That stockholder out there... NO ONE IS HELPING HIM OUT!

That stockholder out there... NO ONE IS HELPING HIM OUT!

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If you walk out of that door to rape him, You’re FIRED!!

PG rated movie that has a 16 year old girl get blended by a jet engine for laughs

With a few touches this could turn into loss

And a gay dude. Don't forget the part where Mr. Incredible hid behind the bones of Gazerbeam.

How did gazerbeam turn into a skellington in like a month?

Maybe a super ate his corpse for sustenance?

Tropical environments cause decay super fast, also showing decayed flesh is worse than a skellington

Rats. Lots and lots of rats.


Nope, he was the last one before bob went to the island

>also showing decayed flesh is worse than a skellington

cartoons are weird

just like how electrocution is generally censor-friendly violence

Jesus Christ, that scene with the fucking Joker in Bateman Beyond was nightmare fuel compared to just him getting shot by the bang flag

Real talk for a second, the scenes with Bob at his job are probably my favorite ones in the movie. They show that Bob wasn't just being a showy asshole when he got into superheroics. He just wants to help people; and he'll do that in any way he can, whether it be by giving good financial/legal advice, pointing out loopholes, or rescuing a guy from a burning building.

>dies to classic slapstick gag

I almost like that death better than the original

>Bateman Beyond



Return of the Joker was so GOAT it's unbelievable

And the failed suicide attempt

Yep. Never even liked the show as much as the movie. It has probably the definitive animated portrayal of the joker.
And them hot Joker twins. Goddamn.

This movie legit get better with each rewatch. It's probably the perfect "all-ages" movie.

>try commit suicide
>sue for money


well I guess he could have been depressed because he was broke. Still kinda weird, that part.

did you see the firepower they were dealing with?

the first half focusing on Mr Incredible alone is so good

It's happened in real life

He couldn't have been vaporized by the omnidroid because he needed time to write out the message in the cave, and there's no way that thing could fit in there

it's kind of a plot hole

Are you me, where you don't think the second half is as good?

You can see in the behind the scenes they had some trouble figuring out how to get the kids to the island and have it make sense. And the plane scene originally had this pilot character that was a friend of Helen's...
it becomes a little messy when you know all that. You start to see little flaws.

There are Good Samaritan laws to prevent this, but they were created specifically because this happened so much yeah

I understand why bringing the family into the story was necessary, I mean if it was only Mr Incredible for the entire film it wouldn't really work. but the second half was definitely much weaker and there was never the same level of development for the other family members as there was for Bob going from fat loser to strong and skillful hero again.

I did like Helen's bit on the island where she was trying to stealthily make her way around, it was a good way to showcase her power being so opposite of Bob's

the kids were the weakest part, and so was the attack on the city at the end, it just felt sloppy and rushed

I am disgusted by people

it probably should've been 2 movies but everything has to be 1's or 3's


Maybe he was wounded and crawled into the cave.

idk what they could have done for a single movie
honestly I think it would have been best with just Bob and Helen but maybe they were pressured to bring the kids into it

Can't have a kids movie with just adults user

But seriously, you coulda stretched out the first half, have it be about their troubled lives as superheroes in hiding, give some comedic beats, show us the kids school lives more

Bob has his midlife crisis, goes to the island, and then BOOM Syndrome right at the end

Next movie would be Bob's family looking for him because he's been missing for weeks, getting the message out, rescuing bob, the final showdown in the city. The only problem is this would backlog all the action to movie two, so maybe you could have Bob doing some kinda superheroing under the table illegally, and tie that in with him losing his job.

Honestly it probably would have fine if we had just one more scene showing dash and violet before the switch-up

incidentally that reminds me that they did cut a scene with violet where rants about her physical appearance (says she's gangly, ugly and has no curves)

Helen got enough development I think
but the kids definitely needed a bit for for each of them alone

>"I'll rape her. It'll be easy, like raping a toothpick."

They probably cut that for being too fucking real. The exact kinda shit that upsets teenage girls


They also cut the scene that explicitly showed Helen was worried Bob was cheating on her and that she wasn't hot enough for him anymore.

The dream sequence was cut because they thought it was lazy and Helen being paranoid about her appearance shows up a ton. Especially in the base

da butt scene mm

But that comes off as a fanservice gag
That scene where it shows bob surrounded by bikini bimbos shows how she thinks she's not good enough for him

It's not rape if she wants it.

If nobody else is gonna say, I'll just go ahead.

Literally, the only reason I'm excited for Coco is for The Incredibles 2's trailer.

as a brown nigga, i hope Coco fucking bombs. trade marking a fucking holiday name, get the fuck out of here. Let's see Herr Mouschwitz try to trade mark "Thanks giving" or "Easter"

That's why it's the first PG Pixar movie. Disney money can get a lot of things kept to G, but they had to push the envelope that far to finally get one to PG.

>"When everyone's a rapist"

But all animated movies are PG now

everyone is a rapist, though

The fuck are you on about? Did they trademark Day Of The Death or something?

Also you can't trademark Easter given that its an ancient religious figure, which is about as public domain as it gets.

>Did they trademark Day Of The Death or something?