Inclusion Riders


>Matt Damon, Ben Affleck Become Next Stars to Formally Adopt Inclusion Riders

>Frances McDormand really set Hollywood’s talking point for the next year when she ended her best-actress acceptance speech at this year’s Oscars with these two words: “inclusion rider.” The actress left the room abuzz, while viewers at home frantically began Googling the phrase—which refers to a contractual stipulation that stars can include in their contracts, assuring that their film sets are inclusive both on and off-screen. On screen, specifically, the goal is to reach at least 50 percent gender parity, with 40 percent inclusion for people of color, 5 percent L.G.B.T.Q. inclusion, and 20 percent disabled inclusion.

>If major stars in Hollywood start adapting these riders, they could help to normalize inclusion until the practice actually becomes the norm. Following McDormand’s call to action, Michael B. Jordan got the trend going in earnest, formally announcing that he would be using inclusion riders for all forthcoming projects he produces. And now, his decision has directly inspired a few more big stars: Matt Damon and Ben Affleck.

>On Monday, Fanshen Cox DiGiovanni—the head of strategic outreach at Pearl Street Films, Damon and Affleck’s production company—tweeted at Jordan, saying that the company would be following in his footsteps and adopting the rider as well.

When they say "People of Color" they specifically mean blacks. Blacks are 12.5 percent of the American population, and 3 percent of the UK population. Why should productions sign inclusion riders guaranteeing that 40 percent of a cast will be black when the actual percentage of black in the US is barely over a quarter of that?

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Other urls found in this thread:

check these

>literal quotas


indie movies will explode because they wont give a fuck about this


>Director-producer Paul Feig has adapted the inclusion rider as part of all the feature film and television productions at his Feigco Entertainment.

>The move came a week and a half after Frances McDorrmand sparked interest and support for the term after she concluded her Oscars best actress acceptance speech by saying, “I have two words to leave with you tonight, ladies and gentlemen: inclusion rider.”

>“Thrilled to announce that Feigco Entertainment is officially adopting an #inclusionrider for all our film and TV productions moving forward,” Feig wrote Tuesday on Twitter. “Thank you to @Inclusionists and Stacy L. Smith for their guidance and inspiration. We challenge other companies and studios to do the same.”

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so does this mean white actors can take roles for characters that were minorities originally as long as they demand an inclusion rider?

I presume this means Jews will be limited to no more than 2% of the cast, yes?


what if they can't find enough to fill the quota

wtf i love equality of outcome now?!

Then according to the rider, the movie doesn't get made.

So these riders will guarantee a white majority in all hollywood films? Based!!!!!!!!!!!111

Wouldn't it be more like, that person doesn't work on the project? IE all these people with these things would just be excluding themselves from projects that don't fit their expectations.
If that's how it works, I'm all for it.

i haven't even seen Inclusion Rider yet

is it kino?

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>a few more big stars: Matt Damon and Ben Affleck

That's a couple. Few implies numbers from three up-to half a dozen..

>IE all these people with these things would just be excluding themselves from projects that don't fit their expectations.
yes and? do you think that isn't the goal? Soon only the (chosen) will be capable of fitting all those quotas
say goodbye to market competition

>no realistic historical (even pre-2000) movies
>no realistic redneck movies

Were there even black/gay/disabled people in Three Billboards? Seems hypocritical

how is that legal?
its literally race-based quotas

>the goal is to reach at least 50 percent gender parity, with 40 percent inclusion for people of color, 5 percent L.G.B.T.Q. inclusion, and 20 percent disabled inclusion
>at least

as long as they worked on making the film, doesn't that count?
i mean it's obviously total marxist bullshit, but i don't think they're saying every film has to have 50% coloured actors.
i could be totally wrong though

Why's it called a 'rider', what does that mean?

Well, wouldn't it mean that projects that don't meet the quota would just have to turn to others who don't have inclusion riders in their contracts? So basically, all these shitters would make way for new talent that doesn't suck sjw dick?

it's just something that's added onto a contract

How can Ben be so pleb when Casey is so patrician?

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There is a story told about Redd Fox. At the height of Sanford and Son's popularity, Redd decided that he would use his position to give blacks more opportunities. They were hired for all behind the scenes jobs: production, set design, assistants, etc. Pretty soon, everything went to shit. The set was not only not operating properly, the set was not operating. One day, when even simple tasks were not being performed, a frustrated Foxx looked up and exclaimed "give me back my Jews!"

Incompetent workers are costly. Have fun wasting money, Hollywood.

