why do the americans here want to destroy their democracy?
Why do the americans here want to destroy their democracy?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's not working out
> democracy
> is destroyed by dissent
Pick one.
America is not and has never been a democracy.
We're trying to save the democracy. The evidence of the DNC controlling the media and DOJ is overwhelming. Now they want to shut down the FBI. Only the people can stop that and the people are voting Trump.
First statute of the liberal handbook is accuse the other side what your doing.
you guys desire to arrest clinton before the vote making the vote a farce
good goy
>Implying the masses can make good decisions
>you want to legally arrest a corrupt criminal before her corruption gets back in the white house? You hate democracy!
we're not a democracy, dumbass
the peoples never had any power
>Implying that democracy is anything more than the tyranny of the majority
We're a constitutional republic you dumb cabbage
We aren't a democracy, fuckstain.
If she gets arrested then Kaine will be the presidential nominee. There'll still be a vote, dumbass. Justice should know no boundaries.
what democracy?
>51% of the population bosses around the other 49%
dude muh power to muh people lol
blabla republic whatever.
So is it ok destroying it because it isnt called democracy?
We are a Republic now fuck off
no it is ok destroying it because it's fucking awful.
The only way it's getting destroyed is if Clinton is elected. People support her bc they are stupid enough to not look objectively at the situation and have been brainwashed by govt education systems teaching them that the constitution is flawed and that Americans are evil.
As it turns out, these people vote Democrat bc Republicans are your typical American ideal: anti-govt, pro-Christian but tolerant, pro-law and order, low taxes, etc.
The US demographics are becoming increasingly flooded by low-IQ subhumans. If I wanted to live in a state of constantly being pillaged for resources that then go to waste, I'd go live in the shitholes that these third world immigrants created.
I'd sooner take a constitutional monarchy.
your.. republic-y isnt destroyed when people vote.
It is destroyed when an facility tries to manipluate the vote
fyi the trump voters are on the lower iq range
And Clinton is attempting to do just that. Using the media and possibly Soros' electronic machines to suppress voter turnout, manipulate information, and possibly corrupt the vote itself. Thanks for pointing it though
What democracy?
We're a republic you Muslim subhuman
>you want to legally arrest a corrupt criminal before her corruption gets back in the white house? You hate democracy!
Democracy is moronic. Democrats bring in a bunch of 3rd worlders who vote them more gibs, same as how they get blacks. Basically, they replace the population, get themselves votes, and thats how you win democracy.
OP is an idiot. America is NOT a Democracy. It's a Republic. Democracy is tyranny of the masses, majority rule. Read Plato's 'Republic'.
Put another way, a Democracy is two wolves and a sheep discussing what's for dinner. A Republic is the same scenario, but the sheep is armed!
Saving the Republic is what right-thinking Americans are trying to do. The "several states" got together and set up the central government and LIMITED its power with the Constitution. That central government is now tyrannizing the states.
explain more
>you want to legally arrest a corrupt criminal before her corruption gets back in the white house? You hate democracy!
Hillary is a criminal, who sought to hide her illegal pay-to-play scheme using an illegal e-mail server.
The Clintons are worth $200+ million dollars, but they've not had any kind of JOB to make all that money. Their product? Influence, access and outright theft.
We have the electoral form of hessian mercenaries being used against the right.
A Republic is a democracy, you fucking idiot.
Roman Republicanism is the widest form of democracy, with the exception of British parliamentary democracy which really is just Roman Republicanism meant to accommodate a monarchy.
It's also worth noting that Republics are the most unstable form of government in the history of government.
Even the Romans, the inventors of Republics, turned into an absolute monarchy because they realized what a corrupt disaster their precious republic had became.
>The term republic has many different meanings, but today often refers to a representative democracy with an elected head of state
what did wikipedia means by this?
Because we aren't a democracy you brainwashed Kraut. We're a constitutional republic.
Democracy is literally nothing more than socialism via 51% vote.
Oh for fuck sake.
Read the replies you inbred spic fuck.
A REPUBLIC IS A DEMOCRACY! Once more, say it with me.
