scam. You'll make more money as an amateur drawing smut.
Sorry bud.
Your folks would kick you out for doing anything art related? Yeesh.
plumber to pay the bills
keep the artwork going on the side
the key is like 5 years of constant practice and building a MASSIVE portfolio, also
Should I story it?
I’ll do it if it makes the thread go I just want to talk to somebody
Thanks guys
I’d do that but I haven’t drawn anything in a while. Makes me feel like shit.
>giving up on your dreams.
>letting other people dictate your life.
It's one thing to have a job that supports you but it's another thing to completely give up. I don't feel sorry for you one bit. Lesa compition for me.
drawing is annoying because it's highly dependent on SHITLOADS of practice
I mean emotionally.
Last time I drew I started crying like a lil bitch.
So how’s it going than?
Well, so you've already become a plumber instead of an artist. Next stop on the "kiss your dreams goodbye" train is marriage and children. Then the last stop, of course, is that you'll die.
I have a gf who loves me very much.
She’s one of the few things that make me smile.
I get average, 200 people listening, 5 downloads for a podcast I do and I have 20 fans that aren't my family.
Money wise I make nothing from it, I have a full time job that makes my income so trying to sell myself is much harder when you work 40 hours a week. Needless to say I still do a lot for it and I am trying to actually expand so I can make money off of it eventually. I'm a firm believer od hard work and frankly it's paid off even though i haven't made a dimw yet.
I'm gonna work retail until I kill myself. At least I'm a manger now.
God bless. I wish you luck man.
Fuck retail desu, worked it through highschool.
Man, i have a facebook page with 40,000 followers, i can give you promotion with regular time, i only need a link.
Don't plumbers make good money? And there is always work in that job field. I'm with everyone here op, do art on the side
I’m a spic apprentice in a black neighborhood. They hate me
You can be a plumber and an artist. Scott Adams makes fucking bank on not knowing how to draw but telling stories of his experience in office-based jobs.
I don’t have anything recent.
I’ll follow you tho
You're lucky you have a practical skill. The so-called artists who don't... they'll wash out. You'll get the work/art thing in balance and find your way. Trust me, it's a blessing in disguise this whole plumber thing.
We are sadly on extendes hiatus because my cohosts mom has brain cancer, but feel free to listen to our past stuff.
Man, search for "Nahualo" in facebook, and send a message, i will glady help you in my media.
which state? assuming you aren't lying.
Thanks bud.
>The mistake by the lake
Oh you poor fuck.
Post your work. I'll tell you right now if you becoming a plumber was a bad idea.
>i do use patreon to basically whore my art out to horny teenagers and bizarre fetishists
Gerph is that you?
I’ll look for some, I’m pretty sure I have some old stuff lying around
The more things you are the better. It's better to be the plumber who has a sideline in art than the artist who tries to eke out a living at a minimum wage job.
The situation where I live:
>liberal arts = guaranteed unemployment unless you're a "minority" (including women)
>STEM = guaranteed unemployment unless you have excellent connections in your field
>trades = guaranteed unemployment, period.
It could be so much worse, OP. So much worse
that's actually rather decent, appealing visual style
Just ripped it up though now I feel retarded
I fell for the art meme and am going to stop. I'm majoring in Graphic Design and the fact that I am paying double price (le out of state meme) and I fucking hate my life right now and don't know what to do has lead me to give up.
>STEM degree = guaranteed unemployment
What the fuck
I know a guy who majored in some weird ass engineering feild who works at a Wendy’s a eat lunch at
Listen to this guy. Look at DaVinci and Michelangelo. They were STEM that used those skills in art. Or you can look up to Rebecca Sugar, I suppose.
Meh, dime a dozen don't stop doodling but don't quit your day job
Where do you live, the Republic of the Congo?
M8, STEM is a massive field includes fucking psychology, of course if you pick the wrong one, especially an over specialized one with too many people you'll be fucked.
beautiful tumblr / new aged internet hipster stylization. u should be rolling tumbtard bucks, bud. set up a patreon.
>weird-ass engineering field
>works at Wendy's
Is this supposed to be surprising?
If the local tech sector isn't huge and/or the economy is depressed it makes sense. It's pretty easy to get local gluts and shortages of labor given that people are not generally that mobile.
you can still art as a hobby while being a plumber
In high school I had teachers who told me to go into design. I said no, I want to go into fine arts, I want to be an animator, I want to go to a big fancy art school.
