How's this bad? She gets rid of Muslims, then after her term, we get rid of niggers.
I would if she has a chance at winning.
>this is all about race
>nobody seems to care that a bunch of opinions don't give you the ability to run a country.
> I vote for niggers
> I only vote for candidates who are winning anyway
I have no idea which one of you is worse.
>White nigger trump
>Triggered white niggers
OP makes an apt comparison.
If you wouldn't vote for someone like this you're an extremely shortsighted retard
>>White nigger trump
>>Triggered white niggers
It's cracker, nigger
You don't get into primaries by being an absolute nobody. If Latisha doesn't have political experience, then she's probably a businesswoman, a police chief, a judge or somebody else like that.
Who woudnt.
why is this a bad thing?
I don't read that anywhere in OPs suggested situation. I don't like wild assumptions.
I don't think you realize why Sup Forums is right wing, anti-fem, etc. Its because those things are the cause of white decline in white countries. All of the ideology pol pushes is caused by race. So no you can't have a black leader to an alternative right movement. It would be like if a white guy runs the black power party....
nice dubs.
But crackers are a seperate class of white trash.
The white niggers are the ones who need there to be black niggers.
It's common sense. Trumo was never a senator or a governor, but he's famous for other shit - being a property tycoon and a TV star.
Eisenhower was a general. So was Grant. So was Taylor. Taft was a judge. Even Hoover was famous for something before getting elected.
this is 4d chess by deffinition
>Fell for the pol is racist meme
>The white niggers are the ones who need there to be black niggers.
Sure I'd just rather call them Numales
Sup Forums is tsundre for black girls. Everyone knows this except you pleddit.
>against identity politics
> wants policies based around saving the white race
>the possibility of the first woman president being a nightmare for the liberals
I'd sign on
>implying I ever said anything bad about identity politics
Identity politics is just politics, all opinions are rooted in identity
if it was the same it would just be called politics
numales leave their basement.
the white triggered niggers are just sitting in the basement being poor and wishing the world would stop becoming more diverse. They're the ones trying to meme trump into the president.
American on bottom left clearly fucking gets it.
Fuck off hat
i would marry-er-uh I MEAN vote for her in a second
I'm at work right now, pussy. Numales are living at home with their parents with a long road of paying off their college loans. Someone should have told them their gender studies degrees won't get them paid or laid.
At least they have plebbit and overwatch amirite?
The insane thing is... Sup Forums isn't really racist. We don't actually hate people for their looks, but their behavior. We respect black people such as sleepy doctor and sheriff clarke without question.
Black woman/white male is the most stable and successful interracial relationship.
Wee I'm famous.
I'm talking about
>triggered white niggers
who have spent their basement dwelling lives trying to meme someone, anyone, into pop culture so they can feel as if they're not the lowest pole on the totem.
They hate diversity, because it means there's people being promoted above them, and they're failures. They're white trash adjacent. They get triggered when a person of color speaks.
>triggered white nigger
I assume you're it.
>triggered white nigger
Reddit migrants, everybody. Fucking embarrassing.
home of the
>white triggered nigger
I respect some blacks, but I still want a white ethnostate. Sheriff Clarke can lead them when they all get sent to Liberia.
Don't worry, you're in good company.
Black people aren't all bad, they just never went through the same kind of environmental selection that certain other races did to weed out the inferior specimens, making those specimens still exist in disproportionately large numbers.
It's not hard to find people who know at least one black person who is as decent of a human being as the average white person.
This doesn't have anything to do with the pretend scenario above, other than suggest that such a person could, theoretically exist. I would vote for such a person, if only to upset the various unthinking progressives I know personally who use various liberal ideals to dampen their admitted shame of themselves and their personality flaws rather than working to improve themselves in any way. This is assuming that her opponent was a less desirable or neutral candidate in my eyes.
>posts a white triggered nigger
nice logic Sup Forums
>doesn't post a white triggered nigger
Memes aren't born this way, dummy.
>triggered right nigger
I wonder who might be behind those posts.
>on Sup Forums
>ironic responses seriously
It's reactionary racism senpai, unlike liberals"UR A WHITE MALE" racism
If niggers didn't nig I doubt Sup Forums would be as racist
Kek confirms. Where is my redpilled nig gf?
Then why would most of us support the black girl in the OP?
You're assblasted and projecting. How are those loans comin pal? :^)
What the fuck is the problem? If the person is against shitty politics who cares. The edge is real with this stormfag
We've been flooded with faggots this election.
You have to find her, Kek helps those who help themselves.
That's like saying "if blacks were 100% like whites in every aspect aside of looks, would you like em more?" Well yeah, dah. But they aren't, and they can't be.
Who's that shitposter?
>le all of Sup Forums is stormfront meme
fuck off
Yay i'm in the leaf's bait
Caucasoid features > skin color.
Would race mix with.
Im not a "neo-nazi stooge" stormfaggot
So i would vote for her.
I don't see the problem with voting for based black people like Ben Carson.
Of course a muslim rape baby would say that.
If italians, spaniards and slavs aren't white, who is? Surely not pic related.
It's almost like the alt-right isn't actually racist or something.
As a leftist who lived in the south fuck off with this faggotry. "UR A WHITE MALE" shit is as common if not less so than that of "FUCK ALL NON WHITES BECAUSE NON WHITE.".
Niggers nigging is the reason most of you are right wing in the first fucking place
One is embraced by the media and taught in schools while the other will get you fired/expelled/shunned
And God's not Dead is a biography
How is that related?
He's trying to pretend his ideas aren't retarded and self-destructive and that we're bad people for reacting to people who want to destroy us