How did we grew so much strong that we have an impact on president election in fucking US.
Are we the jews now? Should they be afraid?
So I am asking you pol, what is the pol's end game.
How did we grew so much strong that we have an impact on president election in fucking US.
Are we the jews now? Should they be afraid?
So I am asking you pol, what is the pol's end game.
Meme magic
>show up on VICE
>wew Sup Forums is so influential
Harnessing the power of reality warping ancient Egyptian chaos Gods.
They're scared of us
>How did we grew so much strong that we have an impact on president election in fucking US.
a huge number of the posters here are intelligence community
so they are powerful already
/pol's end game? stage 1, eliminate organized pedophilia
/r/ing the (((news))) agency that made a bait thread on Sup Forums and proceeded to report on it as news the next day
Gookmoot is surely proud and disappoint.
>/pols/ end game
Turn the real world into canada
how does he know these were not written byt CTR shills?
faggot please
Interesting how they found 3 burgers in a row to post and not an argentine in sight
>also shill thread sage and hide
>"Journalism" has been reduced to some fat nu-male faggot browsing a image board and reporting it to their kike handlers
>end game.
combine our powers with /x/ and arise KEK to overthrow Molok for the sake of the time traveling Stain-e-verse
The ride boys
>Show up on vice article
>They use some sperg trying to prove how white he is
>Vice is so new they use shitposts as evidence
Next article is about how white people hate Canadians and how Indians shit in the streets
Do you really think he cares? The radical left is quite willing to fabricate things if need be, the ends justify the means and all that.
This senpai,
The state of journalism has reached a low I am worried it might not recover from seeing so many gullible people gulp it up and demanding more.
No idea. I saw pepe dressed as a SS officer in my morning papers. It was a good paper too.
Sup Forums is a cesspit of degeneracy, laziness and projection. I've never found a more whiny site in my entire life. Horseshoe theory really is confirmed here.
>Amerikikes think they're white
I hope you save that paper
you are dumb as fuck if you haven't noticed how we've influenced shit from behind the scenes.
>be journalist
>Write some thing stupid on 4 chan
>Cheeky screenshot
>"Look at what they're saying!!!"
Journalism is paid shitposting
Oh I thought it would be a news paper
Sometimes I still can't believe this.
I got you fvm
We just want to save the world.
We know who you are and we are coming for you.
NRC is a newspaper. Considered one of the better ones I guess. I am looking in my archives, gimme a minute
>Israeli newspaper with nazi pepe on it
It's so beautiful Sup Forums, I am so proud of you guys.
The cultural centers have shifted from TV to the internet social networks.
The people that originally retreated to the internet and formed a sort of counterculture ended up being perfectly positioned to influence the new centers of culture. Meanwhile the legacy media companies were reluctant to embrace the internet due to their massive investment in TV.
>How did Sup Forums became so powerful?
>So I am asking you pol, what is the pol's end game.
I dont think there is one. We're just all looking at the same thing riding the train forward.
There's no telling if it will catapult us into the future, great technology, and communication with high life forms, or if it will run off the rails into a canyon and crash in a fantastic explosion
this is proof that vice is not journalism
This is the state of journalism today. All journalism in the US is reverting to it's historic role, the 20th century where there were widely respected outlets was an aberration.
It's going to get worse as Sup Forums becomes one of the few interesting places on the internet.
>How did Sup Forums became so powerful?
I've said this multiple times before and I'll say it again.
This is the first US Presidential election to be fought almost entirely on the internet.
The internet is uncontrolled territory for the media. They don't have much influence here. They can't control the narrative like they can everywhere else.
Sup Forums has been influencing the internet culture in significant ways for over a decade.
You can see where these two concepts intersect- a website with significant influence over internet culture + a presidential election being fought over the internet.
Yep, We are literally the final boss of the Internet right now.
Pathetic journalism. If the actually spent time here they'd know this board consists of 90℅ shitpostinga
>implying it wasn't written by an Israeli Sup Forumsack
>right now
careful vice might report this and get us shut down!
>He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.
- Adolf Hitler
The kikes own you bitches. All they had to do was offer up one of their own kike insiders under the guise of a cool "alt-right" meme-lord
"god king" and you're all slobbering at their feet. Ever since this massive subversion took place, pol has never been the same. Once they had their full control of your "right wing" politics, your jokes, your opinions, etc, you became the perfect tool for influencing the masses.
The reason most ideas and groups fail is that they are not prepared for end game, or do not have an end goal.
If we're on here just causing chaos, like we usually do, we will eventually succumb to the same thing we cause.
We need an end goal, and once we hit that we can worry about what to do after. Chance only presents itself to those who are prepared.
Please, the final boss of the internet is reddit
Sup Forums is a board of peace
daily reminder that 23andMe threads are so that dumbshits willingly overstate their powerlevel so they can be culled in the next marxist wave of genocide.
hburr durr im going to impress a bunch of anons with my real actual 23andMe results fucking im retardeda saudhaisjhfajifhsudig
I'd liketo have a good candidate for our next elections unlike the shit-show that was the last one
How can meme magic create a respectable Canadian?
