What are your opinions on minimum wage and raising the minimum wage to $15. I believe it is utter slippery slope bullshit that kills small businesses and makes it harder for people starting out to advance. Unfortunately mentally ill liberals don't believe that, here is there Arguement:
What do you think and whats your arguement?
Minimum Wage in Canada & Anglosphere
fuck niggers who want to afford an apartment on a minimum wage job. just bring back manufacturing so we have to pay more for products so we have incentives to automate and make it cheap which can raise the standard of living for everyone.
>4. Most minimum wage workers are employed by big companies
>And don't think minimum wage workers are working at ma and pa shops down on Main Street. According to the data, nearly half of Canada's minimum wage workforce are employed by companies with 500+ employees – pointing to the role of large corporate chains in driving the trend towards a more precarious, low-paid workforce.
This is true. However what is also true is that a higher minimum wage is hard for small businesses, whereas larger corporations, with millions in profits can easily absorb the extra cost. So raising the minimum wage actually accelerates this trend of big companies employing more minimum wage workers.
Bump, minimum wage jobs are meant in my opinion to help you get off the ground, not become your life long career. Failures who still flip burgers at 40 have none else to blame but themselves. Everyone should not have to suffer because of poor decision making of losers.
I believe the minimum wage should be kept low and instead profit sharing should be done and given to those who work hard and don't slack. It encourages productive behaviour.
What concrete things did the email, exactly, expose?
Minimum wage denies labor to anyone who can't provide $15 an hour worth of work. It ends up hurting the people it's supposed to help. That's why unions love it so much because it decreases competition against low-skilled workers who would do the same job for 1/3 the price
It's a great idea. It will raise wages for everyone, not just those making 15$. It's too bad that the dumbass conservatards might try to ruin this.
You realise that is the biggest slippery slope ever? In a few years your going to be asking for $20 , your not solving the problem only pushing it further down the line making it worse.
Nothing wrong with that. The government needs to keep the minimum wage at a livable wage. If people can't live off of minimum wage and working 40 hours a week, it needs to be raised.
That is encouraging mediocrity, a satisfied need is not a motivator. The government should encourage people to strive not be satisfied with the minimum
>Livable wage
I hate this meme
16 year old Joe shmuck doesn't deserve 50k a year because that seems like a reasonable wage to live off of-- that puts a huge unnecessary strain on the economy. The biggest problem with minimum wage workers, at least in America, is that they don't get enough hours, not that they get paid too little. 45 hours a week at 8 bucks/h is PLENTY to afford all the basics of living. Even then, the only people working min wage should be teenagers or people still living with their parents.
It doesn't matter. People want more, they will do more. If you can't live with the minimum wage, you are basically a slave, and that's illegal.
This is accurate. Eventually you end up in a position where certain jobs end up costing more than they're worth. Especially in the light of technology making certain low skill, high repetition tasks much easier for a machine to do much more cheaply.
At casual dining restaurants, they're replacing most of the servers with tablets that take food/drink orders and let you pay.
testing... cucks
who are these semen demons?
fucking lolz cucks in all caps is filtered.
C U C K S (no space) = KEKS
This picture pretty much explains the attitude my grandfather has to this election. Today he was going on about how the Clinton foundation and how they help hati, so I showed him an article explaining how Bill and Hilary exploited hati for personal gain and after reading the whole article all he said was "whoever wrote this should get done for slander"
Hosey Porn when
Laquisha sisters from camden
I don't care so long as i get a raise relative to whatever increase is made. Up minimum wage but leave mine the same and i will get mad.
The small privately owned pharmacy I work for has already had to let go of supporting the area's mentally handicapped group because they could no longer afford them.
They would pay them to clean up the store and that.
Gone, finished.
The problem is that there is a minimum wage which makes work doing to help as part of a family or for personal gain where the job is worth offering are not guaranteed jobs. The true minimum wage is zero, when a job is replaced more cheaply by automation or is simply no longer worth offering.
Fine, replace them and automate them. UBI is inevitable. Stop threatening and do it.
kek he put a lot of effort into that postergirl. he's definitely one of those degenerates that tries to hide their deviancy with publicly liberal opinions.
