go to 1 hour 17m 50s
Muslims worst enemy.. a middle eastern christian that can read and understand arabic.. Because unlike westerners it's not a mystery to him what they are instructed to do.. Savage.
go to 1 hour 17m 50s
Muslims worst enemy.. a middle eastern christian that can read and understand arabic.. Because unlike westerners it's not a mystery to him what they are instructed to do.. Savage.
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Allah is not satan. Satan is not allah. Because neither satan nor allah exists.
Also yes Islam is the worst religion the humanity has ever created. Second worst religion is, Christianity.
"oh isis killing muslims this is great evidence that isis is not muslim"..
"isis never kill a muslim isis kill the hipocrite muslim as the qu'ran says."
"if you find me one thing isis is doing that is not found in the islamic texts i will quit this thing right now" haha they can't produce anything..
Only Shi'a Twelver is real Islam. Wahabi Scum are zionist puppets.
>Shit vs chunky shit
what's the actual difference between Iran and Saudi Arabia? They both are terrorist states.
>Also yes Islam is the worst religion the humanity has ever created.
>Second worst religion is, Christianity.
Nah m8, I say this as a fedora, but both Islam and Christianity preserved antiquity and built civilizations, universities, libraries, and markets under them.
Islam shit the bed with the Mongol invasion and Christianity shit the bed with the inner corruption of the Catholic church, Orthodox cucking on Islam, and various Protestant splintering sects.
fuck off amerilard
Iran is actually not a bad place to live if one is a Christian, Jew, Sunni, Shia, other or none.
It's restrictive, sure, but not to the level of KSA.
It's slowly liberalizing, whereas the KSA is not.
Yeah both support proxy terror groups. I disagree with that, but guess what:
So does your country and mine.
Do you have any counterarguments or are you going to keep tipping your funny hat toward me with greater intensity?
If Carter didn't have a back channel with Khomeni Iran might be a nicer place right now.
>other or none.
are you for real
>It's slowly liberalizing, whereas the KSA is not.
Qur'an 9:73 go read it
"O Prophet, fight against the disbelievers and the hypocrites and be harsh upon them. And their refuge is Hell, and wretched is the destination."
ISIS is not killing adherenet muslim they are killing what they percieve to be hypocrites who do not follow allah.. as per allah's directive..
yeah, used to be the most liberal state in the Middle East. The whole nation was turning to degeneracy and communism. IDK why Sup Forumswould think that is a good thing. Luckily that was fixed in 1979.
Islam did not produce ANYTHING good
Christianity was even worse than Islam before reformation(s)
now fuck off. i hate pro-religion fags so much.
Look at your own qu'ran.. it says unbelievers and HYPOCRITES.. (muslims who are not muslim enough) these are the muslims that isis is killing..
Who told them to do that.. allah.. woops!
Qur'an 5:33
"Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment,"
Is ISIS following the qu'ran, seems to be the case.. you know the whole idea of radical people is that they manufacture something up that is not there in the texts, and create like a sect or something by misunderstanding something.. what is there to misunderstand with this explain it to me.. they are not radicals.. they are following it to the letter and there's not much confusion about what it says.
Paying mercenaries to commit a war of false flagging isn't islam.
Who "wages war against allah" those who do not submit or the hypocrites who also do not fully submit to the will of allah. How nice.
thank sean connery
It was the Iranian socialists that sided with the Muzzies because they both had a common enemy in Western Capitalist Bourgeois Democracy, and they miscalculated Islamic radical reactionaries with leftist radical revolutionaries .
Iran could have been a less shitty version of Turkey by now.
Have you been to Iran? Just stay outside of the bumblefuck woods and mountains, don't sperg out over your opinions on religion and politics, and you should be fine.
Not as slowly as I was making it seem. It may take a generation or two. Tehran college-age people are really chill, and Persian expats are like caricatures of upper middle class Americans.
I find it amazing that muslims tell with a straight face christians that they believe in jesus when they are instructed to crucify people.. christ was crucified.. seems rather odd that someone who claims superficially to venerate jesus has punishment for transgressions similar to what jesus went through.. interemesting!
>Because niether satan nor allah exists
>Turk flag
Alerted Ergodan authorities, enjoy reeducation.
I agree.
>don't sperg out over your opinions on religion
just confess that you're a christfag.
>now fuck off. i hate pro-religion fags so much.
Once again, I'm an atheist, but not a rabid anti-theist.
