Brit/pol/ - Meet Up edition

Date I'm thinking is 18th December, Sunday 1 week before christmas
We could meet up in Derby, at Ye Olde Dolphin Inne, just outside the cathedral, then go to the industrial museum right next to it and look at some huge jet engines and industrial revolution machinery. Derby would be good in regards to the location because it is right in the middle.

>Thread video

>Thread speech

>Lily Allen Blasts Offensive X-Factor Contestant

>Brexit legal challenge: Nigel Farage says Parliament has 'no idea what anger they will provoke' if Article 50 blocked

>Government loses Article 50 court fight

>Tory MP calls for BBC 1 to mark Brexit with national anthem at the end of each day

>Home Office to crackdown on non-EU migrants using the NHS

>Tory MP Charles Walker makes emotional intervention in Louis Smith suspension for mocking Islam row

>'Go away, you shouldn't be here. Don't come back': The corner of Yorkshire that has almost no white residents

>Mogg Interview

Other urls found in this thread:

>Have you seen David Lammy (MP in London) on Twitter? He has literally said he will vote against it because Brexit was made by raycis
But there are several Tory MPs saying the same. Have you forgotten the likes of Soubry and Amber Rudd?

>all caps
>no actual message
Pure cringe, Britain First tier


YKTD is a Blairite shill.


I don't mind the Scots or the Irish lads

Reminder: she's celebrating her victory over the British people RIGHT NOW. And this country made her rich, so she's doing it in style.

Take names, people.

Delete this

>Meet up
Didn't /Brit/ on Sup Forums do that? Didn't it end in disaster?

muh b-based tories

Are you sticking around now? I hope so.


>Tory shill site
Get out.

Yeah I think some autist was the only one to turn up to a pub and then he started crying.

I live in derby though so I'll definitely be there.



Bunch of socially awkward autists meeting up, what could go wrong?


Do you think UKIP will get an increase in the next polls because of this Brexit shit?

Also post Karens.

Britain belongs to me now, racist white boy.

Can we just have a fucking Civil War already? I'll be back in a flash.

>meeting people off Sup Forums

Oh boy

/brit/ is the worst general on Sup Forums. And there's some very, very shit generals on Sup Forums. It's not surprising that the autists who post there were socially challenged to the extreme.

Sounds like a grand old time.

>Sharing a link to a site that only exists as damage control for the Tories to try and get wavering conservatives to support them

Fuck off Tory shill. Pessimism is back in town now that everyone has realised that the politicians are going to fuck us, the age of THINGS CAN ONLY GET BETTER BASED MUMMY MAY LE FUNNY BORIS MAN WITH LE BLONDE HAIR has had its day I think


I live in Derby so sure why not

Someone should Jo Cox the entire political class.


Ukip is kill m8

Current debacle caused by a nigger and a gay jew in the high court aside, even.

Suspiciously timed to help Hillary, no less. Expect her to make some noises about it.

It's true though. Read the article.

>The High Court ruled against the government because of a lack of precedence, defaulting to Parliament
>There's a good chance that the Supreme Court will overturn the decision
>Even if the decision isn't overturned, it's a nailed-on 100% certainty that it will get passed through the Commons
>If the Lords refuse to pass it (which is actually possible but still unlikely), the Conservatives will call a GE and BTFO the Lords

Seriously lads. You need to sort yourselves out. You people spend so much time and energy getting worked up over these issues, but you don't bother actually trying to understand what's happening.

The presented facts are indisputable though.

Christ brit/pol/ is going fast today. Fastest I've seen it since the EU ref

Be a shame is our Gina fell down some stairs and snapped her neck.

Why sunday and not saturday?

Stop trying to organise a meet up you cancerous autistic little faggot.

Having a toffee apple cider, fucking delicious

Nobody cares you cunt.

Yeah you're right, let's all go Vote Conservative!™ Can't let Labour into government again, after all it's not like the problems that made us hate Labour just intensified under the Conservatives!

The sad truth is that you've spent more time and effort getting wound up than you have learning about how our government works.

This is a politics board. If you want le silly banter without having even a basic understanding of politics, fuck off to Sup Forums.

Because it's full of foreigners.

Same old story,

>socially retarded
>don't drink
>can't drive
Looks like this one is a write off for me.

Remainers crawling out of the woodwork.

Says the kind of scum that was shitposting vigorously against anyone who questioned Mummy May, my fucking sides.

