Where do Japanese people originate from?
Where do Japanese people originate from?
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The Webway
Ainus are just europeans that got lost
muh dick
Commoragh, to be exact.
Africa, just like everyone else.
They look more like yellow Abos to me
From Ōhirume-no-muchi-no-kami...
Is it just me or do Japanese on average have more aquiline nose than other Asians?
Somewhere between North Korea and Manchuria
Korea. The Ainu are the natives of Japan.
Yamato Japanese are from Korea.
From a school girl's pussy after she was impregnated by a tentacle monster
Lost Jewish tribe.
They do. Han Chinese are the most pig faced with the Mongols being a close second.
A lot of people pretend to be Han Chinese.
SE Asians have it worst.
More Abo blood.
The Void
I think Koreans have more pig face than Chinese, but i'm not sure
More important question, can I blame my adolescent yellow fever on my 30% Finnish blood?
When did they get there?
Planet Altara, in Nebula M78
Chinese isn't an ethnic group like Korean.
Isn't Han chinese over 90% of the population
Well Han Chinese
Ancient Alien theory is so passé, it's all about ASIAN ALIEN THEORY now my man
Well they do look like aliens and like aliens they are obsessed with robots and other high technology
Anime, silly.
Chekked and Confirmed
They are a derivative of the original Asian populace. They migrated from the mainland which is now known as China to an island where they now live. Same with the other Asian sub-species who migrated. Over time their culture mutated to their own individual sets, yet share similar stories and legends.
sneaky japs
Checked, kek has spoken
>Cubs win.
>Anime is real.
>Election in five days.
what a time to be alive
Depends on how you look at it.
>A 2011 SNP consortium study done by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Max Planck Society consisting of 1719 DNA samples determined that Koreans and Japanese clustered together confirming the findings of an earlier study that Koreans and Japanese are closely related. However, the Japanese were found to be genetically closer to South Asian populations as evident by a genetic position that is significantly closer towards South Asian populations on the principal component analysis (PCA) chart. Some Japanese individuals are also genetically closer to Southeast Asian and Melanesian populations when compared to other East Asians such as Koreans and Han Chinese, indicating possible genetic interactions between Japanese and these populations.[79]
>A 2008 study about genome-wide SNPs of East Asians by Chao Tian et al. reported that Japanese, Koreans and Han Chinese are genetically distinguishable from southeast Asians, and that the Japanese are related to Koreans, who are more closely related to Han Chinese. However, the Japanese are relatively genetically distant from Han Chinese, compared to Koreans.[80]
in conclusion: part from up north (hokaido/siberia), part from west (korea), part from down south (pacific islands)
Siberian genetics
2000 Chinese virgins
Asians are smoking hot, even the ugly ones. I love fucking Asian girls
Most likely proxima centauri b
Agree, i saw average Japanese tourists and almost popped a boner in public because they were so hot
Yeah it would explain all the surgery, but at least they look good afterward
alien theory says all races desended from the stars black people from sirus, asians from the nippon galaxy and whites from the pleades, brown from here and blue is underground somwhere
fuck japanese people and fuck anime XD
Interesting, so a bunch of gooks stole their land.
Best Jap female style = pic related
Prove me wrong. Protip: you cant
Wtf, she doesn't even look Asian
>Yamato Japanese
are they the whiter ones or the yellow ones
ainu = white
yamato/joumon = yellow
I've always preferred the whiter asians
But yellow isn't bad
holy tits, how comes asian plastic surgeons are so skilled?
Because they get A LOT of practice.