>Islam did not produce ANYTHING good
The Islamic Golden Age?
>Christianity was even worse than Islam before reformation(s)
Are you saying the Church did not found the first universities and fostered the first stable nation states?
I bet you still think they arrested Galileo because he said the Earth revolved around the Sun
nice joke. are you a christian? if yes, that explains the quality of your joke.
>Once again, I'm an atheist, but not a rabid anti-theist.
>The Islamic Golden Age?
some "muslim" scientists/philosophers were actually not muslim. Ghazali accused the progressive muslim scientists of being heretics.
Also, Islam itself did not create the Islamic golden age, translating ancient greek texts did.
>Are you saying the Church did not found the first universities and fostered the first stable nation states?
>I bet you still think they arrested Galileo because he said the Earth revolved around the Sun
Iirc you can actually be gay in Iran, but your forced to get MtF surgery
Iran is probably the best your ever going to get out of a Muslim country
>Tehran college-age people are really chill, and Persian expats are like caricatures of upper middle class Americans
wow. middle-upper class people are not durkas. how surprising.
>and Trump supporters are not Republicans
you can't explain that
stfu fake muslim roach
This is a quote that Christians can learn from.
f you hope at this juncture to cut the Gordian knots of socialism and communism by appealing to the center of Western capitalism, you will, far from remedying any of the ills of your society, commit a mistake which those to come will have to erase. For if Marxism has come to a deadlock in its social and economic policies, capitalism has also bogged down.
call me a muslim again and see what happens
Don't worry, no one thinks you're Muslim. We all think your country is an embarrassment to the religion.
i didn't call you a muslim, i called you a fake Muslim. Turkey is saturated with Islamic culture, even if you try to distance yourself from it. Worse than Jews if you ask me.
religion itself is an insult
Every christian is an infidel according to islam.
Why does it befuddle you so that I do not believe in the supernatural while not vilifying those that did or do?
I thought you said I was a secret Christian. Now I'm a Twelver?
>some "muslim" scientists/philosophers were actually not muslim. Ghazali accused the progressive muslim scientists of being heretics.
That's fine and I accept that. There were many Christian writers of doctrine and researchers of medicine and the sciences that weren't literalists either. I'm arguing that the overarching religious superstructure fostered progress and growth for many years.
>Also, Islam itself did not create the Islamic golden age, translating ancient greek texts did.
I'd also argue their conquest of Persia led to Persian architects, engineers, metallurgists, military strategists etc to be incorporated into the Caliphate. I'm not claiming it sprang out of nowhere. Similarly, Aquinas and others borrowed from the Greek philosophers. I am saying that they didn't stamp out different views entirely, but let them improve people's lives as need be.
Nope. The major church doctrinal writers already accepted a non-literal creation story and the church funded astronomers and physical scientists.
Galileo was sentenced to house arrest for disrespecting the Pope. It was a secular dispute that got him shitcanned, not a theological one.
>tips fedora
MFW theocracy is the only stable form of government in 50 years
Two men with fairy tales arguing with two men with different fairy tales.
Grow up manchildren. Atheism is here and atheism is the future. Religion is dead, everyone is laughing at it now. Spirituality is a different matter and completely understandable. I respect Sufi mystics as well as Christian monks because they go past the dogmatism and find meaning and value behind certain beliefs. Not blindly following
qu'ran 98:6 the christians and jews are the worst of creatures.
"Indeed, they who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture and the polytheists will be in the fire of Hell, abiding eternally therein. Those are the worst of creatures."
People of the scripture/of the book is jews and christians.. worst of creatures..
Again please go ahead and tell me when i'm misunderstanding something..
>I thought you said I was a secret Christian. Now I'm a Twelver?
Arr theists rook same
>but let them improve people's lives as need be.
they did not
see= Ghazali
>Nope. The major church doctrinal writers already accepted a non-literal creation story and the church funded astronomers and physical scientists.
This is revisionism. You cannot change the history buddy.
>Galileo was sentenced to house arrest for disrespecting the Pope. It was a secular dispute that got him shitcanned, not a theological one.
"Secular" dispute
Middle-upper middle class people set the tone for culture and politics to come.
Middle-upper middle class just a generation ago were not nearly as receptive to progress.
Yeah I'm not claiming it's a paradise, but it isn't fucking Saudi Arabia or even Afghanistan.