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>but i don't think they're saying every film has to have 50% coloured actors

They are;

>On screen, specifically, the goal is to reach at least 50 percent gender parity, with 40 percent inclusion for people of color, 5 percent L.G.B.T.Q. inclusion, and 20 percent disabled inclusion.
>On screen

So are studios going to start asking people's orientation right off the bat? And what counts as desabled inclusion? People blind in one eye?

They need to do something to restore their former virtue signalling credentials, after circling close to being Weinstein apologists, with carrying fair number of rumours surrounding their own behaviour towards women

Why in the hell would you want a film crew to be 20% cripples?

>p-please forgive us

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ride or die son nah mean

>20% disabled inclusion

there's not that many disabled people comparatively to abled people wtf

Lol, yeah. It's even funnier because Casey's company donated money to the Trump campaign.

How are they going to manage this in single productions without having a cast of hundreds and spending screen time so you can see the five faggots and 20 cripples are indeed fags and cripples?

wow, i stand corrected.
that's so unbelievable i can't even think of a sarcastic joke.

leftists treating coloured people as victims who constantly need help / handouts is just as racist as those they claim to stand against.
this attitude is pretty much what Get Out was satirising.
absolutely surreal how those in favour of racial quotas think they're the moral ones...

i seriously need to get out of this timeline

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Yeah I don't know the disable numbers but that seems really fucking high. Females and Gays are at least accurate percentages 50 and 5. Blacks being 40 percent of a cast is just insane, that's four times their actual demographic presence.

Nice distraction from the still rampant casting couch and sexual predation.

>When they say "People of Color" they specifically mean blacks.

this is hilariously wrong. asian american actors have struggled to gain a foothold in hollywood for years, with asian charactres routinely being given to white actors (ghost in the shell being a very recent example).

the fact that you have to start your post with such a blatant lie proves you are a scared, pathetic white piece of shit. you cannot compete with better people (non-whites) on merit, so you stop them from competing altogether. your post is proof that whites are a failed race, and the rest of the world is done carrying you.

Is being fat a disability in America?
Because I can definitely see it being 20% in that case

Hopefully this will speed up Hollywood's implosion.

Not really surprised Ben "Jihadi" Affleck is doing this

I can't believe people are actually listening to her. She sounded demented throughout, and was wearing a carpet as a dress.

What's 50 percent of 1 person

>the goal is to reach at least 50 percent gender parity

Lmao how do you exceed 50% parity? Do paradoxical statements legally invalidate contracts or will the courts attempt to interpret illogical contradictions?

...what if the script doesn't call for a 50/50 gender and race split? wouldn't black panther be in violation of this?

>a contractual stipulation that stars can include in their contracts, assuring that their film sets are inclusive both on and off-screen. On screen, specifically, the goal is to reach at least 50 percent gender parity, with 40 percent inclusion for people of color, 5 percent L.G.B.T.Q. inclusion, and 20 percent disabled inclusion.

holy shit

the part where she tells all the womyn to stand up, then starts maniacally laughing is pretty terrifying

When will Hollywood fall and let the Chinese take over?

>white men
>in black panther

umm sweetie

an american


Person of Color CAN mean anyone of non-European decent.

When someone like a studio Diversity Director says "this film needs more people of color" though what she specifically means is "this film needs more BLACK people!" and if you went to her and said "our cast is 40 percent Japanese ma'am so we meet the quota" you'd quickly find yourself out of a job.

that's why it's AT LEAST
the movie can't be over 50% white, but it can be 100% black

>20% of all stuntPOC must be cripples

Oh dear I hope this doesn't lead to more accidents like that stuntwoman that got her motorcycle license two months before dying on set.

My problem isn’t that it’s inclusive, my problem is that it sets quotas. So even if the story doesn’t call for that many females in it or pocs in it, they have to be in it. For example, what happens if you’re doing a WW2 film from the japs point of view? Are you going to include random blacks and latinos?

>wouldn't black panther be in violation of this?

>the goal is to reach at least 50 percent gender parity, with 40 percent inclusion for people of color, 5 percent L.G.B.T.Q. inclusion, and 20 percent disabled inclusion
>at least

The goal is to reach AT LEAST 40 percent people of color on the cast. Anything above this is fine, in fact obviously it's encouraged!

No but Jewish neuroticism is.

damn.. this is the pinnacle of fairness and equality

I wouldn't be surprised if Chinese studios started to make movies with mostly white casts if this "inclusion rider" thing catches on

no, your imagination is not evidence. they mean anyone non-white.

again, your post proves whites are a failed race.

