Oh my G*d... This is awful! How can we possibly fix this???!
Oh my G*d... This is awful! How can we possibly fix this???!
Doesn't this fag make up a new fanfiction conversation every day
Shoo, shoo you dirty jew.
Nice work of fiction
When will it be published?
Usually the use of redacting out the o in God is meant to show that the G-d can refer to any deity from any religion
>cuckservatives are being replaced by a populist
Oh no it's fascism because the people are choosing someone that represents them! It's been unfair since the primaries for some reason!
> the status quo republicans don't want him
> the status quo democrats don't want him
> the rigged media doesn't want him
trumps election will be the greatest fuck you to the elites of all time
Of all the things that never happened on kikebook, this never happened the most.
Maybe not tumblr though
/r/ing caps of everyone started clapping posts
People should not be afraid of the governements
Governements should be afraid of their people.
SO whats wrong here?
cauz I fail to see it.
>And then the whole bus stood up and clapped
>that persons name? Albert Einstein
>all my butt buddies are mad at him
God what an artificial conversation
proof that all these cocksuckers are full of shit. Wolf in sheeps clothing.
Drain the swamp.
I don't fail to see those quads
Yes he does, and even with all that practice he still can't write convincing dialogue
good they deserve to be fucking scared. Thats the entire fucking point of we the people you god damn idiot.
Drain it!
Fuck these people. The deserve what they fear.
fake and gay
Biggest pedophile in DC I'd bet.
Look at that creepy fuck. And such blatant lies.
Why people say Trump is a "maniac", "crazy" or "unstable" person? I've seen no evidence of that. It's just because he said pussy?
Mr Satan here is fucking right!
Trump's success is truly down to his message, For the People, by the People!
"politicians" are shitting themselves that they're gonna get caught out now
yeah ok
>clear and present danger
Stopped reading there.
Pointless meme speak that means nothing but sounds official. It's a signal phrase dumb people use to sound like they know what they're talking about.
Reality check: You only use the phrase because you heard someone else use it and they only use the phrase because it's the title of a Tom Clancy novel and they think it sounds cool.
That moron was too complacent and served the party line rather than the country's needs.
If they served the country like they should have and met the needs of the citizens rather than themselves, this whole mess wouldn't even exist to begin with.
Yesterday I met with Robert Reich's Son.
Me: What do you think of your father, Robert Reich?
He: He's a homosexual child rapist. He molested me daily.
100$% true.
You forgot the part at the end where every instance of Trump is replaced by Clinton, Republican replaced with Democrat, and other names replaced with Obama, Podesta, and the rest of the Clinton Mafia.
nice fanfiction
No its not Schlomo
And then a bald eagle named "Freedom" flew in and recited the Declaration of Independence while making sure everyone stayed woke to Drumpf's lies!
What GOP establishment can't understand is that Trump is actually what the bulk of their voters wanted for decades now, and their cuckservatism got their support only because it wasn't liberalism.
Good. The government belongs to the people. This mong would be wise not to forget that.
>Yesterday I made some shit up
The nerve of this putrid little dwarf.
He said pussy, then a fuckton of Liberal Wackos crafted a narrative of how he likes raping little girls and other such nonsense claims.
It's because the establishment has instructed the media to repeat the narrative that it's true. When all the bluepilled cuckolds watch the mainstream media and hear these lies all day and night they start to believe it is true. They start to recognize patterns that aren't really there because they expect Trump to live up to what the MSM told them was true.
>mfw realized Trump is Caesar
Robert Reich doesn't have any friends, let alone Republican ones. He's a compulsive liar, look it up. Not even being partisan. CTR fags will agree.
>Check out this story that is 100% true I swear this happened
Hes a fucking manlet who helped Bill's economic diarrhea splattered policy. No one should listen to him.
Reich is a socialist from the Clinton administration and should be imprisoned with the rest of them.
That's the great irony of this thought process tbqh.
No its not, it's how Jews refer to God without using his name, because it's a sin or something
How to spot CTR