There is a painful friction in the meantime and accelerating the curve is great for the people who work on software (like me! When I visit my Canadian customers, they pay 3K CAD a day for my time). Greatly hiking the minimum wage
1) Makes it cheaper for big corporations that can afford machine investment to bring out the robots sooner
2) Makes smaller businesses struggling with costs just end the jobs sooner.
As someone who has a well paying software job, I agree that UBI will end up being a result, but it's a long and messy road there. Accelerating the hike up to a $15 or $20 or whatever minimum wage will just make it so we have more people not worth offering jobs to before we figure out how to offer them something worthwhile.
The point is that it wouldn't be an immediate raise, it would be incremental. I really doubt most companies are going to automate overnight.
Min wage is acceptable but it should be locally determined. $15 an hour in Toronto is literally nothing. $15 an hour in some small town will hurt local businesses
Using U.S. dollars and standards for my argument.
The problem has never been minimum wage, but the lack of jobs between minimum wage and the median average wage.
Minimum wage could be 5 dollars an hour, it wouldn't matter as it would be a temporary flip job for young persons.
However the jobs ranging in the 10 dollars to 20 dollar range are almost non existent in comparison to said minimum wage jobs.
I could easily start out than at a low wage and make the logical progression up the ladder as intended.
As of right now I only make 18 dollars an hour, if minimum wage was raised to 15 dollars an hour... I would flat out quit my job.
I deal with too much shit for already a low wage, because I live in a shitty state where people are often poor. I'm lucky to make what I do.
I would gladly quit my job for a low stress 15 an hour job.
If they don't compensate the workers who are currently in the 10-20 bracket by raising them up even further (which negates the point of raising minimum wage altogether). You can guarantee a lot of us would quit our jobs for other.
Honestly, just cut wages down, introduce UBI, lower sales taxes, increase property and corporate taxes.
My god... Just imagine the smell...
>mcjobs worth 15 dollars an hour
>15 dollars become the new 8
>mcfucks get the same amount of wealth
>but now people with jobs already paying more that 15$ an hour are fucked
Fermented protein shake sweat smell with a combination of cat piss smell. Why do niggers smell so bad? Les negres me font chiet
With industrial production being mostly automated now, that would not create any form of employment. Except highly skilled machinists and programmers to repair faulty equipment. But still, that's like one manual machinist and two coders tops for a whole fucking plant
You should read about economics before saying stupid shit, you dumb hick.
That's the thing liberal don't plan to increase those in the 10-20 bracket. They are just making there dependent voters more dependent and drag more people in. It's communism through the backdoor.
Why don't you enlighten us as to why exactly this is wrong?
BC has larger corporate companies closing all the time since 2010 because of a provincial carbon tax and people like me who had a degree who was terminated in 2010 due to business closure, went and picked up a trade and was back to work for 2 years, but then my machinist trade career fell through due to more corporations closing and my only option is to move or flip McDonald's pattties. Saskatchewan seems like my place to go, but even there, the market is very tight for both my trade and my degree
Asking a liberal for real arguements is like expecting dogs to speak english. They just repeat and never come to their own conclusions.
I believe they think inflation will "even out" and everyone will have more money because the minimum wage was not raised by too much.
Somehow increasing it to 15/h will not cause major inflation. But if you say "Well why not increase it to 20/h then?" they will say that that increase WILL cause major inflation.
I have no idea how this makes sense to these people honestly.
>everything I have typed is satire and in no way is a reflection of my opinions or beliefs
Do they not realize this is the type of thing that would cause people to attack other people, kill them even?
Teenage angst aside, if I made 18 dollars an hour barely making ends meet and the government fucked me over in such a way. I would snap and probably take as many government officials with me.
Hypothetically of course.
wink wink nudge nudge.
Kill yourself fat hick.
Where do I begin...
>15 dollars become(s?) the new 8
When will this happen? When will 15=8? Tomorrow? Next week? A year from now?
Yes, inflation exists. Doesn't mean anything. The prices that rise along with this minimum wage hike will be on things that people can do without. Food, drink, housing, transportation, etc. will all rise, but it will not double (like the minimum wage). This is basic economics guys, I shouldn't have to explain this. The goal of all parties is to keep prices low, and keep profits maxed, so companies will not artificially raise the prices of everything just because people have higher minimum wages. They'll still try to get the lowest price possible because of this cool thing called competition.
they are incapable of thinking about the future. They just want more monies NOW, and fuck you if you disagree.