Is it strong enough?
Nah we just have a greater goal right now so we let a lot of shit slide, wait a until a week or two after Nov. 8th and we will be back at full power.
Arte people actually getting dna tests on Sup Forums?
I haven't seen anyone posting results here before.
it's an outated meme
Don't forget we colonized and infected Reddit too and have a significant following on Twitter and faceberg. Who would've known the internet would lead to the rise of the far right, who would have guessed that the stereotypical "computer geeks" would be the ones to revitalize fascism, race politics and Nazism. I don't think it's because regular people didn't have these ideas before the internet I think it's because people are more comfortable telling their real views in anonymity and now it's able to organise and have so much information for people if they choose to dive into it. I think we are going to see the (((media))) and (((elites))) start pushing for everything you post online to be tacked to your name and tracked to you so there is no anonymity anymore, they'll try and ban websites like this. Hopefully Trump gets in or Sup Forums is done.
Does anyone want to discuss the real Trump?
If Sup Forums is powerful, maybe they should use meme magic to awaken the masses
>Are we the jews now?
>Insulated community
>Weird niche subculture
>Shun and shame perceived outsiders
>Push an ideology through subversion
I'd say so
Here is the other
This. 1488&Me is just another jewish trick.
Jews want to destroy the world and we want it restored so no we are not the jews
>implying Sup Forums would crush their own delusion with DNA test
I honestly doubt most here could call themselves aryan. Not that it matter anyway, as long the person isn't a damn dindu nuffin it's okay.
>tfw we do it for free
>I am asking you pol, what is the pol's end game.
This is where you are wrong. There is no "end-game" there is no conclusion to meme warfare. We are here to dominate the current and future political races through am obscure Vietnamese top ramen fetish board. Each thread, each meme is a step forward in securing this agenda.
who is the eye then
>be white
>be triggered
>be nigger
>obscure Vietnamese top ramen fetish board
My sides
Sup Forums is insidious
Perceived reality is dependent on the collective
Your opinions influence others' prescriptions whether you know it or not
>These people actually take shitposting seriously
I'll believe it when I stop seeing anons worshiping kike trump and satanic kek
You fool no one, CTR.
Most of us just want people to live without problems.
And we will fight the World and everyone that opposes it.
we have always been the jews
Hahaha, Vice is fucking retard, journalism is a joke because of these kind of people. No wonder nobody trusts these kikes nowadays.
Referring to the link, how does one measure whitenes exactly?
Vice was ok when Gavin was there.
It's become full Soros with some interesting interviews in the middle east but that's about it.
Also check their Westboro Baptist Church's interview.
Based church
Hahahahahahahahahaha you think that I'm aware of Trump's kike background but haven't done any research into the Clinton's? What an illogical fucking idiot. But I know it's tough to have your feelings challenged, and ctr is a much easier response than defending your masters kike ways.
Same way Hitler's Germany did
Nationalism in large concentrated places
It moves mountains, pierces the heavens, and can alter the very fabric of reality
>Kike anything
CTR please stop it's not even silly anymore it's depressing
He does love the kikes, I can't argue with that.
>How did Sup Forums became so powerful?
The power of kek operating through the meme?
Oh my God, blue user you are so blue pilled and naive. Jesus hahahaha.
His grandfather, Frederick Trump, was born in Bavaria to Katherina Kober. A Bavarian with an Ashkenazim Jewish last name, hmmmm that's not suspicious!
>obscure Vietnamese top ramen fetish board
It's a thing to note that world powers conspire in the darkness, and people defend the status quo
but we, nothing we ever say is private, in any way.
We are publicly disecting private emails of powerful people, and we are not hidding the fact, now our thought process from anyone
they know whatever we know
they know what we still don't know
they know we will get there some day soon
I bet they are scared shitless
Sup Forums thinks way too highly of itself. The globe at large either doesn't give a shit, or sees what goes on in here and sees Sup Forums as a collective of childish ingrates.
But, "Vice said it, so we're famous, right?"
>wasting your time typing when thousands of posters come up with more abhorrent stuff faster than you
unless there is something very specific you want to false flag, there's no point
Our god is stronger than theirs
>The globalists greed ruined them
the internet is too powerful of a tool for the average man
memes are uncontrollable
true chaos
>Sup Forums thinks way too highly of itself
>he said, without a hint of irony, as a poster on Sup Forums
jaffa calling cemented our superstardom. see you tomorrow
>Sup Forums's endgame
Step 1: Clinton threatens Mook and he deletes the board
Free speech and almost no rules encourages social creativity - see the draftourdaughters thing. In 24 hours several dozens(at best) of anons made tons of good grade propaganda material and spread it all over the internet.
Most other "political" sites can't simply do something like that because moderators quickly freak out, here it's not the case.
So it's obvious that as such, we were influential enough to start the grand crusade against Pepe the Frog and other bullshit.
our plan is to crush slovenia and south africa.
Crash globalism, WITH NO SURVIVORS!
>end game
Sup Forums will ironically destroy itself
For the meantime all i can do is PRAISE KEK