An elderly retired school teacher posted this to Facebook. Checkmate conservatives, get BTFO!!
Obamacare Premiums
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If people are not forced to pay for insurance, it makes it much more difficult for these insurance companies to charge these high rates in the first place.
Explain to me why Obamacare literally accomplished nothing we were told it was going to.
It's literally accomplishing all of its goals. We are well on our way to socialized medicine. The goal is to bankrupt the corporations and take over as a single payer.
>because the government is good at providing goods and services
If its goal was to make healthcare unaffordable while lining Obamas pockets from raised premiums, then good fuckin job, mission complete
Didnt obamacare force you to buy insurance in your homestate, stoping you from getting a better price somewhere else?
This. I don't need insurance. I've only used it for an eye exam in the year and a half I've had it. And those are only $20 at Walmart.
explain how supply and demand, moral hazard, etc. work?
take a fucking econ 101 course you dumb bitch
This is explains everything about both candidates health plan and what it will do for our country it also talks about Obamacare.
>socialized medicine
We have better social healthcare in Poland and you don't have to pay absurd amounts of money.
It's designed to ease it for everybody. Now realize that obamacare is literally a tribute to leeches.
Because there will be no mandate forcing people to buy plans that they don't need for health issues they won't get yet.
The money has to come from somewhere to fund the "Poor" and it bleeds the taxpayers big time.
Insurance companies need to be disbanded and the CEOs publicly crucified. It's a shitty degenerate business that profits from human misery. The fact that Obamacare forces people to give money to these Jewish fucks is the worst part about it.
UHC is probably impossible in a country of 300+ million, most of whom do not pay income tax.
It's not a black and white area, and any discussion that treats it as such is meant to subvert and divide.
Keep the good provisions, get rid of the bad.
Considering the job market for college grads, keep the provision that allows you to stay on your parents insurance till 26.
Allow insurance to be bought across state lines. Compete, and prices go down.
Everyone is guaranteed coverage, but not affordability.
If your stage 4 cancer is out of control, have fun paying out the ass for a lost cause.
Add parts that work, remove parts that don't.
Cross-state competition.
Now he can get back to teaching cultural Marxist drivel, since he apparently has no clue how his country's capitalist system works.
And until that happens you're fucking over everyone you're purporting to help
Obamacare is just government mandated purchasing of private insurance.
I'll just go to a different insurance company.
>I don't need insurance until I need insurance
No one needs insurance until they need it buddy. I'm 22 and was in the hospital for a couple weeks because my pancreas was fucked up and the bill was over 130k
It's a bad idea for insurance to be bought across state lines because say a Georgia plan would not meet the state regulations of say New York. The insurance companies need to get a license, setting up favorable contracts with doctors and hospitals, and the Affordable Care Act does have some of this implemented, but it is not popular.
There's a doc I wanted to go to because it's closer to my house than the one I ended up going with. Unfortunately he's in New Jersey so I wasn't allowed to use him.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with insurance across state lines. People should be able to choose whatever the fuck they want.
I wish it were like that, all the insurance companies are sucking government teat because they know you are forced to pay for health insurance now. Obamacare was the best thing to happen to them, now they can legally gouge you
Well given that I'm currently paying for birth control for my nonexistent ovaries maybe I can go back to buying a fucking catastrophic plan rather than funding the full fleet for expanded medicare.
That absurd cost is why you shouldn't have mandated insurance. If they think they'll get paid no matter what they'll keep that price super high because there is no free market price discovery
>An elderly retired school teacher posted this to Facebook. Checkmate conservatives, get BTFO!!
Obamacare is a massive, massive cash giveaway to private insurance companies.
It's forcing people the most unlikely to pay absurd premiums for health insurance to buy it anyways, generating a monopoly market.
The consolidation going on to single-option by country private insurance is just a stepping stone to full blown government monopoly collusion.
It is an enormous rip off and you're an idiot if you support it.
>Make something mandatory under penalty of law
>Eliminate competition by setting costs and rates
>Stop companies from competing for customers
>Make insurance for small businesses unaffordable
>Give clerks and beaurocrats the power to make medical decisions
Repealing Obamacare will reintroduce market forces and allow competition. Competition always increases service and lowers costs. Government mandates and controls always create the opposite.
Me either. I'm 33 and haven't had health/dental/vision insurance since I was 18. I'm in good health. Health insurance is a fraud.