>>but now people with jobs already paying more that 15$ an hour are fucked
No, because all wages would rise as well. The only people who's living standards would actually go down are rich people, who will now only be able to afford 6 4K tvs, rather than 10 ;( Poor rich people.
What degree?
>When will this happen?
As soon as businesses realize they can still ask an hours worth of salary for their pizza. It's just 15 bucks instead of 8 now.
Do you think this is some sort of overly complicated process involving banks?
What is a living wage, anyway?
Living off 8 bucks/hour getting at least like 30 hours a week is definitely possible. It's hard, gotta budget and definitely can't afford any luxuries. I worked at a gas station briefly after I got out of treatment, and could afford an apartment (although I had a roommate), food, a cell phone, and gas for my car. No TV, no fun stuff, no going out to eat, no drugs or booze. Just the basics. Is that not livable? I wasn't homeless or going hungry.
And then guess what? I quit that job because and got a better one, where the pay was exponentially better. Because you're not supposed to stay at shitty paying jobs for fucking ever.
Why the fuck do you not expect all the corporations to just boost their prices at the same time? If you really think a 20% increase in overhead wont correlate to an increase of 20% in cost to keep profit margins fat and shareholders happy, you are naïve.
>Poor rich people.
Nice sarcasm. You obviously want to stick it to the big man.
>Take that, mcdonalds, you have to pay us double now!
Then why are you defending the 15$ minimum wage, which would immediately put small businesses out of business because they can no longer afford to pay their personnel until prizes stabilize, while big jew-ran ones while mcdonalds would just take the hit and pay 15?
Why do you shill for mcdonalds, but hate the local small businesses?
Ayo i have a right to life liberty the pursuit of happiness and also $15 per hour and a smartphone and tablet and a car and food and clothes and an apartment and highspeed wifi and sex and procreation and...
*society collapses*
Same as it's been for ages.
It's all about supply and demand. If there's a huge supply of workers, and no a lot of demand for work. Wages will either stagnate or drop to the minimum. If there's lots of jobs, but few workers, the wages will rise.
Now, somewhere sixty or so years ago, we doubled the number of potential workers in the workforce by letting women out of the kitchen.
This causes wages to either drop, or stagnate. As there's plenty of people to replace you if you don't like the wage.
Secondly, automation. If it's less expensive to engineer, design, and build a machine, it's gunna happen. The only reason a lot of low wage workers still have their job, is because a machine is still slightly too expensive to replace them.
Just look at fast food places like McDonalds and BK. Already working on converting to automated self ordering kiosks.
Self checkout lanes in grocery/hardware stores are becoming more popular.
So the more they cry for a higher min wage, the less people will have jobs. Thus lowering the value of the worker further, as again, there's plenty of people to replace you if you don't want to work for minimum. Or part time. Or anything else the employer thinks up really.
Do you not see the slippery slope? Nothing changes for the guy earning $8, your selling yourself short and dont even know it.
Hate to break it to you. But a raise to the bottom, applies to no one else than those at the bottom.
So if I'm making $15/hour now, and 15 is the new minimum, I'm still making 15. But most likely working a whole hell of a lot harder for it that the McFlipper.
Don't you understand liberals want to make careers out of burger flipping? The sense of entitlement is insane.
Yeah idiots believe Magic fairy Goldstein is going to give everyone a raise, free monies !!!!! Liberals are not living in reality.
today i was redpilled by a canadian.
Get rid of minimum wage and institute a universal basic income. We're getting rid of jobs way faster than they're being replaced. Most unskilled or low-skill labor will be gone within a decade or two and there are no jobs to replace them. We'll be facing 20% unemployment if we don't do something.
And if we have UBI then we can ditch the minimum wage, since people would be able to survive on $1/hour.
A $15/hour federal wage is idiotic. Democrats who push for this spend their whole lives in big cities and rich suburbs, they aren't aware that rural areas exist and that $15/hour makes no sense there.