>If you hope at this juncture to cut the Gordian knots of socialism and communism by appealing to the center of Western capitalism, you will, far from remedying any of the ills of your society, commit a mistake which those to come will have to erase. For if Marxism has come to a deadlock in its social and economic policies, capitalism has also bogged down.
Recovering Rothbardian. I can't help but agree with the Ayatollah. Piss be upon him.
I'd argue that most political positions take as many rejection of empirical evidence and assumption of unproven variables than do many religious positions.
>not believing in a fictional book makes you a nihilist
Nobody knows what happens when you die. I like to think we'll carry on, but nobody can be sure.
I don't give a rat's ass about ISIS or muslims as long as their not in the US.
The moloch worshipping cult of the (((elite))) is being brought into the light and you're getting distracted.
> I respect Sufi mystics
You just went full kaffir. Never go full kaffir, user.
Sufism is the only interesting thing about Islam.
The rest is Judaism 2.0
Muslims are in precarious situation because their evil empire that was for 1400 years is no more.. so now they have to pretend that what they did for 1400 years is not what islam is eventhough it's straight forward.. what do you expect.. that they admit that's what they do when they are in much number.. it even says that they should wait to be in much number before attacking..
It's like a mass murderer that now is not in a position to murder people going "yeah ofcourse i don't want to kill you that's just nonsense" (but you slaughtered all those people when you were empire) "yeah well just ignore that i don't want to kill you now islam is peaceful"..
People are spiritually starved because of nihilism. I dont think you are a nihilist. But atheism raises up nihilists and that's a very unhealthy thing for society. It's at a point where believing in meme magic and an Egyptian Frog god is a step in the right direction. Just believe in something for God's sake
I couldn't say I'm an atheist. I'm inclined to believe there is something greater.
But I will never pray 5x a day towards Mecca just because a book tells me to, or believe Jesus is God because a book tells me to. Spirituality can exist without religion, but it takes effort
>I don't give a rat's ass about ISIS or muslims as long as their not in the US.
dont you think you're being a narrow minded little child for only being able to see the world in the favor of your vague geographical area of residence?
>Islam preserved antiquity and built civilizations, universities, libraries, and markets under them.
Legit bro, replying to your own posts like that make you look like an idiot.
Is this an usama thread or what?
I don't think you understand what "terrorist" means. turban =/= automatically terrorist, you inbred murrifat
>Arr theists rook same
A Taoist is not a Baptist. Sorry.
That somehow negates the progress and advancements made in the Muslim world until the Mongols?
>This is revisionism. You cannot change the history buddy.
Origen Adamantius questioned a literal creation just 3 or 4 generations after Jesus supposedly preached.
Also look at the sources cited here
Look up who thought of the Big Bang Theory
Look up the research conducted at the Vatican University
>"Secular" dispute
Oh yeah, the Pope was a politician as well a religious figure. And this is where I disagree with Catholics a bit- Popes tended to be petty, egotistical and corrupt as fuck.
Galileo's research was accepted with interest, but some questioned his math since he didn't observe/know about the Parallax Effect. GG did insult the Pope personally- not the church, not theology- and got house arrest.
qu'ran 47:35
"So do not weaken and call for peace while you are superior; and Allah is with you and will never deprive you of [the reward of] your deeds." go look up aswell ibn kathir analysis.
So when muslims are not superior in numbers (explained in other part) they can be nicey nicey "oh we just peaceful nice people you have your religion i have mine) but as soon as they are in superior numbers, do not call for peace.. but attack..
There's wisdom to be sought after. You just have to decide for yourself.
>Islam is peaceful religion
>qu'ran says do not call for peace when you are superior
See the problem? the ignorance about the texts of westerners who wishful think their way about islam.. is a massive problem.. they could go right now and read it.. and look up all the passages in the video, they have that opportunity EASILY, but they do not..
>That somehow negates the progress and advancements made in the Muslim world until the Mongols?
you don't know anything about Ghazali and Islamic golden age. Ghazali singlehandedly fucked up """Islamic""" golden age
>the Pope was a politician as well a religious figure
How ""secular""
anyway, All kinds of religion (especially Islam and christianity) and adherents of religion need to die. They of course are not going to kill themselves, we need the good ol' Soviet/Maoist style atheism back to completely destroy religion.
Islam is neither peaceful nor violent. It's just a religion, like all others.
People will make of religion what they will, which is why it is dangerous.
Sure let's bring in millions of people with a belief that instructed them to try to kill us for 1400 years.. and by all means let them practice that belief and grow their numbers in your nation.. what could possibly go wrong.. what are you against progress.. one world man let's smoke some weed..