I went to an out of state school for a fine arts degree. Half a semester in I had an identity crisis kind of thing, my goal at that time, trying to be realistic, was to be an art teacher. I then had a teacher who had everything I thought I wanted but his life was hell and he was depressing. I also figured a lot of other things out about myself. Met a guy who was my computer guru at that school who knew exactly what job he wanted and how to get it and why, and it made all my life plans look silly.
By the end of the year I had already got everything together to switch to a cheaper school I could actually afford and my major went from fine arts to graphic design and plans for a possible minor in programming that I decided against halfway through. I got a degree in graphic design and multimedia, learned a lot of shit about a lot of shit.
I currently work an entry level graphic design job at a print shop. I almost have two years experience here under my belt from this place and a nice enough portfolio I could work somewhere much nicer within a year.
Don't do "art" as a career. Do a career that involves art or similar things. I'm mostly messing around with type but just this last week I got a job to make a simple illustration for a really dumb book. Illustration turns out to not be my big thing, but I can still do it fairly well.
In my spare time I work on my art for fun and for me. Maybe I'll finally figure out an idea for a webcomic I won't lose interest in faster then I can get it started. Maybe I can go somewhere with that. But when I do it's for me for fun.
Go be a plumber, you'll find you'd rather be comfy and have money so you have time to work on your art when you want. Don't assume your career and your dream should be the same thing.
They were right to do so. You can be an amazing artist and still get nothing. Be a plumber, be useful to your family and society, then show your soul through your art hobby.
Well, your family was right to laugh at you for wanting to go to a art school. Go to a regular college, art colleges just steal your money and keep you in debt. Also, go back to school and get a fine arts degree, or just take some basic figure drawing classes.
Thanks for everything guys. Still where I started, I’m just gonna gonto bed now I hate crying.
I think the problem is a lot of people think that art is instant money when in reality it's a career that requires just as much work as the next job and they can't handle being on the low end of the totem poll.
Look. You can go to /ic/ and learn the basics of basics of drawing, or go back to school on the side and take some art courses. You have a family to think of, so you can't become a freelancer anymore. It took genius artist decades to get famous, and some didn't until death without a dime to their name. Keep art as a hobby.
More like not allowed to be mobile in this case - I'm not American.
You have no idea how bad it can get outside your little bubble, do you?
Not in the US, that's for sure.
Brother I've worked in 4 states and 3 countries, you're just a self-made victim.
Have a more positive outlook. Most people who work a job they went to school for don't use most of what they learned. The most important thing is learning how to think critically and accomplish goals.
Learning something you don't use at your job is not a waste of time. Spending time with art is still an enriching experience and you should still pursue it.
Being a plumber requires skill, it's a good profession.
Do what a lot of people here are suggesting.
Keep doing art on the side. Don't burn money on college. Take classes or learn shit online.
A LOT of really good artists don't make enough bank to live off of it, let alone pay for the exorbitant bills that an art college would stack up on you.
There is absolutely no shame in making sure you have enough money to live while still polishing your skills.
>all these losers that gave up
>like 3 people actually being encouraging
man Sup Forums really has fallen haven't they? Maybe if you took the time to get invested in something, you would be making leagues more than as a plumber.
Now don't get me wrong being a plumber is the tops but don't let these basement dwellers tell you going into art isn't worth it. They gave up and just want you to join in the misery. Keep at it user. Unless you're just shit, you'll always make a good living from it. And don't let these fags tell you otherwise.
t. someone who makes 80k off of graphic design and illustration
it's actually sad how many anons there are in this thread right now, just telling other anons to be just like them it's pathetic
My teeth keep breaking and falling appart
At first I thought it was poor hygiene so I started taking real good care of them but it kept happening and I figured it was residual and I still had a couple bad ones but I just lost two today just by biting too hard
I'm missing 9 teeth now I brush after every single thing I eat it doesn't help, nothing I do helps, nothing I do changes anything, my life keeps falling appart and so do my teeth and all I can do is watch it happen
I' don't even know what I'm supposed to do, do I go to sleep? Do I get drunk? Do I jump in front of the train? I'm only 24 but I feel like I have already lived too fucking much
I'm not really talking about myself. I'm talking about the various people (primarily of my generation) that I've known over the years, from different walks of life.
Somehow I'm guessing the countries you've worked in don't have an economy nearly as terrible as the one here.
Maybe God should stop messaging around and kill me already
Yeah bro if you run out of food just eat the canvas.
I'm thinking of going into plumbing user. Is it a decent job? Any advice?
It's hard work but pays really, really well.
The job market for for tradesmen in general is in high demand for new, talented workers. The Boomers that once took up those jobs are now retiring. If you want to be an plumber, pump mechanic, whatever, NOW is the time to seek those positions out. Corporations will suck your dick if you are eager to learn.
