Jim VS Rick and Morty

It's up.

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this guy is a colossal faggot, why dont you ask what the internet aristocrat thinks of this dude

go to bed metokur

Amazing how all these gamergater retards started putting out anti-Rick and Morty videos all at the same time

ITT: Ass blasted Tumblrites and Rick and Morty retatds.

oh l bet he would hate-fuck him

He's, it's almost like there was some sort of stabbing recently that started over a fucking children's show.

Nice spelling o wise one

Don't argue with Rick and Morty fans, they're simply too intelligent to dignify a response to you

That's because reddit sperged out across the country

>That's because the majority of their fanbase sperged out across the country and Roiland had to come out and make a statement amounting to literally #notallricks

Sup Forums comics & cartoons & youtube commentary

It's the "e-celeb fans come to Sup Forums and pretend people dislike their idol cause they're SJWs" episode.

but it's true honey-pie, they are SJWs

How does it feel to know your favorite show will go down in history as having a worse fanbase than MLP?

Literally who?

The infamous alt-right gamergator nazi known as jim

He doesn't even mention SJWs in the video, you triggered Tumblrite.

He makes fun of shit communities on the internet and likes to poke fun at autists.

Jim gave up SJW videos ages ago because it just wasn't fun for him anymore. He's back to pure lolcow which is what he's been doing for years

You have never been part of a fanbase, haven't you? they find pleasure with their autistic actions.

I didn't know The Wire fanbase was this cancerous. I feel like shit now.

He'll probably go back eventually, but only when some REALLY stupid shit starts going on in the SJW sphere.

this post was rated poorly

Sage meet thread

Jim,working the Sup Forums marks.

Announcing you're saging is against the rules.

>27 replies
>15 posters
please give up metokur

>you can only post once in the thread
>that wasn't even your first post

Put him on the pan pizza podcast

Are you retarded?

He's the one /our guy/ youtuber I like.

>not the first post from this IP

He'd probably start making fun of Pan for the whole crying while masturbating thing.

To be fair, you have to have a very high level IQ to understand his videos.

Sounds perfect for Sup Forums.

I mean, he had a series making fun of fetishists, so technically he already did.

What makes it seem like a children's show to you?

He's providing high-level social commentary and documenting interesting concepts that take place on the internet. If someone hate's on Jim, he will meet with my fucking fist, I'm not even joking.

Low effort, juvinial writing. It's the kind of shit you like when you're an edgy twelve year old.


Some lie haters are spreading to make the show and it's fan base look bad

Some faggot got pissed that McDonalds ran out of that stupid fucking meme sauce and shanked someone.

What counts as high effort?

Wasn't enough sauce to put on the nuggies so someone took the blade between ribs.

How much do you wanna bet he shouted "wubaluba dub dub"?

Save for pizzagate and the like, I think Jim is pretty cool. The only time he gets really stale is when he does a sarcastic bit for most of the video


Not being as repetitive and formulaic as Rick And Morty. Every fucking joke plays out the same and it's extremely low brow. Again, the type of shit an edgy 12 year old would like.

he is doing gods work

>Watches video
>Remember the post in pic-related
He was right! The user, not Jim. But then again both made the same point, so both were riht!

He went full Travis Pickle.

>fucking children's show.
It's TV-MA idiot.

>getting fooled by branding
No wonder you got apeshit over some teriyaki sauce

This is a bad thread and you all need to need to fuck off away from my Sup Forums

>liberal boohooing ITT

It's also a fucking cartoon, autist. You are actually flailing and crying that your CARTOON is for big boys and should be treated as such.

The comparison to Big Bang Theory isn't 100% on the nose, but there are some similiarities I never considered before.

I once read an user here say "Rick and Morty is Big Bang Theory for people that really hate Big Bang Theory"

he's not wrong

It's TV-14 for starters and second those ratings mean jack shit. Family Guy is MA now and it's still a show only edgy 12 year olds would like.

Go shove some cucumbers down your pussy, Jim

Give an example

That should be your new home.

I didn't understand it

It's popular and it panders to """nerds""" so they are the same?

>go shove PICKLE RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK down your pussy jim

holy shit


Show about pusedu intellectuals written by people who don't know how smart people act and panders to people who like to wank themselves off for being "smart"

Yes I watch the show, no I didn't wait for the fucking sauce. I am a moralfag though and I am bothered by children watching violent and vulgar shows like Rick and Morty

Stabbing a guy is nothing. People are filing class-action lawsuit against McDonalds over this. It's gonna be huge.

Fuck Rick and Morty, fuck Szechuan Sauce, fuck Gamergate, fuck Jim, fuck Sup Forums, and fuck everyone in this thread

Family Guys fanbase doesn't have the shitty reputation that R&M has. Sure they are crap, but as far as lm aware - a Family Guy fan has never gone apeshit on a McDonalds counter

>I hate everyone
Worse, you're smart.

Family Guy fans are basically Jerry Springer fans

>he actually used the shadman edit from that thread


>Scene opens with Morty/other hipavenalating
>Rick remains calm and straight entire scene.
>something strange shows up.
>Both begin stuttering, screaming, and audibly describing what's on the screne.
>"B-B-but Rick! Y-you know how to handle thks"
>"F-F fuck that *urp* Morty. RUN!"

That or

>Rick calmly shoots the beats, makes a fast joke, then shits on Morty/other for freaking out.

That's just how you pronounce it in Joizee

To be fair you have to have a very high IQ to understand my shitpost

Oh, so you were homeschooled.

When the brony fad finally dies, we can send the Rick and Morty fans to /mlp/!

>my little pickle

Did somebody actually get stabbed or am I being meme'd here?

>Show about pusedu intellectuals written by people who don't know how smart people act

I agree here, but I think the BBT audience watched it mostly to feel better about themselves not being NASA scientists. "Lol at least I'm not frightened of women and I can drive a car! BAZINGA"

It'll never fully die. Like the Sonic fan base, bits of it will survive.

Someone actually got shanked over meme sauce, yes.

>fuck Jim
I would desu, he sounds pretty damn fuckable.

Yeah I agree. People mainly hate him because he is an e-celeb, but he's a pretty sensible dude.

Rick and Morty is a cartoon show of peace.

Is he really an e-celeb? He doesn't have a face and doesn't parade himself like say Pan.


Eat shit bitch


Wow nice /r/dankmemes

they call anyone with more than 100k subscribers an e-celeb nowadays




Just move them to /mlp/, I was dead serious about that shit.



No, they don't need their own board. They already have one and we all know what it's called.
I've been saying for months these fucks should be moved to a general on /trash/

Just give them a general here and delete any other Rick and Morty threads, same with Star Vs. if both shows had one general at all times Sup Forums would be a better place.

Look, I don't think Rick and Morty is an intelectual show. And this season's beeen relying too much on shock humor so it appeals more to edgy teenagers but
>That's part of the characters personalities, Morty is new to this whole thing while Rick is used to it. It's not suppossed to be a joke, it's characterization. Also this newer season has Morty getting used to all of this
>That just happened once, the first episode
>Same shit as the first one