That's your problem. You should of took better care of yourself. Stop eating all that junk food and drinking coca-cola crap. A properly run government should be banning all GMO-foods, all junk foods, all soda, all candy crap so we all can be healthier.
Those who have money and are healthy shouldn't have to pay excessive premiums because some fat obese fucker on welfare who doesn't work is eating 100lbs of food paid with their EBT card in a week.
Some people are paying as high as $500-1000 for their health insurance each month! It's insane!
hey user. the law requires you to own one of my handy little products. since the law mandates you have to own one, i'm going to charge several hundred times what it actually costs because i can
I couldn't get decent healthcare for 2 years because of onbongocare
Yep, this creates competition in the market place, drives quality up and prices down. Only leftys with liberap arts degrees dont understand this basic nature of any economy. Repeal obamacare and watch them compete.
I'm pretty sure the supreme court mandated interstate reciprocity for licensing, and set the precedent for federalization.
I'm talking about gay marriage licensing, specifically the letter speaking about how they shouldn't be hearing this case at all, and how it opens up a can of worms dealing with reciprocity of licensing.
Maybe you need to go back to kindergarten and leave the voting to the adults.
because now i can tell them to fuck off and pay for my own healthcare if they don't lower my premium you fucking retard.
Please just respond "competition"
>the Cuck brother
why do you even try?
No, you just ignored entirely what I just said. I live in New York, and if I were to buy an insurance plan from the less expensive, younger and healthier Utah, I might have fewer local doctors to choose from and the costs related to the health of the local population.
Just because a good affordable policy is available in another state doesn't mean you can get the network of physicians you want and the good prices available in other states. Insurance companies could also undermine the local regulations/ state consumer protections. Insurance companies could sell plans with limited benefits and high costs to consumers in other states
The health insurance system was incredibly awful beforehand and nothing you said would change the original system
Just turned 26 today. I am not enrolled in Obamacare and am now officially off my parents insurance.
How will I get punished when I refuse to sign up for Obamacare?
How about if they couldn't afford healthcare to begin with, and were forced to buy it? They would be paying less because they wouldn't be buying something they didn't want to buy.
Do what everyone else does.
Lie and say you have insurance. The penalty is 0 dollars.
>Demand artificially held high by law
>Price skyrockets
>ObamaCare gets repealed
>People choose to stop paying exorbitant prices
>Demand falls
>Price drops
Elderly retired schoolteacher who posted to facebook BTFO
Because I won't have to buy a one size fits all policy, dumbass.
>tfw I pay $300 a month in health insurance and I haven't gone to the doctor in five years
This shit is bananas
I don't think you understand how interstate commerce works
an insurance company would offer its services in a state if they thought they could a make a profit in that state and people only would only buy it if they thought it was beneficial, if it wasn't they'd find a different insurance company. also, a company has to comply with the regulations of the states they do business in, you can't just skirt around them because you're registered in Delaware.
how do you not understand the fucking basics of markets? how are you this retarded? why would anyone buy an insurance plan that is overly expensive and fucking useless? do you not think about this shit before you type?
god damn you fucking idiots are frustrating sometimes. just take an entry level econ course please, you braindead moron.
>Bankrupt the corporations
By what? Raising premiums until no one can afford their life saving medicines and people losing their jobs?
>We care about people!
>Which is why you have to die!
Liberal logic.
>It's a bad idea for insurance to be bought across state lines because say a Georgia plan would not meet the state regulations of say New York.
Well except for the part that before Obamacare health insurance was still skyrocketing. I went from paying $0 a paycheck for insurance in 1999 to $189 a paycheck in 2008. I get paid every two weeks.
It also breeds people like this.
Yes, you can't shop across state lines.
You just proved all of my points
It would be an awful idea and you just proved it, thank you and enjoy losing.
I will never understand why i see reddit tier arguments on Sup Forums
Just say it
Obamacare is wealth redistribution
No, you can under the affordable care act
Is that your Sup Forums tier argument?
Quite awful, even for this site.
Obamacare repealed.
Insurance Rates continue to skyrocket.
People drop insurance and pay cash for medical care at a 1000% discount.
There is a reason they bought legislation to force you to buy insurance. Sooner or later you learn that you are better off without the insurance companies.
pretending to be dumb is the lowest form of trolling
Coming from Canada, this.