There's no such thing as a "constitutional" republic. Every country on the planet has a constitution whether it's written or unwritten.
Du.bs for the merchant i wish washington had just accepted the mantle of kingship we could have avoided all this BS
My point is: democracy is bad.
Calling it a "Republic" or a "constitutional" Republic doesn't change the fact that you are indeed a democracy, the only difference between Greek and Roman democracy is that the Romans had an actual government and not just a bunch of elected losers who could accomplish nothing realistically.
A absolute monarchy is the most stable form of government and is what, historically, Republics have almost always formed into after they became corrupted.
"Democracy" comes from demos (people) and cracy (power) and it means power from the people. "Republic" comes from res publica and means public affair. "Representative" comes from repraesentativus and it means a person represents a group of people. If you vote for a person to represent others, you are a democratic representative republic. You are all three at the same time. None of these words contradict each other. Wow, shocking!
What democracy?
I understand what point you're trying to make, but honestly, you have to realize that THIS IS DEMOCRACY.
Democracy, when put into practice, IS corrupted and is constantly a struggle for power amongst career politicians and those with financial incentive.
All western countries are a perfect example of how democracy becomes corrupted, but all we had to do to prevent trying the same failed form of government is look into history but we didn't .We persisted with French Revolution Liberal garbage.
The Jew is right. Only I suspect, as a Jew, he has more cynical motives for wanting to destroy democracy than to create a stable western world.
basically, the evils of socialism is that the product of it has no idea how it functions.
America is like an Apple product: useful, but at a high cost of ignorance.
I'm not a Jew idiots
Why would Jews post here? Seriously.
And my motives are of right wing nature. My sinister Jew plan is separation of cultures races and nations which is impossible with the masses deciding shit. THEY are the ones who allowed Globalism to rise by being the docile creatures that they are
1. We don't have a democracy
2. Our current system isn't democracy it's a plutocratic oligarchy of super rich elites
Also sorry, you aren't idiots. it's understandable - I have an IL flag
so your solution is to vote an superrich elite directly?
>I'm not a Jew idiots
That's exactly what a Jew would say.
I'm not posting my uncut cock again I fell for this trick long ago and got banned for a whole terrible day
Trump is not a member of the super rich elite like a Clinton or a bush
He is rich yeah, but he isn't a lobbyist, he isn't a member of the political dynasties, he doesn't represent the multi-billion dollar interests of international banks etc
Just being rich doesn't mean you are one of the oligarchy
Why do liberals have no discretion it's always all or nothing with you retards
Welcome to American politics, please mark down on the ballot the superrich elite that you agree with more.
Have it Your Way™, goyim..
>complains about "muh democracy"
If you are against democracy then you are in favor of dictatorships. That's literally how it works. Democracy is when power belongs to the people. It's when a population rules itself. Democracy is when you write a vote and put it in a box and it determines how the government behaves. Democracy does not support liberal ideas, it does not support communism, it does not have ANY opinion whatsoever. Democracy is just the piece of paper and the box. It's what allows you to have a voice. If you are against the concept of a country being ruled by many of its people then you are in favor of the concept of a country being ruled by a few powerful people who have put themselves into high positions of control. You are in favor of dictatorships. If you don't understand this simple logical process then your education was failure and you don't deserve to post on a mongolian carpet-weaving forum.
>then you are in favor of dictatorships
What you are saying is correct, but dictatorships come in as many forms as democracy does, and there are systems such as my own countries system which have very strong checks on the power of the ruling monarch.
Queen Elizabeth has a great deal of power with checks on her power, but in this modern age, she can't exercise that power. But to put it into perspective how powerful the monarch is in theory, she could have the entire Canadian (sorry) government fired, and sign a bill imprisoning all Jamaicans.
But at the same time, she can be executed by the Crown its self for abuse of these powers.
Dictatorships > democracy
It's a shame too because the UK has the constitution and the political foundation for a dictatorship (of a form) while still maintaining parliament, but because the 21st century is all about (((democracy))), we're stuck with basically a parliamentary republic and a shadow monarch.
the market is the best democracy
You can't destroy something imaginary, silly.