>toffee apple cider

I thought you meant these beauties

They won't block it, they will agree bout on their terms. That means single market and free movement. This will make people think we have left so they will like and vote or the Tories as "they delivered Brexit". This is what they want.

But we still have time for Emilia

Same here on all three counts lad

Is bonfire toffee still a thing? It was all the range when I was younger.

It was slow as fuck this morning. from half 10 onwards it's been high energy.


But I think it's more likely than you think that the Lords delay it as much as possible.

>tfw Dodgy Dave got the last laugh

I don't miss YKTD anymore, even the guy that posted contextless Blair pictures 24 hours a day for like a week straight was better than this.


I trust you lads will know what to do with any MP who votes against leaving...

who is the shitskin woman?

tastes exactly like them in alcoholic liquid form

give me 1 reason why i shouldn't filter out YKTD

he's evading my safe space lads

What happens if Brexit doesn't get passed and Scotland is allowed to leave the union?


Yeah, I was on this morning, I am on all day usually. I actually probably make over 200 posts a day. So that means that if I didn't have a Sup Forums pass I would spend about 3 seconds solving each captcha which works out to the Sup Forums pass saving me over 60 hours a year.

I'd prefer Nigela Lawson

She is honestly in the bottom 50% of the girls on GoT. Even her half caste sidekick is more attractive.

I miss the Blair poster, he gave me some rare Blairs.

My nigga, where abouts? Belper lad here
Might being my gf, she's the most Sup Forums person I know

If it does come down to a vote I'm gonna send pic of her to every MP beforehand.

Is it a biscuit or a cake?

Gina Miller. A millionaire from Guyana

Yeah I've tried it

How many anons here are in Derby? I live here too and would go to a meetup


Is this what Alex Jones meant by 1776 will happen again?

If Brexit didn't happen then there wouldn't be any precedent for a 2nd Scottish referendum

I'm in derby, what part are you in? Sinfin here.

Everyone lives near Nottingham??

That's almost a 5 hour drive for me(and I cant be the only one)

Can't we have multiple meet ups?

He is a remainer prick that just decided to surface after todays court case.

It's very tasty

I don't even support the Tories you silly twat. You saw the link and immediately started frothing at the mouth and flailing around in rage.

They can't do that though.
As the article says, this ruling only gives Parliament the power to decide whether to enact Article 50. Once Article 50 has been triggered, the British government enters into normal negotiations behind closed doors with the EU. It doesn't give Parliament any kind of micromanagement control over negotiations, that has never been the case with these kind of trade discussions.
Hypothetically, the Remainiac MPs could try to force an amendment to get the negotiators to accept a Single Market deal, but that probably wouldn't work in practise (the negotiations are still behind closed doors).

Hopefully if we're held hostage by the elite Trump will give us a regime change

You're a fucking retard. Stop talking shit for once, you fucking stupid dolt.

big tone


close lad


A cake

Nobody cares about remainer fags.

Do one kiddo.

did he die?

>Literally all of us
>Pubs do non-alcoholic options
>Trains are a thing

I mean, if you don't have the cash that's fair man, I'm gonna have to see closer to the time myself.

Whats sinfin?

I live in the city centre slums.

It's a keks
But in all seriousness our version is called Jaffa keks


>going north of the Watford gap

I don't want to go to mordor thx m8

How long have you lived in derby? Sinfin is in the lower west side.

Sheffield, but Derby is close enough. I'd be pretty up for it, money allowing.

I'd feel like a creepy uncle if I went to a meetup

She's fucking ugly and she's put Brexit in the hands of Lammy and Phillips.

Hey I'm not
>quite sociable and have many redpilled friends
>drink when out/ on occasions
>a few of my friends can drive, I'm going to learn soon

Nobody here is a Remainer bar you, who purposely created pro-Tory sentiment so we'd get Soft Brexit.

Same reason you unironically support Clinton. Fucking die already.


I'm right on the Derby/Notts border near Mansfield.
But I'm also so I can't help you there.

Cakes go hard when stale. Biscuits go soft. Jaffa Cakes go hard, so it's a cake.

Newcastle meet up when?

aren't jaffa cakes haram, Nenad?

I thought that a meet was already arranged in London for 5th November?

Ive never heard of it lol

I came here for uni but I just ended up staying here permanently

Is it far from the city centre?

A meeting of MI5 agents

Where are the Serbs when you need them?

i'll get the last laugh you nigger

Ukip is a shitshow without Nige and everyone knows it