>Islam is neither peaceful nor violent. It's just a religion, like all others.
it's the WORST religion
Ashkenazi Jews are not Jews.
Oh really?
True. Judaism theoretically is just as bad, but they don't do shit anymore. All Abrahamic faiths need to die.
I can handle some old school zoroastrianism, sikhism, tengrism, paganism, etc. But fuck Abraham and his evil chaos god
I tell you what can go wrong, lebanon tried the multi culti and add islam.. they repaid the christians by outgrowing population on purpose via 4 wives as dictated by islam.. and initiating a civil war with the christians going into a church on a sunday morning and butchering all of the congregation and continuing from there..
Vid related.
>Islamic Golden Age
Literally never existed
Everything they "discovered" was nothing more than them finally being able to translate all of the texts from the libraries they stole when they started their conquest.
When the Roman empire split all of the most important discoveries and texts were sent to secure libraries and fortresses in the eastern empire to be safeguarded.
Muslims take over the lands and the eastern empire falls apart
Muslims get all the knowledge combined from over 2 thousand years of learning and suddenly it's "their golden age"
Kill yourself kebab
>People are spiritually starved because of nihilism
People are spiritually starved because of the Jews pushing a negative inaccurate view of nihilism
I am a nihilist
Spiritually I am quite fine
People are not because they seek to fill the void of lack of understanding that nothing matters instead of understanding that there is nothing to fill in the first place
And when they had superior numbers they initiated the attack exactly as what they were instructed to do.. imagine the "surprise"..
Wasn't the reason the Islamic Golden Age was good is because they put Islam on the backburner? Choosing to no focus on the dogmatic side and more spiritual?
Then you had some retard caliph who made a fatwa that working with numbers (math & science) is satanic
>>The Islamic Golden Age?
I think you mean the arabic golden age, up until that point when islamic scholars decided that math is evil.
Islam = we don't want to massacre you all right away untill we get superior numbers so don't worry till then the individual jihad practice we will just call "extremist" and "nothing to do with islam" but when we are superior in numbers and we get ready to slaughter you they will say.. "you deserve it kuffar"..
literally in the fucking texts for them to do this.. and people are to much in denial to admit what it says and confront them on this issue..
Lebanon example.. who cares.. just ignore it they seem nice.. yeah.. right now they might.. against them make ready like the qu'ran says.. they are preparing when they get enough numbers to slit your throat en masse just like lebanon and other places.. why.. look at their fucking texts.. it's not their own personal self created idea..
No mere human being even a psychopath could create by itself something so sinister and something so full of hatred of mankind and those who will not prescribe to an inhuman way of submission to something.. as the mujahids say.. we love death more than we love life.. islam glorifies slaughter it wants bloodshed not to stop it or avoid it.. untill every single one is like them afraid to do anything but to submit to the will of allah.. allah is terror muhammad is terror they both mention terrorizing those who will not submit both muhammad and allah in the qu'ran terrorizes unbelievers..
I'm not saying Muhammad wasn't a war chief, the Barbary Pirates dindu nuffin, and the Ottoman Slave Trade didn't exist.
I am saying that the current incarnation of Islam and Islamic society is not what it was.
Allah is satan.. not god.. the sooner you realize this, the better.. the evil god of this world associated with saturn which leads to his prison which they venerate.. just as the bible said.. and before he was cast in prison he ruled the ancient world as a wicked but powerful false god, in his cherubim form the greatest army of man would be like a single ant to him.
the cube is symbolic of his maximum security prison a 4d hypercube with infinite spatial dimensions.. this is the cube they are obsessed with.. and crescent and star is associated with saturn, even the "sun worship" like atum the stationary sun.. it's not the sun it's saturn viewed from the poles.. the sun moves around during the day it's not stationary.. on south pole of saturn an eye storm (allseeing eye) on north pole of saturn (hexagon 4x size of earth which is the cube) inside a hexagon you can draw a 2d cube..
The only way out or in this prison is those who made it to collapse infinity into a singular cube which inherits the exit on the outer perimeter of the cube which extends infinite.. bigger on inside than on the outside.. as explored in cube 2 hypercube movie.
Bottomless pit, wherever you go.. infinity..
Hence the angel with the key to the bottomless pit causing a collapse of the cube collapsing it from infinity to non infinite. Only those who made it can open it.