>Art school
Just use the Internet and teach yourself. Post-secondary school is a giant pyramid scheme and brainwashing centre now. Even if you don't make it very far with art you'll at least know that you didn't go into debt.
That's funny, I remember so many memesters on here saying the exact same thing about STEM back in 2012/2013 and that all turned out to be bullshit.
>living with parents
>still working retail
>going back to college
i hate myself
Where do you live, user? It's highly location-dependent, you know.
The thing about art school for me was that I was getting laid furiously, and people paid for it. No student loans taken or anything.
STEM degrees continue to be a valid path to steady employment so long as you obtain work experience in some way before you graduate The Trades are much the same way, but employers will usually train you on the job or pay for college if they know you are determined to succeed.
I have a BFA in graphic design from a college in Maryland. I used it to get a job in the field that made me want to wash my hands of the entire industry after only 18 months. I quit and started working at a small bike shop 4 years ago. I don't get paid as much, but I've been happy to wake up and go to work each day since and that seems worth it.
Sorry about that, user, but being a plumber is perfectly respectable.
>mom and bro lives and leech from me
>wipe people's butt for a living
>wants to go back to college but I got debnts
Go train HVAC. It's a gud paying jerb.
Just a fun fact: Degrees don't matter in artistic fields if you're not social enough to make network connections. Hell, the quality of your work doesn't even matter if you don't know anyone that can get your foot in the door.
Just food for thought if you're thinking a college degree will make things easier.
>wanted to be a novelist or journalist, had natural talent at a young age
>everyone had high hopes that i'd make it
>lack the motivation and fear of risk/failure to even try and get my work out there
>life reached some very low lows in the meantime
>found a stable, extremely well-paying career path that i love instead
could be worse. life never goes as planned. you shouldn't stop making art on the side, though, OP. it sounds like your family really ruined your confidence. :(
you should consider seeing a therapist.
Do it man, it might be cathartic.
Do you not have medicaid or any other form of insurance?
Actually I just started taking a bunch of art courses in the evenings online for fun.
Find a job/or stay in your current job that you can tolerate that gives you enough off time for yourself outside of work, and just use art as a hobby. If you get enough practice in to where you feel confident enough doing it, start doing commissions when you need the cash or just whenever. After a couple years doing that and just enjoying yourself, start practicing towards more challenging stuff and build a portfolio for that potential art-related job you'd possibly want to move onto. If you don't want to move on, just stick with the job and life you got before that.
That's what I'd like to do.
You're situation as a plumber is fine and commendable. At least it's a solid source of income and contributes to society.
Go to a goddamn dentist. Jesus.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with pursuing an ordinary career if it means stability and financial security while doing art on the side in your free time.
Lots of people say they gave up their passions to pursue their careers to better provide for whoever, this is a bullshit response: you can always make time, people just find it easier to make excuses, if something is important to you, you will FIND the time to do it.
Keep in mind though, that you shouldn't listen to people who tell you to ignorantly give up on everything you're doing, ignore the haters, and just pursue your passion over everything else: often times people's passions are impractical, bias, and unfortunately incapable of feeding them and art is one of the biggest culprits of this.
The other issue with art is that it's super duper arbitrary and you could be exceptionally talented and still starve.
People are going to suggest extremes: people who've given up and lost sight of what they wanted and people who got lucky and think "If I can do it anyone can do it", are all going to suggest "extreme measures", but you don't need or have to pick extremes, normal people need consistency not huge fucking risks.
Also don't go to Art College, Art College is a fucking scam, source: I went to Art College and witnessed first hand it was a scam.
I gave up drawing, because I got in a fight, and broke my wrist, which never recovered.
I can still draw, but it hurts to do so.
I now tutor others to draw, but that's more of a hobby.
honestly you did the right thing user. Plumbing is a dirty but still well paying job if you do it right.
If you are really serious about art I guess you can always try working on something in your free time. IF you are really passionate about it and talented it will succeed regardless.
Also the modern industry is filled with sjw cunts anyway so you would be miserable even if you make it big
>Always wanted to be an artist
>Above average at art in childhood
>Even took an animation workshop in middle school
>Never bothered to learn the fundamentals
>Piss away high school never really planning my career or future
>Realize just how shitty art colleges are and just how little skill I have
>Fall for the STEM meme as use that as a fallback
>Hate career and feel like I'm wasting my life
I know doing art as a living is a pipe dream but I don't really feel any passion doing anything else. I also let what little talent I had atrophy and I don't feel like I have the spare time to relearn everything again since I'm both working and going to school.