>40 percent inclusion for people of color

But coloreds don't make up 40% of the population. It's nice to know these colored loving kikes and race traitors support rewarding coloreds merely for having skin colored the same as fecal matter. But CNN and MSNBC tell me coloreds are all oppressed and mistreated in white nations and that's why white nations must be destroyed through demographic replacement

I mean, if you dont like being millionaires any more, this is a great way to go about it.

Wow, nice ableism you got there user

It's about time. When I was a child watching crap like Jaws, Terminator 1 and 2, Jurassic Park, Indiana Jones, and James Bond movies, I was continually disappointed at how shit those movies were because they didn't have casts of half women, 40% black and brown people, 5% gays, and 20% cripples. I am relieved that Hollywood will finally be able to make true kino, led by incredible artists like Paul Feig. Film will finally become real art. Too bad, straight cis able-bodied white males, your #timesup.

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Dude, the left always loves to gloat about how whites are going to be a minority in their countries in a handful of years.

So are they willing to lower the number of jews working on movies as well?

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>Letters from Iwo Jima 2 (2019)
>daniel kaluuya stars as the Japanese general, Tadamichi Kuribayashi
>the black lesbian japanese soldiers use their wheelchairs to escape down Mount Suribachi

The BBC is way ahead of these guys, even though the black population is only 3% of the total population of the UK.


>The BBC announced last month it was pledging to have half its workforce comprise of women and would go "further than ever before" to represent them, disabled people, ethnic minorities and LGBT people with its new diversity targets.

>The broadcaster had also pledged 15% of its workforce will be drawn from black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) backgrounds in staff and leadership roles by 2020, as well as ensuring the same percentage for on screen, on air and in leading roles.

It's because non-white people, cripples, LGBT, and women will be RIDING on white dude's successes.

>the ratio of one thing to another when there are only two things can be more than 50%

as usual

What do you mean?


you're trying to be ironic but those are all crap flicks

Pee pee

>try hard

poo poo

*South Korea

>20% disabled

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disabled = fat

>20 percent disabled
To think if he'd just waited four years he could have Weinsteind his way through Hollywood with his autism level.

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>"20 percent disabled inclusion"
Why is anyone here upset? This is the chance for all of us to infiltrate Hollywood. Being autistic is finally going to pay off

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>you cannot compete with better people (non-whites) on merit, so you stop them from competing altogether
Aside from you being a chink retard in general, are you saying that non-whites can only be "allowed to compete" by hiring them through mandatory racial quotas?

That's not really competing then, is it?

She must hate her husband

>It’s a fundamental misunderstanding of how stories are written. So you have to start there and say, ‘You don’t know what you’re talking about.’”

>“You don’t sit down and write a story and say, ‘I’m going to write a story that involves four black people, three Jews, and a dog’ — right?” Joel continued. “If you don’t understand that, you don’t understand anything about how stories get written and you don’t realize that the question you’re asking is idiotic.

>Blacks are 12.5 percent of the American population
Depends on where you live.

God I wish I lived in a town with 0% blacks

Why South Korea?

>Wow, there were too many Asians in that movie!

Said no one ever.

Film is a visual medium and Asians can be extremely ascetically pleasuring, I mean okay you are never absolutely 100% sure what gender they are until you get all their clothes off, but that's beside the point. I'm saying they look good on film and people wouldn't mind more of them in western entertainment and most people even think they are underrepresented.

X is Y percent of the American population means the total population, not a local area.

>When they say "People of Color" they specifically mean blacks.
think there might be a glaring flaw in your analysis, OP

They make better movies more consistently since the new millennium

I mean yeah, people always say "It's time for a Pakistani James Bond"

Or "what if the entire cast of Harry Potter were Tamil"

Oh wait, no, they fucking don't

>extremely ascetically pleasuring
because they abstain from pleasure?
or did you mean "aesthetically"?

When you live in a time period where everyone uses code for what they really man, you quickly learn what each code phrase actually means.

I wonder if shit like this will work their way up to distributors
>oh your movie didn't have X amount of blacks, we can't distribute it, sorry

Yeah, just look at all the recent dramas where they replaced Victorian British noblemen or Classical Greek heroes with Japanese actors

racist/gendered quotas are seriously fucked up and backward non-progressive ideas. I don't understand why SJWs don't realize how psychotically racist and reductionist they are when it comes to gender and sexuality.

They must not own mirrors or something. They sound like they're the fucking KKK or something demanding quotas and paperwork to make sure people fit in little boxes and everyone knows their place.

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This fag has future movies after gHOstbusters?

40% includes asians and hispanics user, ironically white hispanics too most likely

That's never how it works, like how the Black, Asian and Middle Eastern policy at BAFTA has turned into the Black, Black and Black policy